
  • 网络Battle Lab
  1. 介绍了美军作战实验室产生原因、组织结构、基本特点和实现的主要技术手段与一般工作程序,最后阐述了美军实验室建设给我们带来的一些启示。

    Battle Lab , organization structure , basic character , main technic method and general working process , at the end of paper , it gives some inspireres to us from the U.

  2. STAGE软件在战术作战实验室建设中的应用

    Applications of STAGE Software to the Construction of Tactics Operational Laboratory

  3. 近年来,随着GIS和虚拟现实(VR)技术的发展,军事演习和指挥决策在概念上有了新的飞跃,通过建立虚拟作战实验室来进行军事训练和研究。

    In recent years , with the development of GIS and suppositional real ( VR ) technology , and combat exercise commanding and study to come to carry out military training the laboratory making policy having had the new leap on the concept , supposing by building-up to do battle .

  4. 美军作战实验室建设走在世界的前列。

    US battle labs are in the lead around the world .

  5. 对构建作战实验室实验支撑体系的问题研究

    Research on Constructing Support System for Operational Laboratory Experimentation

  6. 未来战争将首先在作战实验室“打响”。

    The future war will " be launched " in battle labs first .

  7. 美军作战实验室发展现状及其启示

    Current situation of and revelation from American Campaign-Labs

  8. 空间作战实验室的复杂性研究

    Research on the Complexity of Space War Lab

  9. 空间作战实验室建设探讨

    Research on the Construction of Space Operation Lab

  10. 通过借鉴美军作战实验室在武器装备发展和战斗力提高的巨大作用和影响,提出了构建完善的作战实验室体系,创新发展武器装备手段;

    American Campaign-Labs have played a great role in armament development and operational effectiveness improvement .

  11. 所以又叫做作战实验室。

    So they are called battle labs .

  12. 美军作战实验室是军事转型的产物,并在军事转型过程中发挥着探索与验证的作用。

    The battle laboratory in US army is resulted from military transformation and functions as exploration and experiment in the process of military transformation .

  13. 空间作战实验室是实验研究空间作战活动的权威机构,研究空间作战实验室的目的是提高部队的战斗力,提出空间作战的新思想。

    Space war lab is an authoritative organization that studies the activities of space war , with the purpose of enhancing the battle effectiveness and bringing forward new ideas of space war .

  14. 建立空间作战实验室,大力开展空间作战理论与军事航天技术仿真研究,对于未来谋求空间作战战略主动的重要性不言而喻。

    Construction of space operation lab ( SOL ) and research on the theory of space operation and military spaceflight simulate technology are very obviously important for the future stratagem priority of space operation .

  15. 该文通过对空间作战实验室的复杂性进行全面分析,说明其是一个规模宏大、作战空间宽广、影响因素众多的复杂巨系统。

    The space war lab is a complex and gigantic system with magnificent scale , wide battling scope and numerous influencing factors , on the basis of completely analyzing the complexity of space war lab .

  16. 在空间作战实验室需求和概念研究的基础上,就空间作战实验室建设的性质、任务、建设内容、建设方法和步骤等进行了初步研究;

    In the paper , on the basis of the requirement of SOL and the study of the concepts , the authors primarily researched the characters , the tasks , the construct contents , the study methods , the process and so on .

  17. 数字化装甲营作战仿真实验室的支撑软件设计

    Infrastructure Software Design for Digital Armored Battalion Battle Simulation Laboratory

  18. 介绍了数字化装甲营作战仿真实验室的支撑软件组成、结构和功能。

    In this paper presents the components , structure and function of infrastructure software for digital armored battalion battle simulation .

  19. 该方法已用于装甲兵数字化作战仿真实验室的作战仿真中。

    And the method is applied in the battle simulation software of Digital Battle Simulation Lab of Armored Force Engineering Institute .

  20. 作战仿真作为军事人员的作战实验室,在军事训练、作战研究、装备发展等方面具有广泛的发展前景。

    As an " operational lab ", warfare simulations that have been widely used in the domains of military training , warfare research , equipment development , and so on , present a promising future .

  21. 并据此提出了空间作战模型论证与检验,以及空间作战实验室如何建设等方面的思路。

    Based on above viewpoint , they put forward some ideas of space operate model argumentation , verify and some thoughts of how to construct the SOL .

  22. STAGE软件提供了一种良好的作战仿真环境,利用它可以构建起功能强大的作战实验室。

    STAGE software provides a good environment for operational simulation which can be found in powerful operational laboratories .