
zhì lì wán jù
  • puzzle;intellectual toy
  1. 老幼皆宜的智力玩具,增智防衰老。

    Suitable for all ages , this intellectual toy promotes your intellect and retards senility .

  2. 我们已经认识到,大自然不是一个精心设计的智力玩具,怎么拆开就怎么装回去。

    We have learned that nature is not a well-designed puzzle with only one way to put it back together .

  3. 采购产品礼品,玩具和游戏,木制的玩具,智力玩具,手艺装备。

    Gifts Articles , Toy and Games , Wooden Toys , Puzzles , Craft Kits .

  4. 新型智力玩具,孩子们的开心伴侣。

    New-type intellectual toys , children 's pleasing companion .

  5. 剑桥大学的科学家上个月宣布,一些智力玩具可以帮助人们抵御一系列心理或生理疾病,如忧郁症和精神症。

    Last month scientists at Cambridge University said puzzles could help ward off a range of conditions , from depression to schizophrenia .

  6. 在我们的孩子成长所处的世界里,所有智力玩具和游戏不再有性别之分。我们也不再强迫现在的年轻人接受原来那些陈腐的观念。

    Our children are growing up in a world with educational toys and games that are unisexual and we do not impose stereotypical perceptions upon our youth .

  7. 剑桥大学的科学家上个月宣布,一些智力玩具可以帮助人们抵御一系列心理或生理疾病,如忧郁症和精神分裂症。编织、猜字游戏或散步也有助于健康。

    Last month scientists at Cambridge University said puzzles could help ward off a range of conditions , from depression to schizophrenia.Knitting , doing crosswords or just walking also help .

  8. 目前AB市场上卖的玩具种类繁多,智力类玩具多只要求动脑;

    AB is currently on the market selling a wide range of toys , intelligence toys only require more mental and physical ;

  9. 在古典的方式中智力拼图玩具必须被完成在时间的跑之前外面。

    In the Classic mode a jigsaw puzzle must be completed before time runs out .

  10. 这象是测验孩子智力的玩具,如果一下子解不成,就会把人难住几个钟头。

    It was like a child 's puzzle , which if not solved at once eludes one for hours .

  11. 北京市智力落后儿童家长玩具选择的相关问题调查

    An Investigation on Toy Selection of Parents of the Mental Retarded Students in Beijing

  12. 宝宝生日那天,我送给她一个开发智力的魔板玩具。

    On the baby 's birthday , I gave her a magic toy which can help develop her intellect .