
  • 网络ATHENE;Athena
  1. 她就是智慧女神雅典娜,掌管知识,是雅典的保护神。

    She was Athena , goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens .

  2. 智慧女神雅典娜则代表艺术典型的纯思维活动;

    Athena , the goddess of wisdom and patroness of arts , personified pure intellect ;

  3. 这个女人,她生着我那失踪的朋友一样的脸蛋,又具有智慧女神雅典娜的风度,我是她手掌之中的什么角色呢?

    What am I in the hands of this woman , who has my lost friend 's face and the manner of Pallas Athen è .

  4. 例如,米勒娃麦格,霍格沃兹魔法学校的副校长,她的名字就影射着智慧女神雅典娜(在罗马神话中,又叫做米勒娃)。

    For example , Minerva McGonagall , name of the vice president of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry , represents the goddess of wisdom Athena , also called Minerva in Roman mythology .

  5. 本文通过考察相关的古典文本、古典时代的视觉形象和考古遗物等,力图还原智慧女神雅典娜在古希腊人眼中的意象。

    This paper restored , through the investigations of related theories , mythologies , classical texts , visual images , as well as archaeological relics , the view of the ancient Greeks on the imagery of Athena , Goddess of Wisdom .

  6. 不久,宙斯头痛难忍,便命令手下的神用斧头劈开他的头颅,他的女儿——全身武装的智慧女神雅典娜便跳了出来。

    Sometime later , having developed a phenomenal headache , he got one of his fellow gods to chop his skull open with an axe . Out jumped his new daughter , Athena , goddess of wisdom , in full battle gear .