
xiàn dài wǔ xiàng
  • Modern pentathlon;military pentathlon
现代五项[xiàn dài wǔ xiàng]
  1. 现代五项越野赛中上坡跑和台阶跑技巧探讨

    A Probe into the Running Skills in Cross-Country Running in Modern Pentathlon

  2. 这就是传说中现代五项全能运动的起源。

    So , legend has it , was born the modern pentathlon .

  3. 关于现代五项射击项目若干特点的初探

    Discussion on Some Traits of shooting in Modern Pentathlon Events

  4. 现代五项高原训练某些生理生化指标的训练监控研究

    Physiological and Biochemical Monitoring During Altitude Training in Modern Pentathletes

  5. 但现代五项出现这种问题的概率尤其高。

    But the incidence is especially high in case of modern pentathlon .

  6. 现代五项是何时成为奥运会比赛项目的?

    When was modern pentathlon introduced to the Olympic Games ?

  7. 现代五项全能被加入到奥运会设项之中。

    The modern pentathlon was added to the Olympic program .

  8. 国家现代五项队调控训练探讨

    Adjustment of the Training of National Modern Pentathlon Team

  9. 现代五项在1912年被列为奥运会项目。

    Modern pentathlon became an Olympic event in 1912 .

  10. 2008年奥运会我国现代五项运动制胜要素研究

    Research on the Winning Factors of Chinese Modern Pentathlon in 2008 Olympic Games

  11. 对我国现代五项游泳训练的分析

    An Analysis on Swimming Training in the Modern Pentathlon

  12. 这种事情其它项目也有,又不是只有现代五项才出过这种问题。

    Such things have also happened to other events rather than modern pentathlon alone .

  13. 被列为世界遗产的格林威治也将主办马术比赛和现代五项的比赛。

    The World Heritage Site of Greenwich will host Equestrian events and the Modern Pentathlon .

  14. 现代五项运动员运动能力和机能状态监控与评价的研究

    The Research of Monitoring and Evaluating on Physical Function and Athletic Capacity in Modern Pentathlon Athletes

  15. 更稳:体操、马术、花样游泳、艺术体操、跳水、现代五项。

    More stable : gymnastics , equestrian , swimming , gymnastics , diving , modern pentathlon .

  16. 2008年奥运会男子现代五项奖牌运动员成绩结构特征研究

    A Study of Characteristics of Men 's Modern Pentathlon Medalists ' Results Structure in 2008 Olympic Games

  17. 关于简化现代五项成年组个人赛记分办法之探讨

    Discussion about the New Way to Count the Points of Adult Group Individual Competition in Modern Pentathlon

  18. 现代五项运动员不同距离游泳时的血乳酸阈值等几项指标的对比研究

    A Comparison Study on Indexes Such as Blood Lactate Threshold on Modern Pentathlon After Various Distance of Swimming

  19. 从训练监控和机能评定角度探讨现代五项运动员高原训练。

    Altitude training of modern pentathlons athlete is discussed from the perspective of training control and function evaluation .

  20. 现代五项是由五种完全不同的运动项目组成的,是奥运会中最苛求的一个项目。

    The combination of five completely different sports constitutes Modern Pentathlon , the most demanding sport of the Olympic Games .

  21. 2008年北京奥运会现代五项技术官员现状调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis on the Current Status of the Modern Pentathlon Technical Officials of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

  22. 采用数码摄影研究方法,对比分析现代五项越野赛中上坡跑和台阶跑技巧。

    Applying the method of taking pictures , this essay analyses the running skills in cross country running in modern pentathlon .

  23. 对我国男子现代五项运动水平的现状分析及几个主要问题的探讨

    An Analysis of the Present Situation & Probe into Some Main Problems of the Sports Level of Chinese Men 's Modern Pentathlon

  24. 然而,澳大利亚现代五项选手还没有发现过服用违禁药物或其它违禁品的。

    However , Australian pentathletes haven 't been found to have taken any banned drugs or other banned substances during the competition .

  25. 他们的反应出乎我意料,目前担任中国现代五项队资深教练的许海峰表示。

    The reaction was much greater than I expected , says Xu , now a senior coach for China 's modern pentathlon team .

  26. 冬季两项、铁人三项和现代五项在世界范围内广泛开展,都已列为奥运会正式比赛项目。

    Biathlon , Triathlon and Modern Pentathlon which developed widely throughout the world , now have been listed as the formal competition events in the Olympic Games .

  27. 以2000年以来的世界重大比赛成绩为依据,分析现代五项运动的成绩分布特点和中国运动员的差距。

    Taking the world major competition result in 2000 as basis , this paper analyzed the characteristics of result distribution of modern pentathlon and difference of our athletes .

  28. 实际上,现代五项是由现代奥运会的创始人顾拜旦根据那位历尽磨难的法国军官的传说创立的,并成为1912年斯德哥尔摩奥运会的比赛项目。

    The brainchild of Baron Pierre de Coubertin , founder of the modern Olympic Games , the event was based upon the unlucky officerintroduced into the Stockholm Games of1912 .

  29. 位于奥林匹克公园内的四个多功能运动场将可以确保障碍赛、现代五项、排球、手球和篮球等比赛成为众人瞩目的赛事。

    Four multi-sport arenas within the Olympic Park will ensure that competitors in the Fencing , Modern Pentathlon , Volleyball , Handball and Basketball events would be right at the heart of the action .

  30. 和此前大多数奥运会承办国一样,中国似乎放缓了在体育设施和训练上的投资,不过也有一些例外,比如在成都投资1亿美元兴建的先进的现代五项运动训练中心。

    Like most former hosts , China seems to have slowed its investments in facilities and training , with some exceptions like a $ 100 million investment in a state-of-the-art pentathlon training facility in Chengdu .