
  • 网络ppm;unqualified product rate;LTPD
  1. 现代社会生产中,生产过程往往是连续的,抽样检验也应连续进行;而且期望不合格品率有时可能会达到10-6级这样的高质量水平。

    In modern society , production process is usually continuous , so sampling inspection should also be designed to be used in continuous lot . Sometimes unqualified product rate is very low .

  2. 不合格品率的一个估计方法

    Estimation Method of Unqualified Product Rate

  3. 此外,利用不合格品率(p)控制图对印后装订工序的不合格品进行了分析和监控。

    In addition , p control chart is used to analyze and control the unqualified rate of the binding .

  4. 开展降损活动控制CATV用声表面波滤波器不合格品率

    Increasing Qualified Product Ratio of SAW Filters For CATV hy TQC Activity

  5. 介绍计件值工序中常用的Pn-控制图,阐明如何估计不合格品率p及合理选择抽样个数n。

    This article introduces Pn-control chart commonly applied in count-basis process , and illustrates how to estimate the rate of preference for rejection P n and reasonable choice sampling number n.

  6. 本文针对微电路生产的实际特点,在工艺不合格品率为PPM水平时,讨论了等效工序能力指数的概念和计算方法。

    A new concept of the Equivalent Process Capability Index and its estimating method are provided at PPM level .

  7. 在控制不合格品率前提下的控制界限的确定

    Determination of Control Range under the Presupposition of Controlling Rate of Unqualified Products

  8. 面向目标不合格品率的统计过程控制方法研究

    Research of Nonconforming Rate-oriented Statistical Process Control Method

  9. 一是将数据通过正态性转换,研究过程能力指数与产品不合格品率之间的关系;

    For the first one , we simply research the relationship between PCIs and nonconforming rate .

  10. 无论怎样的质量管理模式,最终目的是提高企业对产品质量的适时控制能力,尽可能将缺陷消除在萌芽阶段,从而降低不合格品率。

    The aims of quality control are to improve the ability of quality control timely and reduce reject ratio .

  11. 第三章介绍西格玛水平的计算方法,推导出过程无漂移和有漂移时,西格玛水平与产品不合格品率之间的函数关系式。

    Chapter three illustrates how to calculate the sigma level and deduces the function between the sigma level and nonconforming rate whether the process has shift or not .

  12. 本文根据大批量抽样的特点,利用二项分布制订以批不合格品率为质量指标的计数一次抽样方案。

    According to the attributes of sampling plan for large lots , a plan of single sampling is determined by binomial distributions with lot percentage of the non-passed as quality index .

  13. 而六西格玛管理观认为,在过程能力最优的状态,即过程达到六西格玛时,却能降低不合格品率,从而减少企业的成本并增加利润。

    But the viewpoint of Six Sigma is that it can decrease the costs of the enterprises and increase profits when the process is at the six sigma level by reducing the nonconforming rate .

  14. 证明了两种方案的检验率相同的充分必要条件是两种方案的检后不合格品率相等,最后给出了两种方案相互转换的方法。

    And it is proved that the sampling rates of both plans are equal if and only if their average outgoing qualities are the same . Finally , the transformated method between both plans is given .

  15. 本文基于传统的质量管理观,研究过程能力指数与产品不合格品率之间的关系,建立了过程有无漂移时的过程能力指数与产品不合格品率之间的关系模型。

    We study the relationship between the PCIs and the nonconforming rate base on the traditional quality management , and establish the relation model between the PCIs and and nonconforming rate whether the process has shift or not .