
  • 网络float glass furnace
  1. 延长浮法玻璃熔窑使用期限的措施

    Multiple Steps to Prolong the Life of Float Glass Furnace

  2. ES-Ⅲ专家系统在超薄浮法玻璃熔窑上的应用

    Application of ES - ⅲ Expert system to Ultra-Thin Float Glass Furnace

  3. 结合我公司350t/d熔窑两次冷修所采用的碱性格子砖配置,介绍了碱性砖在浮法玻璃熔窑格子体上的应用。

    The paper presented the use of alkaline bricks in checkers of float glass furnace on the basis of experience on the cold repairs of our 350 t / d furnace .

  4. 新型燃料在浮法玻璃熔窑上的运用情况比较

    Application status comparison of new type fuel in float glass furnace

  5. 全氧燃烧浮法玻璃熔窑的技术经济分析对比

    Technical and Economic Analysis and Comparison of Oxy-Fuel Fired Float Furnace

  6. 浮法玻璃熔窑三维数学模拟研究

    Study of Three-Dimensional Mathematical Simulation in a Float Glass Melting Tank

  7. 阶梯式广义预测控制在浮法玻璃熔窑中的应用

    Stair-like Generalized Predictive Control Using on Float Glass Melting Furnace

  8. 改性水焦浆在浮法玻璃熔窑的工业应用

    Industry Application of Coal Water Slurry to Float Glass Furnace

  9. 我国浮法玻璃熔窑技术的发展和未来展望

    Prospect and development of domestic technology of float glass furnace

  10. 蓄热室是浮法玻璃熔窑结构的重要组成部分。

    Regenerator is the important component of glass furnace structure .

  11. 全氧燃烧浮法玻璃熔窑燃烧系统的模糊预测控制

    Fuzzy Predictive Control of Combustion System in Oxy-Fuel Glass Furnace

  12. 浮法玻璃熔窑和退火窑的热平衡及(火用)平衡分析

    Thermal Equilibrium and Exergic Equilibrium Analyses for Float Glass Furnace

  13. 关于浮法玻璃熔窑改进的几项措施

    Some Actions Taken for Improvement of Float Glass Melting Furnace

  14. 浮法玻璃熔窑内液流运动和传热三维数学模型

    Three-dimensional Mathematical Model of Circulation and Heat Transfer in Float Glass Tank Furnace

  15. 浮法玻璃熔窑窑池结构对玻璃质量和能耗的影响

    Effect of Structure of Float Glass Furnace on Glass Quality and Energy Consumption

  16. 浮法玻璃熔窑蓄热室格子体用耐火材料的合理配置

    Refractories Selection for Regenerator Checker of Floating Galss Furnace

  17. 浮法玻璃熔窑节能途径

    Energy Saving Methods of Melting Furnace for Float Glass

  18. 浮法玻璃熔窑温度和窑压的自动控制

    Temperature and Pressure Control of Floating Glass Melting Furnace

  19. 浅谈浮法玻璃熔窑的节能技术

    The energy saving technology of float glass furnace

  20. 煤焦油在浮法玻璃熔窑的应用

    Application of coal tar to float glass furnace

  21. 关于浮法玻璃熔窑的合理设计

    Desirable Design ing for Float Glass Furnace

  22. 浮法玻璃熔窑富氧燃烧节能技术应用的关键问题

    Key Issues on Application of Rich Oxygen Combustion Energy Saving Technology in Float Glass Furnace

  23. 富氧燃烧浮法玻璃熔窑火焰空间的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Oxygen Enrichment Combustion in the Combustion Space of a Float Glass Furnace

  24. 浮法玻璃熔窑卡脖处水包压入深度对玻璃液流动影响的数值研究

    Numerical investigation of the glass melt flow with different depth of water-bag in float glass furnace

  25. 浮法玻璃熔窑后期熔化部压力波动及对策

    Discussion on the pressure fluctuation of melting region in later stage of funace and the Countermeasures

  26. 浮法玻璃熔窑熔化池底部横向宽度对熔化池温度场影响的研究

    Numerical simulation of temperature field of melting pools with different horizontal width in the bottom of float glass furnace

  27. 并且,依据玻璃液流的特征规律,本文提出了浮法玻璃熔窑结构优化设计方案并进行数值模拟。

    Then , the optimized float glass melting furnace were brought forward and tested according to the flowing characteristics of glass fluid .

  28. 课题结合实例研究了日产400吨燃油浮法玻璃熔窑富氧燃烧火焰空间的温度分布情况和气体的流动情况。

    In this paper , the flow field and temperature distribution space in oil fired float glass furnaces ( 400t / d ) were studied .

  29. 每根悬挂着的细枝和每一串树叶都在燃烧。富氧燃烧浮法玻璃熔窑火焰空间的数值模拟

    Each pendent twig and leafy festoon was in a blaze . Numerical Simulation of Oxygen Enrichment Combustion in the Combustion Space of a Float Glass Furnace

  30. 对浮法玻璃熔窑节能技术进行了探讨,特别就熔窑运行过程中实际操作方面的一些节能技术进行了分析总结,并提出了自己的见解。

    The energy saving technology of float glass furnace was discussed and the operation skills for saving energy during the running period of furnace were also summarized .