首页 / 词典 / good


  • No two;consistent
不二 [bù èr]
  • (1)

  • [consistent]∶没有两样,一致和相同的

  • 君令不二

  • (2)

  • [single-minded loyal]∶专一,不变心

  • 对革命坚贞不二

  1. 傍晚散步去迪耶普的海滩简直是不二之选。

    For an evening stroll the beach at Dieppe is hard to beat .

  2. 他是那个角色的不二人选。

    He was just right for the part .

  3. 从该电影公司的男主角名单来看,罗伯特·沃克显然是出演这一角色的不二人选。

    From the studio 's roster of leading men , Robert Walker was an obvious choice to play the part .

  4. 在新罗谢尔高中(NewRochelleHighSchool)的毕业典礼上,她理所当然地成为代表所在班级致告别辞的不二人选。

    And , inevitably , she ended up valedictorian of her class at New Rochelle high school .

  5. 在所有的三个字母组合的备选代码中,EAT这个言简意赅的组合最终胜出,成为不二之选。

    Of all the three-letter combinations available , eat won out as the obvious choice .

  6. 如果你的工作依赖的专业化软件有一段时间没有升级了,SurfacePro是不二之选。

    If your work relies on specialized software that hasn 't been updated in a while , stick with the Surface Pro .

  7. 这只由日本漫画大师藤子•F•不二雄一手打造的未来机器猫根本无需过多介绍。

    The robotic cat from the future , created by Japanese manga artist Fujiko F. Fujio , needs no introduction .

  8. 他很小,蓝色的,现在多拉A梦和他的创作者藤子•F•不二雄有了自己的博物馆。

    He 's small , blue and now along with his creator Fujiko F.Fujio , Doraemon has his own museum .

  9. 加入WTO后,中国服务业会有较大程度的开放,会计服务业也不二例外。

    Now that China has joined WTO , its service industries will have to be opened to a greater extent and the accounting service industry is no exception .

  10. 他表示:坦白地说,如果你想要检验自己MBA学位的价值,那么撒哈拉以南非洲地区绝对是不二选择。

    Frankly , if you want to test the value of your MBA , sub-Saharan Africa is just the place to it !

  11. 尽管不二雄是因为创作了来自未来的机器猫多拉A梦和大雄这对拍档而闻名的,但是博物馆也展示了他的其它作品,包括了小鬼Q太郎以及其它作品。

    Although Fujio is most well-known for creating the duo of cat-from-the-future Doraemon and Nobita , the museum also showcases his other works including Obake no Q-taro and others .

  12. 换句话说,如果你是个Ruby开发者,正在寻找更加安全、可伸缩性更好的Web框架以构建交互性更好的应用,那么Lift就是你的不二之选。

    Put another way , if you 're a Ruby developer looking for a more secure , more scalable web framework that allows you to build more interactive apps , Lift is it .

  13. JVM绝对是语言和应用开发的不二选择,我觉得我们才看到了个开始。

    The JVM is most definitely the platform of choice for language and application development , and I think we 're just seeing the beginning .

  14. 而EVA的出现正是以价值管理为导向的,与传统指标比较,它是衡量企业理财业绩的不二之选。

    Economic Value Added ( EVA ) is the emergence of value management-oriented and it is a best measurement tool of corporate financial performance compared with the traditional indicators .

  15. CPLD是复杂可编程逻辑器件,以其速度快、稳定性高、设计灵活和价格低廉成为设计数字控制系统的不二选择。

    CPLD is complicated programmable logic device , with its fast > stability higb 、 designing flexible and cheap , become the best choice of designing numerical control system .

  16. 但是,如果从综合能力、运营经验和自愿性上来看,中国移动应该是获得TD-SCDMA牌照的不二人选。

    However , from the view of comprehensive capability , operations experience and voluntariness , China Mobile should be the definitive candidate to receive TD-SCDMA licenses .

  17. 尽管双方的合作相当成功,但哈迪德并非SOHO在北京和上海的新建筑项目的不二人选。

    Despite their partnership 's success , Hadid wasn 't a shoe-in for SOHO 's next projects in Beijing and Shanghai .

