
yuán zhǒng
  • protospecies;stock;stock culture;breeder seed;ancestor
原种[yuán zhǒng]
  1. 浙江原种生产现状与对策

    The Present Situation of Stock Production in Zhejiang Province and Its Policy

  2. 春蚕豆青海9号原始群体的遗传变异及其原种繁育初探

    Preliminary Study on Genetic Variation and Propagation of Stock Seed for Qinghai 9 in Spring-sown Faba Bean

  3. 现代猫的直系原种是古埃及的卡菲尔猫。

    The direct ancestor of the modern cat was the Kaffir cat of ancient Egypt

  4. 疑有诱发倒位的雄性然后用于建立原种。

    The males suspected to have induced inversions were later used to build up stocks .

  5. 针对BT型不育系混杂退化原因,提出人工回交株系循环法不育系原种繁种程序。

    New original seed production program " artifical backcross plant-line cycle method " was designed to solve the problems in production of cytoplasmic male sterility .

  6. 对R2和R3代转基因植株进行抗虫实验,结果表明分别有833%和769%的株系对褐飞虱的抗性较原种对照均有了显著的提高。

    Insect resistance test showed that 83.3 % and 76.9 % of the R2 and R3 progeny demonstrated enhancing insecticidal effect on rice planthopper , respectively .

  7. 在高温(35℃)下,转PEPC基因水稻的光合速率比原种高17.5%。

    Under high temperature ( 35 ℃), the photosynthetic rate of PEPC transgenic rice plant was higher over 17.5 % than that of untransformed rice .

  8. 结果表明,缅甸原种F1代遗传多样性最为丰富,江苏养殖群体和广西选育群体的遗传多样性相对贫乏。

    Results indicated that the CO ⅰ gene locus was relatively more polymorphic in the F_1 of Burma wildtype population , while the polymorphism in Jiangsu cultured population and Guangxi breeding population were very poor .

  9. 抗蚜苜蓿新品系HA-3原种生物学特性观察

    Observation of Biological Characters of New Aphid-resistance Alfalfa Line

  10. 高表达转玉米C4型磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶基因水稻(高表达转玉米C4型pepc水稻)无论在生理性状,光合指标及产量等性状方面都优于未转基因水稻原种。

    High expression of transgenic maize-C4-phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene rice ( high-expressing transgenic corn C4 pepc rice ) are better than no transgenic rice original seed in physiological traits , photosynthetic indexes and yield traits .

  11. 结果如下:1、马鹿亚种间杂交后代初角重量二元杂交杂交显著的高于三元杂交(P0.05),产茸量二元杂交的整体水平高于原种、三元杂交。

    The results were showed that : 1 . Red Deer primary antlers weight of subspecies hybrid progeny from binary crossing were higher than ternary crossing significantly ( P0.05 ), and the quantity of antlers from binary crossing were all higher than original breed and ternary crossing . 2 .

  12. 对从比利时引进的马里努阿犬原种本交繁殖的F1代犬进行饲养试验,测量其不同生长发育阶段体长、体高、胸围、胸深、荐高、头长等体尺及体重变化情况。

    Original seed F_1 dog propagated with selfing of Belgian Malinois introduced from Belgium were fed , and the body length , body height , chest girth , chest depth , back height and head length , and the weight change were measured .

  13. 适合的接种量是每瓶750mL原种接3袋透气大塑袋(6Kg/袋)栽培种;

    The proper inoculation quantity is one bottle of mother spawn ( 750 mL ) inoculating 3 bags of spawns ( 6kg per bag );

  14. UPGMA分子系统聚类树显示,江苏养殖群体和广西选育群体的遗传关系最近,其单倍型混杂聚成一支,而缅甸原种F1群体相对独立为另外一支。

    The UPGMA phylogenetic tree suggested that F_2 of the Guangxi breeding population and Jiangsu cultured population were closest genetically , and their haplotypes could be gathered together to a genetic branch ; while F_1 of the Burma wildtype population diverged and could form another relatively independent branch .

  15. 加工型马铃薯原种冬种丰产栽培研究

    Cultural practices for high yield of processing potato in winter season

  16. 脱毒马铃薯原种高产繁种栽培技术研究

    Studies on High Yield Production Technology of Virus-free Seed Potato Species

  17. 棉花自交混繁法原种生产技术研究

    Studies on the new technique of improving upland cotton seed production

  18. 四个春箭舌豌豆品系原种及第三代过氧化物酶同工酶分析

    POD isozyme analysis for F_0 and F_3 of four Vicia sativa lines

  19. 以日系杂交原种有偏高的倾向。

    The figure in Japanese hybrid tended to be higher .

  20. 非洲黑颈鸵鸟原种繁殖性能研究

    The Study on the Reproductive Performance of Africa Black-neck Ostrich Original Breed

  21. 贵州马铃薯脱毒原原种高效生产技术

    The Efficient Production Technique of Original-original Potato Seeds with Virus-free in Guizhou

  22. 接种时因工具或种源(原种)带螨直接引入。

    By the contamination of tools and stocks with mites during inoculation .

  23. 最佳原种、栽培种培养基配方为麦粒培养基;

    The optimum primary seed and planting seed directions was kernel culture medium ;

  24. 不同培养方式对脱毒马铃薯原原种产量的影响

    Effects of Different Culture Patterns on Yield of Original-original Potato Seeds with Virus-free

  25. 自养突变体是从一个特别类群的6个不同的原种菌系制备的。

    Autotrophic mutants were prepared from six different stocks of a special group .

  26. 这些动物都是现代人类的原种。

    These creatures are the ancestors of modern man .

  27. 蜜蜂初级工程原种组配实验

    Breeding experiment of bee primary project original species

  28. 养殖渔民将向我们购买鱼虾的原种。

    The farmers will be coming to us for stocks of fish and shrimp .

  29. 加工型马铃薯原原种扩繁的种植密度研究

    Planting density for reproducing miniature of processing potato

  30. 由此说明甜菜原种母根免于检糖是可行的。

    This indicates that the examination of sugar'content in elite mother beets is not neccessary .