
  1. 本论文尝试运用了现代西方现象学与解释学理论的视界融合(Horizintverschmelzung)观点来解释社会现象,尽力做到历史的真实和历史理解的真实的统一。

    The literary theory of phenomenology and hermeneutics , especially the viewpoint of " horizintverschmelzung " is applied in the thesis to explain some social phenomena in order to combine the real history with the real historical understanding .

  2. 现象学&解释学认为教师理解者角色是一种敞开的状态。

    The phenomenology-hermeneutic consider that the understanding role of teachers is a wide-open state .

  3. 研究背景:读者反应理论是以现象学和解释学为理论基础,以人的接受实践为依据的独立自足的理论体系。

    Research background : The reader-response theory is based on the theory of the phenomenology and the hermeneutics , which is the independent theoretical system based on the reception practice of human being .

  4. 以现象学和解释学为基础,接受美学提出了期待视野、未定性和空白、具体化和视野融合等概念。

    Based on Phenomenology and Hermeneutics , the leading theorists of Reception Aesthetics put forward such concepts as " Horizon of Expectation ", " Places of Indeterminacy and Blanks ", " Concretization " and " Fusion of Horizons " .

  5. 直到20世纪60年代,以现象学和解释学为理论基础,以人的接受实践为依据的接受理论诞生,人们找到了一种新的研究方法:从读者接受的角度来考察译文文本。

    Until the 1960s , with the birth of reception theory , based on phenomenology and philosophical hermeneutics and aimed at readers ' reception practice , a new research method has been established : to judge a translated text from the reception of readers .

  6. 20世纪的语言哲学包括分析哲学和现象学存在论解释学两个传统的语言哲学理论。

    In the 20th century , language philosophy contains two traditional language philosophy theories : analysis philosophy and phenomenology & existentialism and explanation science .

  7. 在对话与理解的路上,教师应不断地对自己的教育行动进行现象学的反思和解释学的理解,以获得实践智慧,成为拥有教育智慧的教师。

    Teachers should unceasingly persist in phenomenological reflection and hermeneutic understanding to their educational actions in order to obtain the practice wisdom and to become teachers who own educational wisdom .