
  1. 我们的选择作得太急了。

    We were overhasty in making the choice .

  2. 如果把企业文化建设仅仅理解为CI策划或创意,那么即使文案作得再漂亮,也不能在企业经营管理实践中发挥作用。

    If one understands the construction of enterprise culture merely as CI plan or originality , doing so will be unable to play a positive part in the practice of the operation management , even though the desk text and style is well designed .

  3. 现在你可知道你作得不对啦,是吧?

    You 've not done right , have you , now ?

  4. 他在考试中作得比他预料的还要糟。

    He did worse than he was expecting in the exams .

  5. 苏洛船长,这次你作得太过火了。

    Captain solo , this time you have gone too far .

  6. 贾希拉:我们作得很好,必可促成伟大平衡的维持。

    Our actions are good , and will serve the greater balance .

  7. 可是他却是第一个作得这样有声有色。

    But he was the first to face it with such bravado .

  8. 离别这件事难过得很,我们就作得简短些。

    Because the departure was not easy , we made it brief .

  9. 记住,你应该把报告作得尽可能引人注目。

    Remember that you should make the report as eye-catching as possible .

  10. 他的评述能阐明作得作品的各个方面,令人难忘。

    His comments can illuminate aspects of a writer 's work unforgettably .

  11. 我也作得很不错。

    I 've done rather well with it , too .

  12. 你儿子的工作做得不错,但他还能作得更好。

    Your son 's work is satisfactory , but he could do better .

  13. 这是允诺要在来年把一些事情作得更好。

    It 's a promise to do something better in the coming year .

  14. 对,他报告作得很好。

    Yes , he did fine with his presentation .

  15. 所发出来的水必流入盐海,使水变甜(原文作得医治下同)。

    When it empties into the Sea , the water there becomes fresh .

  16. 一碟,一碟,再来一碟,人们期望我们会作得更好。

    Dish after dish after dish , People expects us to be better .

  17. 瞧,你作得够呛。

    Well , you 've done enough .

  18. 这个广告作得恰如其分。

    This advertisement was designed appropriately .

  19. 这次会议开得很好,周总理的结论也作得好。

    Our conference has been a success , and Premier Chou has made a fine summing-up .

  20. 鲍勃把报告作得一团糟后,公司决定让他辞职。

    ex : After Bob messed up the presentation , the company decided to let him go .

  21. 我把推拿及发气治疗作得更仔细一点,因为我真的希望温老太能康复得更快。

    I did massage and energy transmission more thoroughly . I really wanted a faster recovery for her .

  22. 现在,美国人将要求外交与内政上「作得更少」,这将成为代表21世纪的重大转折。

    The defining fact of foreign policy in the second decade of the21st century and beyond will be'less .

  23. 我一定接受各位的好意把开幕词尽量作得简短些。

    And I shall try to deserve your good opinion by opening the meeting as briefly as possible .

  24. 举例来说,在一些高铁上的食物当然可能作得更好。

    The food on some high-speed trains , for instance , could certainly be made better , he said .

  25. 唐朝有个大臣叫李义甫,他很会奉承别人,所以他的官作得越来越大,一直作到了丞相。

    So his official position was raised higher and higher . At last , he was made the prime minister .

  26. 灵:(笑)童心作得好!你知道他会来打我是吗?

    Ling : ( laughs ) Good job , Shin ! You knew he would try to assail me , right ?

  27. 那真是太好了!祝你顺利!我相信你一定会作得很好的。

    B : That 's wonderful ! Good luck to you . I 'm sure you 're going to do extremely well .

  28. 他给我的感受就不同了;可是如果我能作得不像是有精神病的样子,我就情愿永远不再见他!

    He moves me differently : and yet if I could do it without seeming insane , I 'd never see him again .

  29. 在维持自然平衡中,每种动物都有其作用。贾希拉:我们作得很好,必可促成伟大平衡的维持。

    Every animal has its place in the balance of nature . Our actions are good , and will serve the greater balance .

  30. 可七37众人分外惊讶,说,他所有的事都作得好;他既叫聋的听见,又叫哑的说话。

    Mk.7:37 And they were utterly astounded , saying , He has done all things well ; He makes both the deaf hear and the dumb speak .