
  • 网络hermeneutical circle;the hermeneutic circle
  1. 解释学循环是解释学的重要内容之一。

    Hermeneutic circle is one of the important contents of hermeneutics .

  2. 解释学循环是解释学的核心问题。

    Hermeneutic circle is a central thesis of hermeneutics .

  3. 理解是在不断的“解释学循环”中得以实现的。

    Pre-understanding , language , distance , hermeneutics cycle make understanding be possible .

  4. 理解何以可能?理解的展开就是解释学循环的往复。

    How understanding is possible ? The outspreading process of understanding is the to-and-fro qf the hermeneutic circle .

  5. “生活世界”;复杂性;动力;纽结;解释学循环;反身性;莫比乌斯带。

    World of life ; complexity ; dynamic ; knot ; circle of hermeneutics ; reflexivity ; Mobius strip .

  6. 解释循环(也称为解释学循环、诠释循环或者理解的循环),是解释学的核心理论。

    Hermeneutic circle ( also known as hermeneutics , interpretation or circle ofunderstanding ) is a central thesis of hermeneutic .

  7. 应用对象为文本,应用原则包括解释学循环、问距化、质疑、应用和自我理解。

    Its applicable objects are texts , and the principles include hermeneutics circle , spacing , questioning , and self-understanding .

  8. 本章论述了理解的几个基本条件,即前见、间距、解释学循环和语言。

    Namely this chapter has been discussed several basic conditions of understanding , prejudice and interval and hermeneutics circle and language .

  9. 它是理解和解释得以展开的基础,驱动解释学循环的动力。

    It is the foundation for understanding and interpretation , and it is the dynamics that makes the hermeneutical circle work .

  10. 由于这种生命内涵的模糊性取向,其所引起的大学生命教育理论阐释必然出现解释学循环。

    As a result of this vague orientation in life connotation , the theoretic interpretation of university life education inevitably appears the cycle of hermeneutics .

  11. 正是语言的这种既遮蔽又自我显示的特点,决定了对文学文本的理解最终要通过解释学循环的原则达到视界的融合,求得真正的理解。

    This nature of language to shadow and present determines the ultimate understanding of texts is only achieved with the integration of visions through the principles of hermeneutic cycle .

  12. 解释学循环是解释学中一个极其重要的概念,依据其内涵的变化可分为海德格尔之前的古典形态和他之后的现代形态。

    The hermeneutic circle is an extremely important concept in hermeneutics , according to the content it can be divided into pre-classical forms of Heidegger and his modern form after .

  13. 本文发挥了费耶阿本德关于科学研究标准和规则对世界结构的依赖性的观点,提出在科学研究活动中存在着解释学循环。

    The author has developed K.Paul Feyerabend 's thesis that scientific research rules depend upon suppositions of points of view of nature , has claimed that is hermeneutic circulation in science .

  14. 在解释学循环中,相对性和绝对性是客观存在的,因而在对马克思主义哲学的理解中,也必然存在着差异性、相对性和统一性、绝对性两个方面。

    In the circulation of interpretation , relativity and absoluteness are objective existence . therefore , there certainly exist two aspects of differentia and relativity , unity and absoluteness in understanding Marxist philosophy .

  15. 作为文学阐释对话性维度的有效保障,主体幻象设定了解释学循环的起点和阐释的限度,在动态的交流结构中实现阐释的合法性。

    As the effective guarantee of literary hermeneutics , subject phantasm sets the starting point of the hermeneutic circulation and hermeneutic limit , and achieves the validity of hermeneutic in the dynamic intercourse structure .

  16. 所以我们看几篇文章,摘自海德格尔的存在与时间,从他对于解释学循环的分析,看看海德格尔对这个观点看法是何。

    So let 's look at a couple of passages from your sheet , from Heidegger 's Being and Time , from his analytic of the hermeneutic circle , and see what Heidegger has to say about this claim .

  17. 这一概念可以从具体情境下解释用具意义的实践活动、经验结构内在的解释学循环和实践参与者与情境的关系这样三个角度得到阐明。

    That new conception can be illustrated probably in three senses , which consist of the practice which interprets the meaning of instrument in specified context , the hermeneutical circle which exists in the intrinsic structure of experience , and the relationship between practitioners and contexts .

  18. 文章强调,只有通过对人和技术的相互界定,通过二者之间的解释学的循环,通过一种历史性的眼光,才有可能对人的历史和本质、技术谱系进行深入的探讨。

    It is through the inter-definition between human and technology , through the circulation of their hermeneutics , and through a historical insight , that it is possible to have a further discuss on the history and nature of human being , as well as the genealogy of technology .

  19. 解释学经历了从认识论到本体论的嬗变,解释学循环问题的探讨也发生了相应的变化。

    Hermeneutics experiences development from epistemology to ontology , accordingly so does the explication of hermeneutical circle .

  20. 科学解释学认为,科学不是无前提的,对科学的理解无法摆脱解释学循环。

    Scientific hermeneutics thinks that Science has its premise , understanding of Science has its " hermeneutic circle " .