
  • 网络Pak Mong
  1. 最近在大屿山白芒、西洲、马湾东湾仔进行的抢救发掘工作,均发现大量层次排列整齐的汉代遗物,包括各类陶瓷器皿及铁器。

    Recent rescue excavations at Pak Mong on Lantau island , on Kau Sai Chau Island and Tung Wan Tsai on Ma Wan island all yielded considerable quantities of Han Dynasty finds in well-stratified sequences , which included pottery vessels of various kinds and iron implements .

  2. 在田间条件下对Rutgers桃(红叶)和白芒蟠桃(绿叶)的光合生理特性进行了比较研究。

    The photosynthetic physiological characteristics of peach varieties Rutgers ( red leaf ) and Baimangpantao ( green leaf ) in the fields were studied .

  3. 光白部份则把芒刺激完全磨去

    Pure white was obtained by entirely effacing burnishing the plate .

  4. 光白部份则把芒刺激完全磨去。

    Pure white was obtained by entirely effacing the burr and burnishing the plate .

  5. 该品种株高90~105cm,白穗,长芒,芒色在灌浆中后期逐渐转为黑色,穗粒数36~45粒,籽粒白色,角质,千粒重45~55g。

    The plant height is 90 ~ 105cm , the grains per spike is 36 ~ 45 , and the 1000-grain weight is 45 ~ 55g .