
  • 网络Base transformation;change of bases;Basis Change;change of basis
  1. 没有基变换时的指数分布和标准正态分布的k值均小于0.5,它们对随机参量的逻辑值呈偏小估计。

    And k is smaller than 0.5 for exponential distributions and normal distributions without radix conversion , which means the smaller logic values of random parameters .

  2. 结果表明,Ca基变换剂可使煤气中CO含量降低0.10左右Ca-Na复合变换剂还可显著提高煤气产率。

    Steam flow rate etc. The results indicate that the Ca-group shift agent can reduce CO content about 10 % ; and the Ca-Na compound shift agent can increase gas yield greatly .

  3. 归纳总结了优美树研究的几种常见方法,给出了基变换定理,对树的优美性的研究及Rosa猜想(每棵树都是优美的)的证明提供了一些有益的工具

    This paper sums up some general methods for the study of graceful trees and gives up the theorem of base-changing . It is useful to study the grace-fulness of trees and to prove Rosa 's conjecture that every tree is graceful

  4. 通过在投影空间中的基变换,导出了一种基于广义正交多项式(GOPs)展开的线性时变系统的新的近似模型。

    In this paper , a new approximated model for linear time varying systems is deduced via general orthogonal polynomials ( GOPs ) expansion by basis transformation in projection space .

  5. 基变换的过渡矩阵的求法

    Some Methods on Determining Transition Matrix in Transformation of Basic

  6. 关于不变基变换的注记

    A Note on the Invariant ─ base ─ change

  7. 基变换和柱坐标系统中的对称性

    Basic transformation and the symmetry in cylindrical coordinate system

  8. 量子群的基变换与范畴同构

    Base Changes and Category Isomorphisms for Quantum Groups

  9. 载波条纹的带窗正交基变换

    Windowed Orthogonal Base Transform of Spatial Carrier Fringes

  10. 不变基变换在代数曲面的地理问题中有重要应用。

    The invariant ─ base ─ change has an important application in the geography of algebraic surfaces .

  11. 分析了多刚体系统动力学模型语义下,多体动力学约束模型坐标基变换关系的抽取。

    It analyzes how to extract coordination conversion of multibody dynamics constraint model in semantic of multibody dynamics model .

  12. 本着对数据采样率、压缩率要求较高的原则,提出了将最优小波包基变换应用到故障行波数据的压缩上。

    To access to high sampling speed and compression ratio , the wavelet packet transform theory is applied to data compression of traveling wave .

  13. 通过添加非铬助催化剂并采用压热反应工艺可制得热稳定性好、活性温区宽(250~480℃)的新型铜基变换催化剂。

    By adding non-chromium promoter and adopting hydrothermal reaction technology , a catalyst with good thermal stability and wide activity temperature range ( 250 ~ 480 ℃) can be obtained .

  14. 再次,我们提出用音频数据的小波包最好基变换系数的部分最高值的能量作为音频数据索引。

    In the third , we take the part of energy for the audio data index which come from the highest value coefficients of the best base transform in the wavelet packet .

  15. 本文用基变换和矩阵相似理论分析了扇形子结构的刚度矩阵,提出了柱坐标系统中对称性问题的一种简单解决办法。

    This paper analyses the stiffness matrix of a sector structure by means of the Basis Transformation and matrix similarity transformation and proposes a simple method to solve problems in a cylindrical coordinate system .

  16. 利用茹柯夫斯基变换,给出了平板绕流问题的流函数解,并以此为基础,预测了岩石类材料压缩断裂路径的扩展规律,取得了与实验观察相一致的结果。

    Using the solution of streamlines of the flat-plate flow , the extension law of cracking path for rock-type materials is predicted under compressive loading , which is in good consistence with the experimental results .

  17. 其次,对现有的用小波变换产生音频数据索引的二个方法进行比较,并提出基于小波包最好基变换产生音频数据索引的方法。

    Second we prepare two schemes , which has been used , that deal with deriving the index of wavelet transform . And we propose the method to derive the audio data index that it is based on the best base transform in the wavelet packet .

  18. 文中介绍了整数变换的基本原理,提出了一种结合能量集中率和去相关效率的整数变换基变换性能评价方法,从理论上选出几组性能较好的变换基。

    In this paper , after the introduction of the basic theory of 8 × 8 integer transform , a novel method combining evaluation of energy compaction and decorrelation efficiency is proposed to measure the efficiency of transform basis and several theoretically efficient transform bases are picked out .

  19. 常用坐标基的变换数字下变频器中坐标变换模块的ASIC实现

    Realization of Coordinate Convert Module in DDC Based on ASIC

  20. 基于模糊基函数变换的PLS及其在软测量中的应用

    Partial Least Squares Regression Based on Transformation of Fuzzy Basis Functions and Its Application to Soft Sensor

  21. 利用过渡坐标系改进3维坐标变换模型常用坐标基的变换

    Improvement of three dimensional coordinate transformation model by use of interim coordinate system

  22. 混合基谱变换下时城与频域间的关系

    Relations Between the signal and Its Spectrum in DFT with Mixed - Radix

  23. 表象间的基矢变换与幺正矩阵关系的再讨论

    Further Discussion on the Relation between Base Vector Transformation and Unitary Matrix among Representations

  24. 关于用基元变换法推导射影公式的问题

    A study on the problem of using the method of basis element change to derive projective formula

  25. 本文用欧几里得算法,给出求解基矢变换对应矩阵的解析表达式。

    An analytical method to find correspondence matrix for basic vector transformation is given by using elementary theory of numbers .

  26. 研究选取合适的稀疏字典(正交基或变换基),以获得畸变误差信号的最稀疏表示。

    Research to select suitable sparse dictionary ( orthogonal basis or transform ), the most sparse representation for deviation signal distortion . 5 .

  27. 给出在射影变换下以原象元素所建立的齐次射影坐标系化为自然坐标系的方法,不妨称作基元变换法。

    This paper gives the method of homogeneous projection coordinates system that is established by original element turning to natural coordinates system under the projective change .

  28. 本测试仪通过对电压、电流采样求取电压、电流和功率有效值,利用基2&FFT变换进行频谱分析。

    The instrument is designed for calculating RMS value of voltage , current and power , analyzing the spectrum using 2-FFT algorithm based on voltage and current sample value .

  29. 讨论服装基样变换的数学模型,系统地介绍了平面样板法制样设计的计算机模拟过程,从而实现了各种款式的服装制样设计计算机化。

    In the Paper , mathematical model of basic sloper transformation is discussed and computer emulation of Flat Pattern Designs is systematically introduced , therefore the patternmakings of many kind of garments can be finished in computer .

  30. 主要工作如下:1、建立双站散射矩阵测量模型,阐释了目标双站散射矩阵的意义和表征方式,给出了双站散射模型中坐标系和极化基的变换关系。

    The main works are as follows : 1 . The bi-static measurement model is established to explain the significance and characterization of bi-static scattering matrix . The relationship of coordinate systems and polarization base in bi-static scattering model is obtained .