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  1. 以史学家作剧,在大关节目上不失历史之真实;

    The historian makes drama , which does not lose history truth on the big joint eye ;

  2. 以革命家作剧,则能紧紧地握住时代的脉搏,具有强烈的时代意义。

    The revolutionary makes drama , which can hold the pulse of the times tightly , and has strong era meanings .

  3. 汤显祖的作剧理论具有“自成体系”、“富有实践性”、“哲理深度”三大特色,是我国戏曲理论的宝贵财富。

    Tang Xianzu 's theories of writing drama have the following three characteristics : " having a system of his own "," rich in practicality " and " depth of philosophy " .

  4. 在时间上是最早,但其艺术质量却远远不如赵氏1927年所作清唱剧《海韵》。

    These works were far surpassed in artistic quality by Sea Lilt written by Zhao in1927 .

  5. 引言从历史、社会和个人背景等方面,用戏曲的一般意识形态性质分析了李调元作《剧话》、《曲话》的缘由。

    The introductive part analyzes the writing purpose of the Ju Hua and the Qu Hua via its history , society and personal background by using general ideology and aesthetic ideology of drama .

  6. 基本资料:尹恩惠以韩国女子组合BabyV.O.X成员的身份踏入演艺圈。此后她歌而优则演,其主演的代表作有电视剧《咖啡王子一号店》和《想你》。

    Basics : Yun debuted as a member of girl group Baby V.O.X. She has since moved on to acting and is best known for starring in the TV dramas The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince and Missing You .

  7. 圣伊丽莎白传奇,为独唱,混声合唱队,管风琴和管弦乐队而作的清唱剧。

    Die Legende von der heilgen Elisabeth , oratorio for soloists , Mixed chours , Organ & orchestra .

  8. 为男高音,男低音,儿童合唱队和管弦乐队而作的清唱剧森林之歌。

    The Song of the Forests , oratorio , for tenor , bass , childrens chorus , chorus & orchestra .

  9. 去年三月,李尔云找到了导演五百。五百的作品具有独特的个人风格,他的代表作包括人气电视剧《古董局中局》、电影大片《“大”人物》。

    In March last year , she reached out to director , Wu Bai , known for the popular series Mystery of Antiques , and the blockbuster The Big Shot .