
  1. 本文主要目的是对《SPS协定》中成员方的基本权利义务进行分析。

    The main purpose of this article is to analyze the basic rights and obligations of the members under the SPS Agreement .

  2. 信托合同当事人与第三人的基本权利义务属于由信托法设定并为信托合同接纳的权利义务,受托人违反信托合同的赔偿责任属于向信托财产承担的责任。

    The fundamental rights and duties of the parties and the third party of trust contract are set by trust law and accepted by trust contract . The trustee 's compensation liability of breach of trust contract belongs to the liability to trust res.

  3. 这使得非营利组织的基本权利义务、财产关系、组织结构、其与政府部门的关系等一些本应由法律予以明确的问题,却只能要么成为法律上的漏洞,要么由行政法规代疱。

    The basic rights and responsibilities , financial relations , organization structure , government relations and other issues of NPOs which should be specified by the law , now has to become the loophole of the law or has to be stipulated by administrative law .

  4. 第二章公民的基本权利和义务

    Chapter II The Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens

  5. 公民基本权利和义务

    Basic rights and duties of citizen

  6. 第2条基本权利和义务

    Article 2 Basic Rights and Obligations

  7. 法学所殚思竭虑之基本权利与义务,即仅此预言者。

    The primary rights and duties with which jurisprudence busies itself again are nothing but prophecies .

  8. 明确出版者的基本权利与义务是正确维护出版者权益的必要前提。

    Clarifying the rights and obligations of the publisher is a necessary precondition of safeguarding their rights and interests properly .

  9. 宪法规定的公民的基本权利和义务,最能体现对民权的保护和对权力的制约。

    The citizens ′ basic rights and obligations as stipulated by the constitution serve as the best guarantee of civilian rights and limited power .

  10. 我们应以破产管理人应有职能为视角,探讨破产管理人的基本权利与义务,明确其法律责任。

    We shall take the responsibilities of trustee in bankruptcy as perspective to explore fundamental rights and duties , as well as define legal liabilities of them .

  11. 宪法的138条内容展示了中国的政治、法律、经济以及社会结构,同样还包括中国公民的基本权利和义务。

    The 138 articles of the Constitution China 's political , legal , economic and social structures , as well as the fundamental rights and responsibilities of Chinese citizens .

  12. 其规定着社会成员具体的基本权利和义务,规定着资源与利益在社会群体之间、在社会成员之间的适当安排和合理的分配。

    It stipulates specific fundamental rights and social obligations of social members and appropriate arrangements and reasonable distribution for interests and resources among social groups , members of the community .

  13. 二是在宪法的第二章&公民的基本权利和义务中明确规定,犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在刑事诉讼中享有保持沉默的权利,但法律另有规定的除外。

    Second step lies in emending the article two of constitution and puts " suspects and defendants , except otherwise prescribed by law , have right to silence in the criminal procedure " .

  14. 其次,文章介绍了法人制度的宪法基础,通过对宪法规定公民的基本权利和义务分析找到其宪法依据。

    Then , this text introduced and evaluated the legal persons ' classification system which had been established according to our country 's Civil Law and Company Law , pointed out the four basic deficiencies of current classifications .

  15. 两个原则的要义是平等的分配各种基本权利与义务,以及社会合作所产生的利益与负担,即使有不平等的分配也要在照顾最少受惠者的前提下,体现了一种平等主义倾向。

    The two principles essential meanings are to distribute all kinds of basic right and duty equally , and to assign the benefit and burden produced by social cooperation fairly , even if there is unequal assignment it would consider the least blessed people first .

  16. 宣扬“呆子”的基本权利与基本义务。

    There is a manifesto that contains the basic rights and responsibilities of nerds .

  17. 二是制度伦理主要目的是实现制度的公正,维护人们在社会、经济、政治、法律等方面享有最基本的权利和义务的平等与程序意义上的机会平等。

    Institutional ethics the main purpose is to realize the justice system , safeguard the people in social , economic , political , legal , enjoy the most basic rights and obligations of the equality and the significance of procedure equality of opportunity .

  18. WTO规则运行的基本规律是权利与义务的平衡性。

    A basic law about the function of WTO rules is the equilibrium of right and obligation .

  19. 非公务员的行政公务人员的公民身份使他们享有宪法规定的基本权利和承担基本义务;

    As citizens , they have the fundamental rights and duties of citizens .

  20. 他认为,法律中最基本的概念权利和义务至少可以分析为下面8个相互关联的概念:即权利、无权利、特权、义务、权力、无权力、豁免和责任。

    He thinks that the basic concepts in law , such as " right " and " duty ", can be analyzed into eight correlative concepts : right , no-right , privilege , duty , power , disability , immunity and liability .

  21. 通过研究,得出以下基本结论:报酬理论的基本前提是权利与义务对等;

    This study draws the following conclusions : the premise of the remuneration theory is the balance of rights and obligations ;

  22. 它与一定的社会基本制度相联系,并以此为基准,规定着社会成员的基本权利和义务,规定着资源与利益在社会群体之间、在社会成员之间的适当安排与合理分配。

    It is connected with currently social system , on this basis , which stipulates basic rights and duties , resources and interests how to arrange and distribute equitably among communities and members .