
  • 网络utilization rate of raw material
  1. 四川各兵工厂在实际生产过程中,大力改进生产工艺、改良产品质量、研究生产进口原材料替代品,改善了产品质量,提高了原材料利用率。

    The Arsenal in the actual production process , improved the production technology and quality , research and production of imported raw materials substitutes , improved product quality , improved the utilization rate of raw materials .

  2. 企业原材料利用率计算分析方法探讨

    Business Data Research on the Methods of Analysis and Calculation for Factory 's Raw Materials Utilization Ratio

  3. 这些环节中优化下料方案是提高原材料利用率最直接的方法,而优化下料方案的关键是构造有效的优化排样算法。

    The most direct method to improve material usage is to optimize the cutting scheme , and the key is to develop efficient algorithms .

  4. 计算机辅助优化排样问题就是在给定的材料上最优的排放一系列形状各异的零件,找出零件的最优布局,使得原材料利用率最高。

    The purpose of the computer aided optimal layout of the parts with different shapes is to find the arrangement of parts and maximize material usage of the pattern .

  5. 下料问题在生产中普遍存在,优化下料可以提高原材料利用率,是企业增加经济效益的途径之一。

    Cutting stock problem exits widely in production . Optimizing cutting stock is a method to improve the using rate of materials and to increase the benefit of industry .

  6. 主要思想是采用原材料利用率最高的切割方式优先的贪心选择策略,从而将问题转化为求解给定集合的子集和问题。

    The main idea is using the most efficient cutting technique of the raw materials at the moment-the greedy-choice strategy , and then changing the problem to a subset problem .

  7. 条材优化下料技术广泛应用于机械、建筑等行业的下料过程中,是企业提高原材料利用率、降低资源消耗的重要手段之一。

    One-dimensional cutting stock technology , as one important method to improve material utilization ratio and to reduce resource consumption , is now widely used in industries of mechanical and building .

  8. 连续挤压技术作为一种原材料利用率高、具备环境友好性、产品性能优良的铜、铝管线挤压生产方法具有良好的发展前景。

    Continuous Extrusion , due to its high raw material using ratio 、 good quality finishing product and environmental-friendly , is regarded as a promising way to produce Al and Cu pipe and wire .

  9. 为了满足厂家降低生产制造成本、提高原材料利用率的要求,因此展开对运输车辆车架结构优化设计的研究具有很强的现实意义。

    In order to meet the manufacturers ' demands for reducing manufacturing costs and improving utilization of raw materials , therefore the research on the transport vehicle frame structure optimization design is made with a strong practical significance .

  10. 下料问题广泛应用于国民经济的许多行业,如何提高原材料利用率,降低成本,简化切割工艺,是各企业关注的焦点。

    There are plenty of cutting stock problems in national economical industry . How to improve material utilization , reduce the cost , and simplify the cutting pattern , is the focal point which various enterprises pay attention to .

  11. 以新催化剂研制理论和方法为指导,探讨铜铬催化剂用于糠醇生产过程中提高其产率、活性、原材料利用率以及减轻污染的清洁生产工艺。

    Based on the new theories and methods for developing catalysts , the cleaner production process for Cu-Cr catalyst was studied , which could increase the production rate and product activity , and the utilization ratio of raw materials , and reduce the pollution .

  12. 冷挤压是加工齿形零件的一种重要方法,与传统的齿成形加工方法相比,可以提高原材料利用率和生产率,降低能耗,提高齿形零件的机械性能和使用寿命。

    Cold extrusion is an important method for some gear-type parts . Compared with traditional gear machining method , it can increase raw material 's utilization and productivity and reduce the energy consumption , and also can improve their mechanical performance and their useful life .

  13. 该方法适用于较大规模的型材下料问题,能够提高原材料的利用率。

    The raw and processed materials'use factor can improved largely through adopting this method .

  14. 无约束排样不要求各种圆形片的出现次数,只需求出单张原材料的利用率(价值)最大。

    Unconstrained layout does not require times of appearance of all sorts of circular piece , only makes the utilization rate ( value ) of raw materials largest .

  15. 含高有机污染物啤酒废水的存在,不仅导致环境污染,而且还会减少啤酒生产原材料的利用率。

    Being a liquid containing high organic pollutants , brewery wastewater may not only lead to environmental pollution , but also decrease the utilization ratio of raw material used in beer production .

  16. 实验证明,该控制方法不仅实现了陶粒回转窑的自动控制,并且大大提高了原材料的利用率,从而使生产成本降低了5%。

    The test proves that this control method make automatic control of Clay-grain Rotary Kiln Realize and improve the utilization of rude material largely so that the product costs degrade by 5 % .

  17. 利用计算机辅助优化排样,对排样问题进行研究并设计合理的排样方案,可以达到提高原材料的利用率、减少排样工作量和简化切割工艺,最终降低产品生产成本的目的。

    Accordingly , using CAN to research the problem of layouts and design a reasonable nesting scheme , improve the utilization , reduce the work of nesting , simplify the cutting process . As a result , reduce the production cost .

  18. 高压开关触头座属于带凸缘筒形件,采用热挤压成形工艺可一次成形该件机加工用毛坯,工艺及模具结构简单,效率高,与原工艺相比材料利用率提高一倍。

    It could be hot extruded forming one time . Its die structure is simple . The utilization rate is also improved compare to the original technology .

  19. 优化排样是指在给定规格的原材料平面区域上,互不重叠地尽可能多的排放多个相同或者不同的几何图形零件,以得到原材料利用率最高的一种合理布置。

    Optimization nesting means on the given raw materials region of the plane , to layout a number of the same or different geometry parts without overlap as much as possible , and to achieve the goals of maximum utilization of raw materials .