
  • 网络opus number;ISWC;ISAN
  1. 终曲,选自第四交响乐,F小调,作品36号(俄)柴可夫斯基。

    Finale , from Symphony No.4 in F minor , Op.36 Tchaikovsky .

  2. 贝多芬弦乐四重奏,作品18号,第二首,末乐章。

    Beethoven String Quartet , Op.18 , No.2 , final Movement .

  3. 肖邦练习曲作品10号和作品25号的艺术性探索

    On Exploration of the Artistic Value of Chopin Etudes Opus . 10 and Opus . 25

  4. 晚期二十首钢琴小品(作品116&119号)是浪漫主义时期这一体裁中不可多得的艺术瑰宝。

    This blend of romantic feeling and classical spirit is exemplified in such works as his late short twenty pieces ( op.116 & 119 ) .

  5. 本文试图通过分析勃拉姆斯晚期四部特性钢琴小品集(作品116&119号)的创作手法,来说明其通过对古典主义形式的剥离,对浪漫主义音乐元素的吸收,形成的独特风格。

    The paper intends to show his deviation from classic forms by analysing his four later clavier essays Op. 116-119 which assimilated romantic elements and formed his own style .

  6. 布格缪勒《钢琴进阶25曲》(作品100号)是一本具有音乐性的钢琴基本技术训练教材。

    " 25 Pieces of Progressive Piano Work "( No.100 ) by Burgm ü ller , a textbook of basic piano training , is mainly make up of binary form , ternary form and rondo .

  7. 罗曼蒂克的音乐日记与浪漫主义的音乐格言&肖邦《钢琴前奏曲》作品第28号研究

    Romantic Musical Dairy and Romantic Musical Motto & A Study in Chopin 's Prelude Op.28

  8. 音乐会上还首次演奏了他的七重奏,作品第20号,后来很受欢迎。

    This concert also included the first performance of his Septet , op.20 , which became very popular .

  9. 然而他把钢琴奏鸣曲,作品第2号的头3首献给了海顿,并于1795年秋初在奇洛乌斯基王子的家中上演,此时海顿刚刚从伦敦回来。

    However , he dedicated his first three piano sonatas , op.2 , to Haydn , and they were performed at Prince Lichnowsky 's house in the early autumn of1795 , just after Haydn 's return from England .

  10. 《围城》中的方鸿渐是贯穿小说情节始终的人物,是作品的男一号。

    The fortress is throughout the square hong gradually fiction always characters , is the hero of the works .

  11. 肖邦独一无二的作品《前奏曲》作品第28号,是一部重要的钢琴音乐文献,其精致的笔触、丰富的内容与个性化的音乐语言,使其堪称肖邦钢琴艺术的缩影。

    Chopin 's unparalleled works of Prelude Op. 28 is an important piano music literature , whose exquisite writing style and rich content as well as individualized music language make the works the epitome of Chopin piano art .

  12. 他最著名的作品是《拉德茨基进行曲》,最著名的圆舞曲是《莱茵河女妖罗蕾莱》(作品第154号)。

    His most famous piece , however , is probably the Radetzky March whereas his most famous waltz is probably the Lorelei Rhine Kl ? nge op.154 .

  13. 法国收藏家尼古拉斯·凯特莱(NicolasCattelain)把八件极简主义作品借给了伦敦的千禧画廊(MillenniumGallery),包括索尔·莱威特(SolLeWitt)1967年创作的经典作品——白漆铝制雕塑《系列作品1号A6》(SerialProject#1,A6)。

    At the Millennium Gallery , eight works of Minimalism - including the classic 1967 Sol LeWitt white-painted aluminum sculpture " Serial Project \# 1 , A6 " - have been lent by the French collector Nicolas Cattelain in London .