
  • 网络hermeneutic
  1. 望文生义地认为伽达默尔的解释学美学也是一种读者中心理论,这是20世纪西方美学史研究的一个严重失误。

    It is a serious mistake in the20 century 's research about western aesthetics that many researchers regard Gadamer 's Hermeneutics-Aesthetics as reader-centered theory literarily .

  2. 就目前所掌握的资料来看,本文的创新之处表现在:一,文本阅读与审美场密切关联,本文将对西方当代解释学美学、接受美学和中国古代美学理论中的相关思想学说进行梳理;

    So far as I know at present , the place of this thesis ' innovation displays in three respects : ( A ) Has made systematic , scientific combing and comparison to the relevant theories of China ancient aesthetics , reception aesthetic and hermeneutic aesthetic ;

  3. 而西方现代哲学解释学与接受美学理论中关于文学阅读理解的一些理论与观点越来越体现出其有效性和指导性。

    Some theories and views , in modern philosophy interpretation and literature reading comprehension with the theory of aesthetic acceptance , gradually shows great efficacy and guidance .

  4. 其次,论文还运用信息学、解释学和接受美学等方法对建筑信息、受众以及传播者进行专项研究,深入分析了每一个环节在传播过程中的地位与作用。

    Secondly , this dissertation uses knowledge of information theory , interpretation theories and acceptance aesthetic make some special studies on architecture information , acceptor and communicator , and analyses their state and effect in the communication process deeply .