
  1. 对于N次编码来说,其解码记录要比原单次记录增强N倍,这相当于起了垂直叠加的作用。

    As for the encoded record of N order , the decoded signal is N times larger than primary one-fold signal , which means a vertical stacking .

  2. 抗癌胚抗原单克隆抗体可变区基因的克隆及鼠-人嵌合抗体基因在E.coli中的高效表达

    The Cloning and Construction of a Murine-Human Chimeric Antibody with Specificity for Carcinoembryonic Antigen and the High Expression of the Chimeric Genes in E. coli

  3. 抗牛H-Y抗原单克隆抗体的研制试验

    Preparation and assay for the monoclonal antibody 6F & 7h to H-Y antigen from bovine

  4. 改造原单级合建式曝气池为两级生化流程后,活性污泥的性能不发生变化,对COD、酚、XH3一N的去除率都有明显提高。

    With significantly improved removing rates of COD , phenol and NH_3-N and the activated slurry from two-stage biochemical process revamped from single-stage combined aeration tank , the property of active sludge will not be changed .

  5. 本文提出了一套复用和解复用方案:在符合MPEG-2标准的前提下,对复用器的PSI处理模块和复用交织模块进行了特殊处理,使得解复用器能准确完整的恢复原单节目传输流。

    The solution is that under the precondition of according with MPEG-2 standard , making some special process in PSI process unit and interweave unit so that the demultiplexer can recover single-program TS.

  6. 在功率30W下脉冲等离子体聚烯丙胺薄膜能较好的保持原单体的结构,薄膜伯胺基含量(NH2/C)由真空热处理前的2.27%降为热处理后的1.95%。

    Poly-Allylamine films with a power of 30W can preferably retain the configuration of former monomer and NH2 / C of the film descends from 2.27 % to 1.95 % before and after vacuum heat-treatment .

  7. 探讨血浆纤维蛋白原单体聚合功能在妊高征中的临床意义

    Determination of Plasma Fibrinogen Monomer Polymerization Function in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

  8. 血卟啉衍生物-癌胚抗原单抗偶联物抗肿瘤特性的研究

    Study on the anti-tumor characteristics of HPD-anti-CEA monoclonal antibody conjugate

  9. 抗人癌胚抗原单克隆抗体的研制及其在免疫组化中的应用

    Preparation of monoclonal antibody to carcinoembryonic antigen and its application in immuno-histochemistry

  10. 癌胚抗原单克隆抗体-酶免疫法测定癌患者血清中癌胚抗原水平的研究

    Clinical value of serum CEA measured by mcab-enzyme immunoassay in cancer patients

  11. 血浆纤维蛋白原单体聚合功能与水平在正常孕妇血浆中的变化

    The Plasma Fibrinogen Monomer Polymerization Function and Level in Normal Pregnant Women

  12. 癌胚抗原单克隆抗体放射免疫分析和临床初步应用

    Radioimmunoassay of CEA monoclonal antibodies and its clinical application

  13. ~(131)碘标记癌胚抗原单克隆抗体结肠肿瘤定位显象

    ~ 131I-Labeled Carcinoembryonic Monoclonal Antibody Radioimmunodetection in Colonic Carcinoma

  14. 分泌抗人类血型-H抗原单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株建立及初步应用

    Preparation and application of monoclonal antibody raised against the H antigen of red blood cells

  15. 我们所有的商品都是原单商品,绝对不是杂志款的商品,请放心购买。

    All the Items sell on our Website , are all Original Brand , Not Magazine Photo .

  16. 目的:研究妊高征患者血浆纤维蛋白原单体聚合功能的临床意义。

    Objective : To study the changes and the clinical significance of Plasma fibrinogen monomer polymerization function in PIH .

  17. 采用串联式波纹管机械密封代替原单端面机械密封,解决了减底泵机械密封冲洗液对介质的影响问题。

    The infection of the washing liquid used in the pump at the decompression tower bottom to the medium was introduced .

  18. 方法同时采用T抗原单克隆抗体法和半乳糖氧化酶法检测207例直肠粘液中的T抗原。

    METHODS The T-antigen monoclonal antibody method and the galactose oxidase method were simultaneously used to detect T-antigen in large intestinal mucus of 207 cases .

  19. 同时,公司还承接各大外贸销售公司的来样原单加工包装,并且严格按照客户要求进行生产、加工、装箱。

    At the same time , the company also undertake to sample processing packaging strictly according to customer requirements and production , processing , packing .

  20. 自2002年起,公司设立销售中心销售各类剩余库存原单、尾单产品。同时公司向全国推广外贸儿童服饰加盟业务,竭诚欢迎国内外客户前来合作洽谈!

    Companies at the same time to promote the country 's children joined apparel business , we sincerely welcome customers at home and abroad to discuss cooperation !

  21. 再估计出这个新的单输入多输出系统的传递函数,最后得到原单输入单输出系统的模型参数。

    With estimating the numerator of the new SIMO model transfer function first and the common denominator later , the parameter estimation of the original SISO model is obtained .

  22. 给出垂面单形与其原单形的n维体积之比的一个几何恒等式,并且得到了这比值的极大值。

    A geometry identical relation of the n dimensional volume ratio of vertical face simplex to original simplex is given , and the maximum of this ratio is obtained .

  23. 本公司成立于2010年,主要经营服装、服饰批发代理,外贸原单服饰加工、尾单经销等业务。

    The company was founded in2010 , mainly engaged in apparel , clothing wholesale agents , foreign trade dress of the original single-processing , the end of a single distribution services .

  24. 为了抑制转速波动、降低振动,同时提高电机带载起动能力,在原单相自起动永磁同步电机转子外侧加了铜皮套筒。

    In order to restrain the fluctuation of speed , vibraton , and increase the ability of starting under load , a copper sleeve was mounted outside the permanent magnet rotor of U-shape single phase line-start permanent magnet motor .

  25. 同一类型杂交种的产量和适应区域也有差异.改良单交种豫玉5号和豫玉3号,比原单交种显著增产,且适应性较广;

    Compared with the original single crosses H. yu - 5 and H. yu - 3 , the modified single crosses H. yu - 5 and H. yu-3 could yield much higher , and also , their adaptive areas were wider .

  26. 为了提高基于暂态电压电弧特性的自适应重合闸方法的适应性,提出了一种基于电压双窗函数暂态能量比的新判据,该方法克服了原单窗能量函数法难以用单一阈值区分故障的问题。

    A criterion of dual-window transient energy ratio is proposed in order to improve the adaptability of the self-adaptive auto-reclosure based on the characteristics of arc voltages . The redundancy of setting of the criterion is improved compared with that of single-window transient energy .

  27. 由此提出改进措施:(1)将原单填料函结构改为双填料函结构;

    Thereby measures for improvement of the sealing construction are put forward : ( 1 ) the single packing-box should be substituted by double packing-box so as to strengthen the sealing resistance and the adaptability of the packing ha to the deflection of the mandrel ;

  28. 原单级压缩气炮的功能得以完整保留。本文的工作是围绕如何提高能量利用效率、减小二级发射冲击力、降低实验成本和提高效率等几个方面开展的。

    Functions of the compressed gas gun was preserved and relevant techniques were discussed e.g.those regarding how to improve the energy utilization ratio , how to decrease the second-stage launching impact force , how to reduce the cost of testing and how to improve experimental efficiency .