
  1. 结论该研究可为远志种子质量检测及基地生产提供技术支持。

    ConclusionThe study can provide reference the test of seeds'quality and the production of Radix Polygalae .

  2. 小玩具店有机会进到在欧洲基地生产的中国玩具,普特南姆女士说。

    Small toy stores have the opportunity to leverage the fact that they have toys that are from European-based companies , Ms. Putnam said .

  3. 中草药、山野菜、林蛙、林果生产初步形成了群体参与、基地生产、可持续发展的开发模式。

    The sustained development mode of the industry base has been formed with the production of Chinese herbal medicine , mountain wild herbs , forestry frogs , and forestry fruits .

  4. 在农业和农村经济结构的战略性调整中,龙头企业担负着开拓市场、技术创新、引导和组织基地生产与农户经营的重任,是推进农业和农村经济结构战略性调整的重要力量。

    In agriculture and rural strategic adjustment of economic structure , the leading enterprises charged with developing markets , technology innovation , guidance and organization in production of the heavy and the Household , is to promote agricultural and rural economic structure , an important force in the strategic adjustment .

  5. Russell说在化学领域埃及缺乏必要的工业基地来生产化学武器。

    And Russell says Egypt does not have the necessary industrial base in the chemical sector to build chemical weapons .

  6. 400℃退火,在玻璃上测试的有Cr/Pt覆盖层的Ag的反射率达到92.68%,与理论值96%很接近。以上研究结果在本单位生产基地芯片生产中部分采用。

    The reflectivity is 92.68 % test on the glass at 400 ℃, which is close to the theoretical data 96 % . Part of the research results have been used in the chip manufacture .

  7. 汉高公司亚太生产基地精益生产推行方式研究

    Study on Lean Manufacturing Implement Mode in Henkel Asia / Pacific MFG

  8. 东北商品粮基地粮食生产的区域分异

    Regional Differentiation of Grain Production of Commodity Grain Bases in the Northeast China

  9. 上海外高桥造船基地与生产中心造船新模式建设

    The Construction of New Shipbuilding Mode on Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Base and Its Production Centers

  10. 我们在苏州,中国生产基地负责生产的外部天线。

    Our manufacturing site in Suzhou , China is responsible for the production of external antennas .

  11. 以灰色系统理论作福建粮食基地县生产分析

    The Analysis of Grain-producing With the Application of the Grey System Theory in the Fujian Grain-producing County

  12. 生产基地主要生产初、中、高效过滤器;

    Production of the major production bases in the early , middle , and high efficiency filters ;

  13. 高职院校分析检测技能实践教学改革,充分发挥了“校内实训基地的生产化、校外实训基地的教学化”功能。

    The analysis detection technology practical teaching reform plays a full role of production of practical bases inside campus ;

  14. 陕北能源化工基地煤炭生产可持续发展的地质与环境地质问题研究

    Research on Sustainable Development of Coal Production Geological and Environmental Problems in Northern Shaanxi Energy and Chemical Industrial Base

  15. 五井镇是传统的柿子生产基地,生产的柿饼以大、软、透、甜畅销海内外。

    Wujing Town is a traditional persimmon production base with the persimmon being large , soft , ripe and sweet .

  16. 2003年,企业投资兴建闸瓦生产基地。生产铁路列车高摩擦系数合成闸瓦配件等产品。

    In the year of2003 it invested to build the brake shoe production base to product train high-friction synthesis brake parts .

  17. 以英国为基地的生产商销往欧盟的汽车配件可能会面临4%的关税,同时还存在着对来自英国的配件征收进口关税的压力。

    British-based producers would face a 4 % tariff on car-equipment sales to the EU , and there would be pressure to impose tariffs on components imported from it .

  18. 论文认为,对于集聚总部基地的生产性服务企业来说,其价值链集聚具有双螺旋结构,其双螺旋长链为服务(产品)链和能力链。

    The paper assumes that in the light of productive service enterprise clustering in headquarter base , its value chain has double helix . The long chains are service chain and competence chain .

  19. 论述了如何运用市场机制和宏观调控等经济学观点对苗木基地的生产、管理和规划进行科学的指导。

    This paper expounds how to use the economic viewpoints such as the market mechanism and macro-control to make scientific guidance for the production , management and planning of the nursery stock base .

  20. 长钢轨输送是钢轨基地焊接生产的重要环节之一,合理的输送系统对于无缝长钢轨生产线生产效率和安全可靠性的提高以及运行成本的降低起着十分重要的作用。

    Long rail transmission is an important part of the rail welding production in base . A reliable transmission system is very useful to improve the operating efficiency and safety reliability of the long rail production lines and reduce the operating costs .

  21. 在长江流域以白菜为主要种类的叶菜是城市消费的主要蔬菜之一,由于不耐贮运,多采用城郊叶菜基地高效生产,工厂化立体栽培成为发展趋势,上述栽培方式导致白菜栽培的弱光环境。

    In the changjiang river area , pak-choi is a main vegetable consumed in cities . But because of its intolerance of storage and transport , it is produced in suburb leaf vegetable base , and industrialized stereo culture becomes a development trend .

  22. 八马茶业是一家集茶园基地、生产加工、内销外销为一体的大型茶叶企业,是福建省农业产业化重点龙头企业,也是安溪茶叶的龙头企业之一。

    Eight Horses Tea set tea base , production , processing and sale for domestic and abroad as one of a large-scale tea enterprise , is the Fujian Province key Leading enterprises for agriculture industrial production , and is one of Anxi tea Leading enterprises .

  23. 本专题在国内首次系统研究并初步评价了乌天麻资源,为乌天麻资源的合理利用开发与GAP基地规范化生产提供了科学依据,具有重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。

    Scientific basis will be provided for the rational utilization and development and normalized production of GAP . It has important theoretical meaning and practical application values .

  24. 我们公司有自己稳定的水果生产基地和蔬菜生产基地。

    Our company owns stabile fruit-production base and stabile vegetable-production base .

  25. 加强实习基地建设保证生产实习质量

    Strengthening the Extracurricular Practice Base Construction to Ensure the Quality of Production Practice

  26. 外高桥造船基地平直分段生产中心钢结构厂房设计

    Structural Design of the Steel Workshop of Panel Block Center in Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Base

  27. 茅台酒有机原料基地耕地的生产能力及持续利用对策

    Productivity of the Farmland for Organic Raw Materials of Maotai Wine and Its Countermeasures for Sustainable Utilization

  28. 创建于1996年的红牛维他命饮料有限公司,在北京和海南分别设立了“红牛”生产基地,年生产能力达五亿罐。

    Red Bull started in1996 and it now has two manufacture bases in Beijing and Hainan province with a total annul capacity of500 million cans .

  29. 农业产业组织创新的经济学思考&公司+基地+农户生产经营模式初探

    Economic Thought on Innovation of the Agricultural Industrial Organization & A Preliminary Probe into the Producing Managing Pattern of " Corporation + Base + Peasant Households "

  30. 公司拥有国际先进的袋泡茶包装机,充分利用绿色食品基地资源,生产、加工多样品种,多种规格的袋泡茶,保健茶。

    We have advanced tea bag package machines , can produce and process varieties tea bag of assortment with multiple of standards by using resource of health food field .