
  • 网络work style
  1. 在新的历史条件下,继续坚持两个务必并赋予其新的时代内涵,是我们加强党的作风建设和社会主义事业取得胜利的根本保证。

    In the new era , it is fundamental for us to adhere to the " two musts " and bestow it with new concept so as to strengthen the Party 's work style and to ensure the victory of our socialism movement .

  2. 加强党的作风建设树立党的良好形象

    Improve the Work Style of the Party and Establish A Good Image

  3. 加入WTO后,党的作风建设面临着新的机遇和挑战。

    The construction of Party conduct is faced with opportunities and challenges after China 's accession to WTO .

  4. 关于党的作风建设的回顾与思考

    Reflection on the Construction of Work Style of C P C

  5. 当前,制度化乃是我国行政作风建设的有形载体。

    Nowadays , systematization is the concrete carrier of administrative style construction .

  6. 高校领导班子思想作风建设研究

    A Study on the Ideological and Working Style Construction of Collegiate Leadership

  7. 提升执行力是干部作风建设的题中应有之义。

    Promoting execution is an integrant part of cadres'style building .

  8. 代表人民利益:加强和改进党的作风建设的根本要求

    To Represent the Basic Interests of People & Key to Party Construction

  9. 试论党的作风建设

    Discussion on our party 's construction of style of work

  10. 加强高校行政干部作风建设的几点思考

    Thoughts on Strengthening the Building of the College Cadres ' Working Style

  11. 浅析两个务必与当前年轻干部作风建设

    " Two Musts " and Current Young Cadre Style Construction

  12. 作风建设与管理绩效

    Style Construction and the Achievement and Effect of Administration

  13. 加强党的思想作风建设在党风建设中居于首要地位;

    The ideological style construction has the key importance .

  14. 构建农村基层干部作风建设长效机制的思考

    Towards a long-effect mechanism to construct the managerial style of rural grassroots cadres

  15. 公共行政的作风建设有两个理论视角。

    The public administrative style holds two theoretical perspectives .

  16. 浅论干部生活作风建设

    On The Construction Of Way Of Cadre 's Life

  17. 加强和改进领导作风建设之我见

    Strengthen and Improve the Construction of the Leading Style

  18. 我们要高度重视党的作风建设

    High Attention must be Paid to The Construction of Party 's Working Style

  19. 加强作风建设密切警民关系

    Strengthen the Style Construction to Forge Stronger Ties between the People and Police

  20. 试论电子政务的实施对政府作风建设的影响

    Discussing the Influence of Implementation of E-government on Advancing Government 's Style Construction

  21. 试论党的作风建设理论的形成和发展

    The Formation and Development of the Theory of Style Construction of the Party

  22. 关于干部作风建设的思考

    Reflections on Construction of Work - style of Cadres

  23. 制度化:行政作风建设的现实选择

    Systematization : A Realistic Choice of Administrative Style

  24. 论党的思想作风建设的四个重要层面

    On the Four Aspects of Developments In the Style and Thought of the Party

  25. 加强党的作风建设必须从严治党

    To Strengthen the Party Construction of Styles , the Party must be governed Strictly

  26. 党的思想作风建设的理论思考

    Theoretical Reflection on the Construction of Thought Style

  27. 贯彻三个代表思想加强党的作风建设

    Implementing " Three Represents " Thought , Strengthening the Building of the Party Style

  28. 领导干部是党的作风建设的重点对象。

    The leading cadres are the key objects of the party 's style building .

  29. 新时期干部作风建设的基本原则指向

    Direction to the Basic Principles of Work Style of Cadres in the New Period

  30. 狠抓各种作风建设是干部教育的关键;

    Second , it is the key thing to cultivate a fine work style ;