
  1. 原产地域产品通用要求

    General requirements for products of designations of origin and geographical indications

  2. 化学模式识别在原产地域产品保护中的应用

    Application of chemical pattern recognition in the protection of geographical indication products

  3. 必须切实加强对原产地域产品的法律保护。

    The legal protection of the products of origin must be conscientiously strengthened .

  4. 瓷都之争与原产地域产品法律保护

    Controversy over the the Porcelain Capital and legal Protection of Products from Origin

  5. 是集鸭的种类和原料肉的品质、特殊的传统工艺以及独特的地理气候条件三个关键因素于一体的名符其实的原产地域产品。

    It combines quality of duck meat , traditional technics and unique conditions into one .

  6. 中国原产地域产品陕西苹果保护初探

    Preliminary Study on the Product , " Shaanxi Apple ", under Protection of Original and Geographical Designations

  7. 以及国家质检局通过注册原产地域产品进行保护地理标志的模式,并进而指出这两种保护模式存在的不足与冲突。

    While China Quality Inspection Bureau protects GIs through the registration of the products of designation of the GIs .

  8. 作者在正文中首先介绍了有关原产地域产品、原产地名称和品牌的基本理论,本文的研究正是建立在这些基础理论之上的。

    First , the author introduces the basic theory about Application of Origin and Brand on which the research is based .

  9. 原产地域产品保护不是自然拥有的,需要向国家或省市区质量技术监督局申请,并履行一定的手续,审核批准后,才能生效。

    Local geographical indication can 't get the protection , unless applying for the bureau of quality and technical supervision attached to nation or province , and fulfilling certain procedures , and achieving authorization .

  10. 原产地域产品通用要求西夏食盐产地以池盐产地为主,另有并盐产地和矿盐产地。

    General requirements for products of designations of origin and geographical indications The producing region of common salt in Xixia was taking pond salt as the main , but it had well salt and mine salt region .

  11. 同时,宣纸还是我国原产地域保护产品和国家级非物质文化遗产。

    Meanwhile , Xuan Paper is China 's protected product of origin and the national intangible cultural heritage .

  12. 最后作者对各种包子的英译方法做了总结,认为规范英译名有利于保持中国传统食品的原产地域特色、提高产品知名度。

    Finally , the author introduces the translating methods for various bao and puts forward the view that the standardization of English descriptions for traditional Chinese food can maintain the original local color and make the products more well_known to the world .