
  • 网络Body of Christ
  1. 你在基督身体里的事工是什么?

    What will be your ministry in the Body of Christ ?

  2. 这个危机有解决的方法:就是藉著基督身体的禁食和祷告。

    Yet there is an answer to this crisis : the praying and fasting Body of Christ .

  3. 基督身体的肢体借着长到元首里面,彼此就有东西可以分享。

    By growing up into the Head , the members of the Body have something to share with one another .

  4. 感谢你一步一步加强我们里面的人,叫我们在这个时代作一个成功你旨意,建造基督身体的人!

    Thank You that You are strengthening our inner man that we could be persons in this age fulfilling Your purpose .

  5. 主,求你带领我们,也带领我们一生的路程都在你的灵中,一步一步加强我们里面的人,叫我们在这个时代作一个成功你旨意,建造基督身体的人!

    Lord , Thank You that You are strengthening our inner man step by step that we could be persons in this age fulfilling Your purpose by building up the Body of Christ .

  6. 基督的身体的建立的事上。

    Help to build up the body of Christ .

  7. 而在基督的身体里,也就是教会,那也是这样。

    So it is also in the body of Christ , the ecclesia .

  8. 林前十二27你们就是基督的身体,并且各自作肢体。

    Cor.12:27 Now you are the body of Christ , and members individually .

  9. 你们藉著基督的身体向律法也是死的。

    Ye were made dead to the law , through the body of Christ .

  10. 基督的身体就是那在万有中充满万有者的丰满。

    The Body of Christ is the fullness of Him who fills all in all .

  11. 我们要成为基督的身体,成为的手足。

    We are to become the body of christ , his own flesh and blood .

  12. 保罗提醒他们教会作为一个整体是基督的身体,而基督则是教会的头。

    Paul had to remind them that the ecclesia as a whole is the body of Christ .

  13. 我们所擘开的饼,岂不是同领基督的身体么?

    The bread which we break , is it not the communion of the body of Christ ?

  14. 这教会就是基督的身体,就是在一切内充满一切者的圆满。

    Which is his body , 11 the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way .

  15. 耶稣在地上的使命如今成为我们的使命,因为我们是基督的身体。

    The mission Jesus had while on earth is now our mission because we are the body of Christ .

  16. 主,给我们一句活的话,说到你的奥秘,基督的身体。

    Lord , grant us a living word to speak something about Your mystery , the Body of Christ .

  17. 我承认基督的身体在天上,但是我也承认它存在于圣礼中。

    I confess that the body is in heaven , but I also confess that it is in the sacrament .

  18. 你越成熟便越爱基督的身体,并愿意为之牺牲。

    The more you mature , the more you will love the body of Christ and want to sacrifice for it .

  19. 对慈运理而言,相信基督的身体和血包含在饼与酒之内,几近乎偶像崇拜。

    For Zwingli , the belief that the bread and wine contained the physical body and blood of Christ bordered on idolatry .

  20. 为了使基督的身体成熟,我们作为个别成员必须在我们对基督的认识上成长。

    In order for the body of Christ to be mature , we as individual members must grow in our knowledge of Christ .

  21. 正如我们身体的每一部份,都有一个明确的功用;同样地,每个信徒在基督的身体里也有明确的作用。

    Just as every part of our body has a definite function , every believer has a definite work in the body of Christ .

  22. 弗四12为要成全圣徒,目的是为著职事的工作,为著建造基督的身体。

    Eph . 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry , unto the building up of the Body of Christ .

  23. 因为饼与酒没有在实际上转化成基督的身体和血,虚假的典礼和浮夸的仪式就可以免了。

    Because the bread and wine were not physically transformed into Christ 's body and blood , there was no need for spurious ceremonies and pompous rituals .

  24. 在马尔堡,路德拒绝放弃发生在圣礼的元素和基督的身体和血之间的“圣礼联合”的这个观念。

    At Marburg , Luther refused to give up the idea of " sacramental union " that took place between the elements and Christ 's body and blood .

  25. 凯西说,其实,基督的身体是圣父,基督的意识是圣子,基督的精神是圣灵。

    Indeed , Cayce says the body of Christ is the Father , the mind of Christ is the Son , and the Spirit of Christ is the Holy Spirit .

  26. 那意味著圣灵在我们心里的工作是那麽的深邃、那麽的奇妙,以致我们犹如在基督的身体里被浸淫著一样。

    That'means the Holy Spirit 's work in us is so deep , so wonderful , that it would seem as if we were immersed into the body of Christ .

  27. 对于保罗来说,作为教会「会员」意即成为一个活的身体的重要器官,是基督的身体不可或缺、无法割舍的一部分。

    To Paul , being a " member " of the church meant being a vital organ of a living body , an indispensable , interconnected part of the Body of Christ .

  28. 我们作为基督的身体有责任为真理站出来,向上帝哭求,请他扭转那属灵的浪潮,保存我们国家的人民。

    It is our responsibility as the Body of Christ to stand for truth and cry out to the Lord-asking Him to turn the spiritual tide and save the people of our nation .

  29. 装备信徒,去承担圣工,建立基督的身体,直到我们众人达到基督丰盛长成的身量,可以担起传福音的大使命。

    Equip the believers for the work of ministry to build up the body of Christ , until we all mature to the measure of the full stature of Christ , so that we can carry out the gospel mandate .

  30. 我的弟兄们,这样说来,你们借着基督的身体,在律法上也是死了,叫你们归于别人,就是归于那从死里复活的,叫我们结果子给神。

    So , my brothers , you also died to the law through the body of christ , that you might belong to another , to him who was raised from the dead , in order that we might bear fruit to god .