
  • 网络Modernizing Agriculture;Modern Agriculture
  1. 现代化农业温室的夏季降温研究及其发展

    The progress of studies on cooling the modern agriculture greenhouse in summer

  2. 浅谈农业标准化在现代化农业中的作用

    An Brief Talk on the Function of Agricultural standardization in Modern Agriculture

  3. GIS在现代化农业中的应用研究

    Advance and Application of GIS in Modernization Agriculture

  4. 建设现代化农业试验站搭建科技创新平台基于Web日志挖掘技术的农业信息网站构建

    Constructing Modern Agricultural Experiment Station to Provide a Platform for Science and Technology Innovation ; Research on Building Agricultural Information Website Based on Web Log Mining Technology

  5. 现代化农业现在是一种基于精细农业的理念。

    Modern agriculture is a concept based on precision agriculture .

  6. 制度因素是现代化农业持续发展的保证。

    Institutional factors are essential to the sustainable development of modern agriculture .

  7. 发展现代化农业是中国的必然选择。

    Developing modernized agriculture is the inevitable choice for China .

  8. 搞好综合开发是建设现代化农业的战略措施之一,而要搞好综合开发,必先搞好农业区域开发规划。

    Doing the synthetical development well is one of the strategic measures .

  9. 温室是高科技对农业的武装,温室工程是现代化农业的重要组成部分。

    Greenhouse is the important component section of modernization agriculture .

  10. 设施农业是一种集约型的现代化农业。

    Facility agriculture is a kind of intensive agriculture modernization .

  11. 依靠科技进步发展现代化农业节水灌溉技术

    Water-saving and Irrigation Technology for Modernization Agriculture Based on the Science and Technology

  12. 我国现代化农业物流系统建设探要

    The Discussion on Native Modern Agriculture Logistics System Construction

  13. 与普通离心泵相比,这种泵能够实现自吸,因此应用广泛,特别是在现代化农业中实现自动化控制的节水灌溉方面,自吸式喷灌泵是其核心设备。

    Self-priming pump is the key equipment in the aspect of agriculture modernization .

  14. 现代化农业的发展趋势&精确农业

    Developing Trend of the Modern Agriculture & Precision Agriculture

  15. 现代化农业科技服务体系建设研究

    Construction on modernized agricultural science and technology service system

  16. 农田信息采集是精确农业首要任务,是现代化农业和数字化农业的研究重点。

    Farmland information collection is the most important task of " precision agriculture " .

  17. 浅论科技革命与我国现代化农业的发展

    Relationship of Revolution of Science & Technology with Development of Modern Agriculture of China

  18. 建设现代化农业示范区必须加强科学技术的指导和示范。

    Construction of modern agricultural demonstration zone must strengthen scientific and technical guidance and demonstration .

  19. 抢抓机遇加快发展全面建设现代化农业

    Speeding Up the Construction of Modern Agriculture

  20. 面对发达国家现代化农业的竞争,吉林农业向何处去?这是吉林农产品入世后必须通过对策研究给出明确答案的问题。

    Competition in the face of modern agriculture in developed countries , Jilin Agricultural go ?

  21. 近5年来中央一号文件都强调我国发展现代化农业的重要性。

    The past five years the central document emphasized the importance of thedevelopment of modern agriculture .

  22. 建设有中国特色的现代化农业

    Constructing Modern Agriculture with Chinese Features

  23. 精细农业是一种现代化农业理念,是指基于变量的一种田间管理手段。

    Precision agriculture is a concept of modern agriculture and a field management tool basic variation .

  24. 对这些小农场来说,联合收割机和其他现代化农业机具都太过昂贵。

    Combines and other modern farming tools are too expensive to be used on such small areas .

  25. 1990-1998年现代化农业技术集成和市场需求是粮食产量增加主要因素阶段。

    Forth phase ( 1990-1998 ), integration of modern agricultural technology and market demand were main factors .

  26. 精确农业是基于信息和知识支持的集成技术管理的现代化农业。

    Precision Agriculture is a modern agriculture which based on aggregation technology management supported by information and knowledge .

  27. 该研究为提高现代化农业生产所必需的液位控制性能提供了理论基础。

    The study provides a theoretical basis for improving the liquid level control performance in modernized agricultural production .

  28. 提升农场生产力可以借鉴信息系统如何帮助其实现现代化农业发展的模式方法。

    Increased farm productivity can draw lessons from information system to help its modernization pattern of agricultural development .

  29. 随着劳动力成本的增加,传统低效率的除草方式显然不适合现代化农业生产的需要。

    With the increase in labor cost , traditional weed control has become less suitable for modern agriculture .

  30. 城镇化的建设一方面关系着工业化的发展,另一方面也关系着现代化农业的发展。

    Urbanization has relations with the development of industrialization , but also related with the development of modern agriculture .