
  1. 不同物种的进化是自然选择的结果。

    The development of different species is the result of natural selection .

  2. 感染者体内存在的HCV准种反映在特定环境下以病毒复制、变异为基础的突变株竞争性选择的结果。

    Existence of HCV quasispecies reflectes the results of competitive selection based on the viral replication in certain circumstances .

  3. 物种的进化是自然选择的结果。

    The development of species was the result of natural selection .

  4. 这种不同选择的结果是无法预言的。

    It is impossible even to sketch the consequences of such choices .

  5. 资助该规划是多个艰难选择的结果。

    Funding for this program was the result of many hard choices .

  6. 择校费是学校与学生双向选择的结果。

    School Choosing fee is a two-way selection of schools and students .

  7. 网络产品的市场份额既是消费者选择的结果,又是消费者选择的依据。

    Customer choice determines the market share of network products .

  8. 城市社会空间的隔离也是人们自我选择的结果。

    Urban social isolation is also roomed in the self-selection of people .

  9. 营造模式主要是政府选择的结果;

    The built-mode mainly origins from the government 's choice .

  10. 译本是译者动态顺应和选择的结果。

    Translation is the product of dynamic adaptation and choices .

  11. 每个人的现实存在都是自我选择的结果。

    The real existence of everyone is the outcome of individual choice .

  12. 当然,这种生活方式并不总是选择的结果。

    Of course , this does not always represent a lifestyle choice .

  13. 零件选择的结果需要满足特定的设计约束。

    Rational constraints should be applied to limit the results of part selection .

  14. 我选择的结果只是让我觉得更安慰一些。

    I choose the outcome I find more comforting .

  15. 金融史实质上就是制度突变和自然选择的结果。

    Financial history is essentially the result of institutional mutation and natural selection .

  16. 男人寻找有吸引力的女人并不是达尔文的随机选择的结果。

    That men find women attractive is no random chance result of Darwinian process .

  17. 生物对环境的适应,是自然选择的结果之一。

    Living creature adapting to its environment is one of natural selection 's results .

  18. 总之,这种选择的结果经常导致这些女性没有婚姻或者是连交情关系都没有。

    After all , the alternative is often no marriage or relationship at all .

  19. 其生殖对策及进化是高寒环境选择的结果。

    Its reproductive strategy and evolution was the result of the selection of alpine enviroment .

  20. 你明天的生活就是你今天的生活态度和所作选择的结果。

    Your life tomorrow is the result of your attitudes and choices you make today .

  21. 一个罪犯,是受到惩罚,还是被确定为清白者?由其选择的结果来定。

    Crime was punished , or innocence was decided , by the result of chance .

  22. 一个适切的模糊限制语往往是在一系列变量中进行选择的结果。

    The choice of an appropriate hedge is made among a wide range of variables .

  23. 审计独立性首先是市场选择的结果;

    Audit independence results from market choice .

  24. 制度不是固定不变的、外生的,而是人类历史选择的结果。

    Institutions are not changeless or external , but the result that human history chooses .

  25. 产业空间集聚的本质是经济行为主体相互选择的结果。

    The nature of industry agglomeration is the result of economy subject choosing each other .

  26. 出生性别比失调是人们的生育意愿、国家的生育政策、以及育龄夫妇从家庭角度进行理性选择的结果,我们应该采取综合措施包括完善生育政策来应对这一挑战。

    We should take comprehension measurements to meet the challenge including perfecting family planning policy .

  27. 你今天的生活就是你过去的生活态度和所作选择的结果。

    Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past .

  28. 不,孔雀的尾巴是雌孔雀交配选择的结果。

    No , the peacock 's tail results from the mating choices made by peahens .

  29. 本文简介:女人们倾心于高个子男人,这是自然选择的结果吗?

    In this article : is it natural selection that makes women go for taller men ?

  30. 简单特性可能就是原始的和通过减少而衍生的,选择的结果可能有迥异的意义。

    Simple characteristics could be primitive or derived via reduction , alternatives with very different meanings .