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  1. 因此化佛没有出在宝冠中央,却出现在靠近一侧的位置上,是此像极为特殊的地方。

    This figure is thus given special prominence , by appearing to one side instead of centrally in the headdress .

  2. 作为可眼见的分身应化佛,和作为你们真实体性的佛性的佛,这两种应该是一,他们恒为一。

    The Buddha manifested as a sight , and the Buddha as your true nature , they are one , they are always one .

  3. 傣族传统文化具有佛教世俗化,民间习俗佛教化,以及神佛世界融合的特点。

    The secular Buddhism , Buddhism custom , the supernatural and Buddha in a world together are the characteristics of the Dai Nationality traditional culture .