
  • 网络Historical Reason;Historic Reason
  1. 这说明文学阐释模式的与时俱进性,也告诫我们对文学的解说应保持高度历史理性。

    So we must keep highly historical reason to literature interpretation .

  2. 论历史理性在古代中国的发生

    On the Growth of the Historical Reason in Ancient China

  3. 其二,在人文视野中建构历史理性。

    Secondly , to construct historical sense in the humanistic vision .

  4. 先验与经验之间&狄尔泰的历史理性批判

    Between Transcendent and Experience & the Dilthey 's Critique of Historic Reason

  5. 历史理性与人文情怀的双重张力&新时期官场文学略论

    Literary Works on Officialdom of the New Period : Ration and Humanity

  6. 构建历史理性势在必行。

    It is necessary and urgent to construct historical reason .

  7. 先秦儒家历史理性的觉醒

    The Awakening of Confucian Historical Reason in the Pre-Qin Dynasty

  8. 从历史理性、人文精神到本我精神

    From Historical Rationality and Humanistic Spirit to Id Spirit

  9. 他的创作明显缺乏历史理性。

    It is obvious that historical rationality is a lack in his writings .

  10. 论五四新文学的历史理性

    On Historical Reason of May 4th New Literature Movement

  11. 历史理性论的科学史观刍议&为祝贺钱临照先生八秩寿辰而作

    A Tentative Discussion on the Conception of History of Science Based on the Historical Rationalism

  12. 狄尔泰的历史理性批判

    Wilhelm Dilthey 's Critique of Historical Reason

  13. 历史理性如何可能&评卡尔·波普尔的历史观

    On the Possibility of the Historic Rationality on the Historic View of Karl · Beopul

  14. 第二章主要讨论张炜在历史理性与伦理的悖谬中的价值取向。

    The second part of the paper mainly discusses the paradox of history and ethics .

  15. 西方现代科学哲学理性经历了从逻辑理性到历史理性的演进。

    The west modern philosophy of science rationality has evolved from logic rationality to history rationality .

  16. 田仲济的杂文既体现了应有的新闻敏感,又蕴涵着强烈的历史理性精神。

    The novel is full of historical reason and unique humanity spirit at the same time .

  17. 历史理性否认科学方法的普遍性和科学理论的真理性,具有强烈的相对主义倾向。

    History rationality denies universality of science method and objectivity of science theory and leans to relativism strongly .

  18. 典策在当作行政运作的依据的同时同样培养着周人的历史理性。

    The books and records while treat as the administrative operation basis to raise Zhou people the historical rationality similarly .

  19. 从历史理性的角度看,宪政是近现代政治文明的必然选择,是近现代政治文明的基础与标志;

    From the angle of historical reason , constitutionalism is the certainty choice , foundation and insignia of modern political civilization ;

  20. 历史理性之在古代发现,这似乎是中国学术传统的一个特色。

    It seems to be one of the characteristics of Chinese academic tradition that the historical reason has been found in ancient times .

  21. 解构现代性文学理论的形而上基础:科学意识形态的神话及其历史理性信仰和语言理性信仰;

    One dimension is to deconstruct the fundamental basis of modern literary theory & myths of scientific ideology and their historical and rational beliefs .

  22. 逻辑理性和历史理性分别着重于考察科学的静态的横断面的逻辑结构和科学的动态的纵断面的历史结构。

    Logic rationality and history rationality give emphasis to logical structure of static transect of science and historical structure of vertical section of science separately .

  23. 新现实主义从公民化叙事角度对现实投以当下关怀,呈现出客观的自在自为的历史理性主义的叙事品格;

    Neo-realism shows great concern for the present reality from a civilized narrative perspective , with the objective and free narrative nature of the historical rationalism .

  24. 平民立场与体制话语的矛盾;传统道德与历史理性的矛盾。

    There are three pairs of contradictions : tragic consciousness and comic ending , view of common people and official accents , traditional morality and historical reason .

  25. 实际后果是道德责任判断的现实根据;因果关系是道德责任判断的逻辑根据;社会历史理性是道德责任判断的最终价值根据。

    For judgment of moral responsibility , realistic consequence is an actual foundation ; causal relationship is a logical foundation ; the reason of society and history is the final value foundation .

  26. 在此基础上,提出在当代人现代化的进程中小说应具备的人文关怀和历史理性的双重精神观照。

    On this foundation , the dual spirit view that puts forward in the progress of the contemporary person modernization the humanities concern and the history reasonableness that the novel should have shine on .

  27. 狄尔泰的历史理性批判的主要任务是探讨历史认识何以可能的条件和人文科学的认识论基础。

    They were the conditions of how to come into existence of the historic knowledge and the epistemological foundation of the humanities that the main tasks of the Dilthey 's critique of historic reason discussed .

  28. 五四新文学的历史理性贯穿于历史与文学选择的运作之中,主要体现于价值理性与工具理性的确立之上。

    The stream of historical reasoning of May 4th Literature Movement is running through the process of historical and literal options , mainly embodied in adopting the reason of values or the reason of instruments .

  29. 狄尔泰的历史理性批判旨在为历史哲学奠定认识论基础,把历史定义为记忆,探寻历史知识的可能性,追问历史的意义。

    Dilthey 's critique of historical reason aimed to provide the epistemological basis for philosophy of history , define history as memory , find the possibility of historical knowledge and inquire about the meaning of history .

  30. 历史理性以历史的方式去再现科学的动态的现实发展过程,其典型特征是把决定科学发展的因素扩展到社会和心理等更广泛的领域。

    History rationality emerges dynamic realistic developmental process of science by history , its typical character is to enlarge factors which decide development of science to more broad domain , such as society , psychology ect .