
  • 网络outwit;Outwitted;outsmart
  1. 他反正总能设法智胜对手。

    Somehow he always manages to outwit his opponents .

  2. 谷歌开发AlphaGo电脑是一家科技公司利用人工智能试图在游戏中智胜人类的最新尝试。

    Google 's development of its AlphaGo computer is the latest attempt by a technology company to use AI to try and outwit humans in games .

  3. 他再次证明了自己能够智胜军方。

    He has shown once again that he 's able to outmanoeuvre the military

  4. 智胜学院日前正在为高中生提供新的阅读课程,以提高他们的AP英语、历史和社会科学类的分数。

    Advance Academy is offering a new critical reading class for high schools students who want to improve their grades in their AP English , history , and social science classes .

  5. 为了智胜面具恶人杰森(Jason),这位“最后的女孩”得好好动用智慧。她穿上他妈妈的毛线衣,假扮成他的妈妈。

    To outsmart the masked evildoer Jason , this final girl uses her wits : She puts on his mother 's sweater and pretends to be her .

  6. 我得学会如何躲避他,智胜他。

    I had to learn how to elude him , outsmart him .

  7. 做假动作通过做假动作蒙蔽或智胜防守球员。

    To deceive or outmaneuver a defender by a feint .

  8. 有规律的冲水,这样你便能智胜蚊子了。

    Flush water regularly and you should outsmart them .

  9. 苏克智胜追踪者而逃往国外。

    Suk outsmarted his pursuers and escaped abroad .

  10. 她唯一的机会是动脑筋以虚张声势的手法智胜敌人。

    Her only chance was to use her wits to bluff and outsmart the enemy .

  11. 中译本《治理、政治与国家》,谢宗学等译。台北:智胜。

    Pierre , Jon & B.Guy Peters ( 2000 ) Governance , Politics and the State .

  12. 智胜在机智、谋略上胜过(对手)思维敏捷且有足智多谋的。

    To overcome ( an opponent ) by artful , clever maneuvering . mentally quick and resourceful .

  13. 在《波希米亚丑闻》中,福尔摩斯折服于一个第一次智胜自己的女人。

    In " A Scandal in Bohemia ," Sherlock Holmes is dazzled by the only woman who succeeded in outfoxing him .

  14. 而德国实业家将试图通过保持技术优势以及在中国和其它新兴市场扩张,智胜中国企业。

    German industrialists will try to outsmart them by maintaining their technological edge and expanding in China and other emerging markets .

  15. 衰退中,企业可加速机构变革,抢占竞争对手的市场份额,以低成本获取资源,智胜竞争对手。

    In a recession , companies can accelerate organisational change , take share from rivals , acquire resources cheaply and outmanoeuvre rivals .

  16. 但对其他人来说,这是一段故事,讲的是两名短线操盘手如何智胜已逐渐统治金融市场的“速射机器”。

    For others , though , it is a tale of how two day traders outwitted the rapid-fire machines that have come to dominate financial markets .

  17. 做假动作通过做假动作蒙蔽或智胜防守球员防守假动作的出现弥补了防守技术上的不足,但在临场运用时要注意协防中假动作的运用。

    The appearance of feigned defending movements makes up for the lack of guard skills , but one should pay attention to apply the feigned movements in cooperative defending .

  18. 如果你想拿华尔街开刀——全美国都渴望这么做——那么就把票投给这个在从事破产业务的职业生涯中智胜银行的人吧。

    If you want to take on Wall Street - something the country is itching to do - vote for the man who has continually outwitted the banks in his bankruptcy-ridden career .

  19. 让她们将谈判看作一种解开纵横字谜的共同努力,而非一方试图智胜另一方的棋类游戏。

    Get them to think of a negotiation as a joint effort to solve a crossword puzzle , not as a chess game where one side is trying to outflank the other .

  20. 但工人们智胜一筹,他们相互盯着,以免有人摘得太快,这样大家整体速度慢了下来,也就推高了工资率。

    But his workers were outwitting him by keeping an eye on each other , making sure nobody picked too quickly , and thus collectively slowing down and cranking up the piece rate .

  21. 27岁的林伟(音)是这个小学六年级教师中屈指可数的几位男教师之一,他上课时喜欢讲一些故事,比如把巫婆投进河水的军阀,还有智胜日本军队的中国军人。

    Lin Wei , 27 , one of a handful of male sixth-grade teachers at a primary school here , has made a habit of telling stories about warlords who threw witches into rivers and soldiers who outsmarted Japanese troops .

  22. 有些人庆幸自己不像你那样地失败,就会对你表示同情,你的亲朋们也会降低对你的期望,使你不必去同那些才智胜于你而获得成功的人们较量。

    It brings sympathy from others who are delighted not to be you , and it allows family and friends to lower their expectation of you so that you need not compete with those who have more talent and who secceed .