
  • 网络Declaration of Principles;Prinzipienerklrung
  1. 关于临时自治安排的原则宣言的协议记录

    Agreed Minutes to the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements

  2. 美苏关系基本原则宣言

    Declaration of Basic Principles of Relations between the USA and the USSR

  3. 创造无核武器和无暴力世界的德里原则宣言

    Delhi Declaration on Principles for a Nuclear - Weapon Free and Non-Violent World

  4. 生境原则宣言:联合国人类住区会议;

    Declaration of principles of habitat : united Nations Conference on human settlements ;

  5. 关于可持续发展国际法的新德里原则宣言;

    New Delhi Declaration of principles of international law relating to sustainable development ;

  6. 国际文化合作原则宣言

    Declaration of the Principles of International Cultural Cooperation

  7. 和平力量间合作原则宣言

    Declaration of Principles for Cooperation between Peace Forces

  8. 人道主义援助指导原则宣言

    Declaration of Guiding Principles for Humanitarian Assistance

  9. 对灾难中平民进行国际人道主义救济原则宣言;

    Declaration of principles for international humanitarian relief to the civil population in disaster situations ;

  10. 维护西半球土著国家和人民原则宣言

    Declaration of Principles for the Defence of the Indigenous Nations and Peoples of the Western Hemisphere

  11. 各国探索和处用外层空间活动法律原则宣言

    Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space

  12. 利用卫星无线电广播促进情报自由流通、扩大教育和发展文化交流的指导原则宣言

    Declaration of Guiding Principles on the Use of Satellite Broadcasting for the Free Flow of Information , the Spread of Education and Greater Cultural Exchange

  13. 关于儿童保护和儿童福利、特别是国内和国际寄养和收养办法的社会和法律原则宣言;

    Declaration on social and legal principles relating to the protection and welfare of children , with special reference to foster placement and adoption nationally and internationally ;

  14. 从《原则宣言》提出的建设包容性信息社会的11条重要原则和《行动计划》提出的一系列指示性指标出发,探讨建设一个以人为本、具有包容性、面向发展的信息社会。

    To discuss how to build an information society through the Declaration of Principles and the Plan of Action adopted at the World Summit on the Information Society .

  15. 合理开发海洋生物资源以谋求世界所有人民共同利益的原则宣言(莫斯科宣言)

    Declaration on Principles of the Rational Exploitation of Living Resources of the Seas and Oceans in the Common Interest of All Peoples of the World ( Moscow Declaration )

  16. 国家管辖范围以外海床洋底及其底土的原则的宣言

    Declaration of Principles Governing the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and the Subsoil Thereof

  17. 欧洲安全基础和欧洲国家关系原则总宣言

    General Declaration on the Basis ( Mainstay ) of European Security and Principles of Relations among States in Europe

  18. 民法是高度系统化和结构化,依赖广泛,一般原则的宣言,经常忽略的细节。

    Civil law is highly systematized and structured and relies on declarations of broad , general principles , often ignoring the details .

  19. 加强在国际关系上不使用武力原则的效力宣言

    Declaration on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Non-Use of Force in International Relations

  20. 该原则以国际宣言为依据,具有广泛的内容,但其实施现状尚不令人乐观。

    It is based on several international declarations and rich in contents , but the state of its enforcement is not yet optimistic .

  21. 联合国维持和平特派团和机制预防和解决危机和冲突工作的基本原则和标准宣言草案

    Declaration on the Basic Principles and Criteria for the Work of United Nations Peace-keeping Missions and Mechanisms for the Prevention and Settlement of Crises and Conflicts , draft

  22. 敏捷的价值观和原则可以从敏捷宣言中找到。

    The Agile values and principles can be found in the manifesto .

  23. 在这个原则指导下,巴以双方1993年在华盛顿签署了关于巴勒斯坦临时自治的原则宣言。

    Under the guidance of this principle , Palestine and Israel have already signed a declaration in principle of Palestine self-rule in Washington in 1993 .