
  • 网络floating rate bond;Floating-rate bond
  1. 我国证券市场首只浮动利息债券010004的上市,给市场提出了浮息债券应如何定价的问题。

    The first floating rate T bond ( 010004 ) has gone on public in Shanghai Stock Exchange Market . So the challenging question of how to price of the floating rate bonds is put forward .

  2. 浮息债券基准利率的选择直接决定了浮息债券的投资价值。

    The choice about benchmark rate of floating rate debt decides directly the value of floating rate debt .

  3. 中国目前浮息债券基准利率有一年期定期存款利率和7日回购利率两种。

    At present , there are two benchmark rates of floating rate debt , one year fixed deposit rate and 7 - day repurchase rate , in China .