
  • 网络operation cycle;Cycle time;duty cycle
  1. 结论:在现场施工应用后,较好地解决了油管腐蚀严重,作业周期短的问题,效果明显。

    Conclusion After implementation , solving the questions of corrosion pipe and short the duty cycle , we have gotten obvious result .

  2. 提出集装箱船截面和堆场贝位截面方法分别对新型岸桥和新型场桥的作业周期进行详尽的计算。

    A method of container ship section and yard bay section were proposed , the operational cycle time of novel quayside container crane and novel yard crane calculated closely .

  3. 在滤速10~30m/h的条件下纤维球过滤器均能正常工作,滤速对过滤器截污容量和作业周期影响较大,过滤速度越高,过滤器截污容量越小,作业周期也越短;

    Under the filtration conditions of 10 ~ 30m / h , fibre-ball filter operates normally , the velocity of filtration effects greatly upon capacity of cut-off sludge by filter and operation period .

  4. 利用技术&经济分析法确定润滑作业周期;

    The lubricating exercise period is confirmed by using the technology-economy analytical method ;

  5. 本文叙述了转炉作业周期和高压风机工况;

    This paper expLained the Working Condition of the Converter operating period and high pressure Ventilator .

  6. 立体仓库自动存取系统的作业周期与货位分区管理开放存取仓储

    Operating cycle and rack area zoning management of automated storage / retrieval system Open Access Repositories

  7. 对于受压任务,其本作业周期的剩余执行量是一个重要指标。

    The compressed task , its remaining computation time of the current instance is a key parameter .

  8. 因此,与其它提高采收率的方法相比,具有资金投入少,作业周期短,回收成本快,适用范围广的特点。

    Comparing with the other methods of recovery-enhancing its advantages are less fund , short operating cycle , fast reclaiming cost and applicable in wide scope .

  9. 从航空母舰对舰载机作战保障的角度出发,分析了舰载机在航空母舰作业周期内的各个保障环节的内容及相应的保障设施。

    From the operational guarantee of aircraft carrier to shipboard aircraft , the content of every guarantee aspect and corresponding guarantee facilities during the working cycle of aircraft carrier are analyzed .

  10. 指出,制定旧油管检修标准,是提高检修质量,延长作业周期,降低作业费用,确保油田生产的根本途径。

    So , formulating standards for repairing used oil tubes is the fundamental approach to improving repair quality to extend the service life of tubes and reduce the cost of oilfield production .

  11. 巷道堆垛机是自动化仓储系统实现货物自动存取的关键设备,通过对其平均单作业周期的计算可以得出单作业周期的等效货位,从而为自动化仓储系统的建设设计和高效管理提供依据。

    The average single task cycle of stacker crane can be used to get the equivalent slot of single task cycle , which provides the gist to design and run automated storage retrieval system effectively .

  12. 土地利用更新调查是一项技术要求高、工作量大、作业周期长、投入人力多的工程,如果组织不力或方法不当,会影响工程效率或成果质量。

    Land use renewal investigation is a project which need high technique , much work and labor , and long time cycle . If the implementation or method is not fit , the efficiency and the quality will been affected .

  13. 针对高含泥质、钙质地层完井和改造作业周期长、储层易受压井液污染问题,开发了射孔测试酸化联作工艺。

    Aimed at the problems of high mud content , long period for well completion and modification in calcium formation , and well control fluid easily damaging formation , the article developed this combined process with perforating , testing and acidizing .

  14. 携砂液在高压作用下进入地层,在油层形成稳定的砂桥,阻挡低渗透储层疏松砂岩随油水进入井筒,形成砂埋或者砂卡,从而提高防砂效果,延长油水井作业周期。

    The carrying fluid enters formation at high pressure and forms stable sand bridge to prevent the loose sand in low permeability reservoir from entering wellbore along with oil and water and forming sanding-in , thus to improve sand control effect and extend the operation period of wells .

  15. 分步了解作业生命周期

    Learn about the job life cycle , step-by-step

  16. 这类方法制约了用户直接选择使用共享资源,也限制了用户共享资源的范围、延长了作业运行周期。

    However , these methods constrain the users on the selection and the range of the sharing resources and increase the processing time .

  17. 本文依据生命周期评价理论,在参考国内外研究成果的基础上,分析了人工林作业生命周期的资源、环境和经济影响。

    Based on life cycle assessment theory , this paper analyzed the impact of plantation operation on resources , environment and economics within the domain of a life cycle .

  18. 纤维的加入提高了防砂体的早期抗压强度(即固化12~24h时的抗压强度),作业占井周期由原来的关井4d缩短为2d;

    The added fibres strengthened the early compressive strength ( the com-pressive strength when curing for 12-24h ) , and operation period reduced from four days of shut in to two days .

  19. 翻车机作业线卸车周期的图解法

    Graphic method to determine cycle time of car dumping on wagon tipper line

  20. 了解作业的生命周期。

    Understand the life cycle of jobs .

  21. 因此在第一种情况下,缓存中对象的最短生命周期就是批处理作业的生命周期。

    Thus in the first case , the minimum lifetime of objects in the cache would be the lifetime of the batch job .

  22. 机具设备数量少,操作简单,无需长距离输送,减少了CA砂浆泌水与分离,简化了施工程序,并可灵活选择作业地点,施工周期短,机械化程度高,工人作业劳动强度低。

    These equipments are of few number , easy to operate , no needing to be transported for long distance and reducing the separating of CA mortar mixture .

  23. 你的家庭作业就是熟记元素周期表。

    Your homework is to learn the periodic table .

  24. 确定作业名称、作业周期,确定作业关系,并成对输入作业关系。

    This paper gives the name and the duration of tasks , decides the relationship among the tasks and input task information in couple .

  25. 研究了将无人机低空遥感系统和移动道路测量系统相结合的快速定位方法和作业流程。该方法缩短了摄影测量作业周期,提高了作业效率。

    Researched on the fast positioning method and working process by combining unmanned aerial vehicle low altitude remote sensing system with mobile road surveying system which shortened the period of photogrammetric work and improved efficiency . 5 .

  26. 这个程序的输入数据是作业分析表(即每个作业的先行作业和作业周期)。

    The input data of this program are the sequence and duration of activities .

  27. 目前,我国石油修井作业一直采用传统的修井工艺,修井作业施工周期长,劳动强度大,装置自动装卸控制技术不先进,严重影响了油井修井技术的发展。

    At the present time , workover treatment still uses traditional well workover technics . Long construction period of the workover treatment , high working intensity , lagging equipment auto-transfer control technic have a strong impact on the develop of oil well repair technic .

  28. 针对混凝土搅拌站作业的特点,采用计算机自控技术,对混凝土动态物料配比、搅拌性能、作业周期等参数进行有效控制,实现对混凝土搅拌自动控制。

    In this paper , with the help of computer automatic control , a automatic control system for concrete batching plant is researched for the efficient control of its parameter according to the characteristics of it .

  29. 为此,采用实证研究方法,针对油气钻井作业的过程提出两个假设:①钻井作业成本与钻井进尺呈一定的比例关系;②钻井作业成本与钻井周期呈一定的比例关系。

    Therefore , a positive research method was a-dopted to put forward two hypotheses during the oil and gas drilling works , i. e. a certain relation existed between operation 's cost and drilling footage and cycle respectively .