  18. TPP协议被华盛顿鼓吹作加速所有参与国经济的不二选择。

    The deal has been hailed by Washington as a number one priority that will boost the economies of all the participating countries .

  19. 当然,Gaga对爱情可谓是忠贞不二,她和卡尔的感情也还算浓情蜜意,2人在休斯顿的酒店排队上被拍到旁若无人地拥吻。

    But the pair are definitely back together and were spotted snogging in a Houston hotel pool party during her stay .

  20. MESAMESA陆地2D、3D、4D和全波(多分量)勘探设计软件,是在复杂地质情况下勘探规划设计的不二选择。

    MESA MESA software for land2D , 3D , 4D and full-wave ( multicomponent ) acquisition design , is a tool of choice when planning , modeling and tracking complex acquisition scenarios .

  21. 在办公软件领域,很多企业用户仍对微软忠贞不二,但像Zoho和Google这样的在线服务(SaaS)竞争者已是咄咄逼人。

    Many enterprise users are still devoted to Microsoft in the office suite space , but SaaS competitors like Zoho and Google have begun to emerge as a serious threat .

  22. 如果你是安卓粉丝,并且一直期待一款设计出众的平板电脑,索尼的XperiaZ就是不二之选。

    If you 're an Android fan and you 've been waiting for a tablet with a great design , Sony 's Xperia Tablet Z fits the bill .

  23. 结果,各种各样的膳食方案层出不穷:素食主义、无麸质饮食、旧石器时代饮食(Paleolithic,又译,古式饮食)、果食主义等等,每一种都拥有大批忠贞不二的拥趸。

    A consequence is an abundance of regimens - vegan , gluten-free , Paleolithic , fruitarian and many more - each promoted by its adherents as the one true path .

  24. 所罗门曾是渥太华电视政论节目权利与政治(PowerandPolitics)主持人,此外,他还主持CBC广播电台TheHouse节目。外界曾预期,在CBC主播曼斯布里奇(PeterMansbridge)退休时,现年47岁的所罗门将是接任CBC主播的不二人选。

    Solomon , 47 , was the Ottawa-based host of Power and Politics on television and The House on CBC radio , and had been one of the people touted to replace Peter Mansbridge on The National when the veteran newsman retires .

  25. 让今年的万圣节变得与众不同!北京夜生活新地标&位于北京柏悦酒店内的XIU是你度过万圣夜的不二之选,给你带来独具格调的惊悚体验和第一流的刺激表演!

    This year , come and celebrate Halloween in style at Beijing 's coolest new venue , XIU at Park Hyatt , for a night of spooky class and premium scary entertainment !

  26. 该报告的数据采集自超过8.6亿QQ用户,他们认为“龇牙”表情礼貌、可爱而又友好,因而是网上搭讪的不二之选。

    The report was based on the data of more than 860 million QQ users , for whom means polite , cute , and friendly , and has become the best way to say hello when chatting online .

  27. 未知预测:Portman(波特曼)经常穿Rodarte(罗达特)的礼服,这款闪闪发亮的金色礼服风靡一时,是吸引眼球的不二佳选。

    Wild Card : Portman frequently wears Rodarte designs and this burnished gold one is an eye-catching alternative to a long flowing style .

  28. 作为日本NACHI中国经销商,得到了株式会社不二越的大力支持。

    As Japan 's NACHI Chinese distributor , has been more support from Fuji Corporation .

  29. 对于Instagram的市场开发负责人马特·雅各布森(MattJacobson)来说,这家图片共享平台已经成为奢侈品牌和关注者在选择社交网络时的不二之选,这种与更广泛人群互动的能力,是企业利用网络平台策略的关键。

    For Matt Jacobson , head of market development at Instagram , the photo-friendly online platform that has become the social network of choice for luxury brands and their followers , this ability to engage with a wider audience lies at the heart of how companies should use online platforms .

  30. 台北卡洛儿精品仕女服饰,年轻妈妈的不二选择!

    Taipei carol competitive trappings , young mummy 's first choice !