
  1. 在Cu-Zr-Cr合金中采用Te元素代替合金中的Cr元素,从而避免了Cr6+可能产生的危害。

    Te was used to replace Cr in Cu-Zr-Cr alloy to prepare the Cu-Zr-Te alloy , which can avoid the harm of Cr ~ 6 + .

  2. 设计中引进雕塑元素代替无数的墓石。

    Sculptural elements were introduced to take the place of innumerable gravestones .

  3. 厄普-托马斯还发现如果植物极其需要特定的养分,它们仍然会用其他的元素代替来生长成熟。

    Earp-Thomas also discovered that if plants are starved for a particular nutrient they will still grow to maturity by substituting other elements .

  4. 但由于镍资源的稀少以及其价格进来涨幅巨大,因而就需要通过其它元素代替镍,来降低成本。

    However , the resource of Ni is rare and its price has recently aroused sharply recently , so as to use other element to replace Ni to cut the cost down .

  5. 有的人物作品直接用黑白这种水墨画的元素代替色彩绘制朴素的风格,有的作品以变幻莫测的灰色表现当代都市的主流色彩。

    Some people work directly substitute elements of black and white with color drawing simple style , and some works represent the mainstream of contemporary urban color with the vagaries of the gray .

  6. 研究结果表明:用微量钒钛元素代替比较昂贵的钼铜元素生产高铬铸铁磨球,可提高磨球的耐磨性能,并降低生产成本。

    The results of research indicated that in using smell amount of V and Ti to substitute for expensive Mo and Cu to produce high chromium cast iron grinding ball , its wearability can be improved , and its cost of production can be decreased .

  7. 在耐火钢中可以添加微量B元素来代替Mo元素,并制定合理的控轧控冷工艺,可在耐火钢中实现降Mo含量的成分设计。

    B element can be added to replace Mo element in FR steel , it can reduce the content of Mo element in FR steel to make a reasonable controlled rolling and controlled cooling process .

  8. 有些公司则设想利用钍元素来代替铀作为裂变燃料。

    Some envision using the element thorium instead of uranium .

  9. 选择材料及其形式的原初状态或分解性元素来代替审美语汇上的舒适性和欺骗性。

    Choose materials and their forms for their matter-of-factness or disassembled elements rather than immerse themselves comfortably and deceptively in aesthetic idiom .

  10. 由于使用远场近似所引起的误差与由于用四边形元素来代替物面的基本近似所引起的误差相比,是可以略去的。

    Errors arising from the use of the far-field approximations are negligible in comparison with those duo to the substitution of the quadrilateral elements for the basic approximation of the body surface .

  11. 两个函数都要求提供的模式文档声明或定义要测试的实例元素,以及代替组head元素或引用类型。

    Both functions require that the provided schema documents declare or define the instance element to be tested and the substitution group head element or the referenced type .

  12. 每天一苹果的目的是使人们从富含维生素和纤维的苹果中摄取微量元素,从而代替从不健康的小点心中摄取的同类物质。

    The idea being that calories from a vitamin and fiber-packed apple might displace those from less salubrious snacks .

  13. 然后遍历元素声明的代替链或类型层次结构,以决定元素声明是否满足代替或类型衍生要求。

    They then traverse a substitution chain of element declarations or a type hierarchy to determine whether the element declaration satisfies the substitution or type derivation requirements .

  14. 事实上这里只有一个真正的区别,这个区别会带来一些不同的影响:容器元素被asp:PlaceHolder控件代替了。

    There 's one real difference , with a few different effects-container elements have been replaced by asp : PlaceHolder controls .

  15. 介绍了复合氨基酸微量元素鳌合物代替无机盐作为饲料添加剂在饲料行业应用研究的情况和生产工艺改进所取得的成果。

    This article has introduced the situation of compound amino acid chelated mineral element substitutes for inorganic salts as feed additive used in feed fields and the achievement gained from improving production technology .

  16. 虽然你意愿将自己的元素结构以磁性元素代替,但除非你的相关DNA为磁性语言,否则该意愿无法在能量场中实现。

    Although one can intend to replace one 's elemental structure with magnetic elements , unless the DNA associated is of magnetic language , then the intention will not take hold within one 's energy field .

  17. 他们认为,比如,用一种元素可以做的,用它邻近的元素,代替它的位置,也应该能做到。

    They thought , for example , if you could do something with one element , if you looked at an element very close to it , it would be similar enough that you could maybe replace it with that .

  18. 如果实例文档中的元素被声明为位于以元素QName指定的元素为首的代替组中,则返回true。

    It returns true if the element in the instance document is declared to be in the substitution group headed by the element identified by the element QName .

  19. 加入强化元素能进一步提高合金的热强性.用轻稀土元素代替Y则能降低生产成本。

    Addition of strengthening elements can further improve heat-resisting strength ; while light rare-earth elements can reduce the production cost instead Of Y.