
  • mineral processing flowsheet
  1. 用VB开发选矿工艺流程计算应用软件

    Application software for the calculation of mineral processing flowsheet developed by Visual Basic

  2. 针对某热液蚀变的接触变质原生硫化铜矿床矿石,进行了合理的选矿工艺流程和新药剂制度的研究。

    To treat a certain hydrothermal alteration contact metamorphic proterozoic copper sulphide mine , the mineral processing flowsheet and reagent system were investigated and adjusted , and a flowsheet , which is structurally simple and easy to industrialize , was proposed .

  3. 关于GJT铁矿石选矿工艺流程的探讨

    Study of beneficiation flowsheet of GJT iron ore

  4. 利用VB开发的选矿工艺流程计算应用软件可解决选矿设计中工艺流程计算问题,提高选矿设计的速度和质量。

    The flowsheet calculation problems in mineral processing design can be resolved by the application software for the calculation of mineral processing flow sheet developed by Visual Basic . The speed and quality of mineral processing design can be improved by the software .

  5. 中小型锡重选厂尾矿选矿工艺流程研究

    Study on Processing Flowsheet of Tailing in Small-Middle-Sized Tin Gravity Concentrator

  6. 多金属硫化矿含金矿石选矿工艺流程试验研究

    Experimental study on process flow of gold containing complex sulphide ore

  7. 新疆某砂岩铜矿选矿工艺流程的研究

    Study on mineral processing technology of sandstone copper ore in Xinjiang

  8. 河北某低品位铁矿选矿工艺流程研究

    Mineral processing technology study on a low-grade iron ore in Hebei

  9. 含金多金属硫化矿石选矿工艺流程的研究

    Study on the mill circuit for the gold-bearing complex sulfide ore

  10. 隐山蓝晶石矿选矿工艺流程及综合利用研究

    Study on Processing Flowsheet and Multipurpose Utilization of Yinshan Cyanite Mine

  11. 宝山西部铅锌银矿选矿工艺流程研究

    Study on the technological process for beneficiation of Lead-zinc-silver ore in West Baoshan

  12. 某难选硫化铜矿石选矿工艺流程研究

    Study on the Technological Flow Sheet of processing a Refractory Copper Sulphide Ore

  13. 某金银多金属硫化矿选矿工艺流程的对比与研究

    Contrast and Study on Mineral Processing Circuits of Multi-metal Sulphide Ores with Gold and Silver

  14. 矿石加工技术性能良好,采用二次精选,一次扫选半闭路式选矿工艺流程。

    Ore processing technology is good .

  15. 选矿工艺流程的计算

    Calculation of beneficiation process flow

  16. 对德钦羊拉嵌布复杂的硫化铜矿石进行选矿工艺流程试验。

    Flowsheet study of mineral processing technology for Deqin Yangla complicated copper sulphide ore is conducted in this paper .

  17. 对伴生有金且含有铁、硫和稀土的铜矿石选矿工艺流程进行了研究。

    Study on technological flowsheet for sulphide copper ore containing iron , sulphur and rare-earth metal minerals was carried out .

  18. 根据试验结果,推荐的试验流程为阶段磨矿弱磁选硫铜混浮铁精矿脱硫选矿工艺流程。

    According to the test results , recommend the experiment process as stage grinding-low intensity magnetic separation-sulfur-copper bulk flotation-desulfurization of iron concentrate .

  19. 针对江西某硫化铜矿石的特征,进行了合理的选矿工艺流程和新药剂制度的研究。

    According to the characteristics of copper sulphide ore , the mineral processing flow-sheet and new reagent system were investigated and adjusted .

  20. 特别论述了所选择的选矿工艺流程是否合理必将影响到产品选别指标的好坏,而产品方案的安排又将涉及到矿山的经济效益。

    Especially the article suggests that technological flowsheet can influence the product scheme and so does the product scheme to the economy of ore deposits .

  21. 粗细分选选矿工艺流程的总结和展望(上)氟碳铈矿粗细分选新工艺

    Summary and envisage of the beneficiation technological flowsheets for the separate treatment of fine and coarse ores (ⅰ) Bastnasite Separation Process Based on Size Fractions

  22. 通过技术改造使选矿工艺流程及设备日趋完善,提高了设备运转率和选矿回收率。

    After the technological transformation , the ore processing flowsheet and equipment was improved , and the equipment operation rate and ore dressing recovery rate was enhanced .

  23. 根据目前矿石性质选矿工艺流程现状,对选矿生产过程中存在的问题进行了分析,提出了相应的解决措施。

    The article had pointed out the question exists in the Hubei Sanxin gold copper limited liability company dressing workshop production process , and proposed the corresponding solution measure .

  24. 本文就我国内蒙古白云鄂博矿、四川冕宁矿、山东微山矿的稀土选矿工艺流程予以介绍,并对上述地区生产工艺中存在的问题加以讨论。

    The different rare earth ore dressing processes adopted in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , Shandong and Sichuan Provinces are introduced and the problems are discussed in this paper .

  25. 对某锡石多金属硫化矿进行了浮选重选和重选浮选的选矿工艺流程研究,结果表明两流程均可产出锡粗精矿以及富中矿,锡总回收率61.81%-67.90%;

    Results of processing the metallic sulfide ore show that the rough concentrate and rich middling of tin can be obtained both by the two combined processing flowsheet of flotation-gravity concentration and gravity concentration-flotation .

  26. 根据矿石性质,采用硫化混合浮选&铜铅分离选矿工艺流程,最终得到高质量铜精矿及铅精矿,铜精矿品位20.77%、回收率52.38%,铅精矿品位65.99%、回收率62.67%。

    According to the character of the ore , adopt the ore dressing work process of sulphide bulk floatation and Cu-Pb separating , as a result , proper quality Cu and Pb finished ore were obtained .

  27. 其中选矿工艺流程中未设磨矿作业,采用破碎+洗矿+重选+炭浸+堆浸组合工艺的实施是取得优异成效的关键因素之一。

    It is one of the key factors for its excellent achievements that there is no grinding in its beneficiation flowsheet and its adopts a technology combining crushing , washing , gravity separation , carbon-in-pulp leaching and heap leaching .

  28. 介绍了东鞍山铁矿石的工艺矿物学特征和选矿工艺流程的研究工作,分析了各工艺流程的特点及近几年选矿工艺流程所做的完善工作,提出了进一步提高分选技术研究的建议。

    The paper describes the research of the characteristics of technological mineralogy and the beneficiation technological flowsheets , analyses the feathers of each flowsheet , presents the imperfection work made in recent years on the beneficiation flowsheet and gives suggestion on the further improvement of beneficiation technology .

  29. 结果表明,再磨-浮选-磁选流程结构简单,设备运转稳定,易操作,且能得到合格产品,可推荐作为半工业试验选矿工艺流程。

    The results show that the flowsheet of regrinding flotation magnetic separation has the advantages of simple structure , stable equipment operation and easy operation . In addition , it can produce qualified product , as a result , it is recommended as the technological flowsheet for the pilot test .

  30. 针对西部某一大型斑岩铜矿床矿石进行了选矿合理工艺流程和药剂制度的研究。

    Reasonable mineral processing flowsheet and regime of agent have been studied for the ores in a certain large porphyry deposit .