
  • 网络Kil'jaeden;Kil\'jaeden;Jaeden
  1. 穆鲁和基尔加丹的战斗是怎样的?

    WI : What happens during the M'uru and Kil'jaeden fights ?

  2. 为什么要自寻烦恼,进行一个只有基尔加丹才是挑战的赛跑?

    Why bother race to the finish line when it 's only Kil'jaeden that matters ?

  3. 这些狡诈邪恶的生物是恶魔基尔加丹最信任的助手。

    These cunning , malefic beings once served as the demon Kil'jaeden 's most trusted lieutenants .

  4. 在基尔加丹战斗中,当邪恶倒映产生时,内部信息有时会显示在战斗记录中。

    Internal messages are displayed in the combat log when Sinister Reflections spawn during the Kil'jaeden encounter .

  5. 毫无疑问是基尔加丹。

    Kil'jaeden without a doubt .

  6. 这个补丁只是为了让玩家享受更好理解,更为一致和更有乐趣的基尔加丹之战。

    This change should result in a more consistent , more understandable , and more enjoyable Kil'jaeden fight .

  7. 基尔加丹现在不会紧接着千魂之暗释放火焰之刺。

    Kil'jaeden will now wait slightly longer before casting Flame Darts after casting Darkness of a Thousand Souls .

  8. 我保证,我的血骑士们的利剑将击败基尔加丹,复兴银月城。

    I pledge the blades of my Blood Knights to the defeat of Kil'jaeden and the restoration of Silvermoon .

  9. 很自然的,伊利丹隐瞒了他与基尔加丹的约定,因为这是玛法里奥不会理解的。

    Taken aback by Illidan 's power , Malfurion decided that Illidan was too dangerous to be left free .

  10. 为了惩罚耐奥祖的反抗,恶魔首领基尔加丹摧毁了他衰老的肉体并且折磨他的灵魂。

    The demon lord Kil'jaeden punished Ner'zhul for his defiance , destroying his aging body and torturing his spirit .

  11. 为了改变基尔加丹瞄准目标的行为,我们给所有地区打了补丁。

    We 've just deployed a hotfix to all regions that changes the targeting behavior of Kil'jaeden 's Soul Flay ability .

  12. 耐奥祖别无选择,只能立誓听命于基尔加丹,重生成为军团恐怖而强大的使者&巫妖之王。

    With little other choice , Ner'zhul pledged to obey Kil'jaeden and was reborn as a terrifying and vastly powerful agent of the Legion – the Lich King .

  13. 为了确保耐奥祖的服从,基尔加丹从扭曲虚空的尽头取得一块寒冰,用一种特殊的手法将铠甲与剑封印其中。

    To ensure Ner'zhul 's obedience , Kil'jaeden sealed the armor and blade within a specially crafted block of ice collected from the far reaches of the Twisting Nether .

  14. 这个变化很可能会改变玩家对基尔加丹的战术。我们并不想改变怪的难度。

    This change will likely change some of the strategies currently used by players against Kil'jaeden , but our intention is not to make the encounter any more or less difficult .