
  • 网络Flotation plant;flotation mill
  1. 海口浮选厂尾矿库回水利用方案探讨选铜尾矿综合回收硫资源研究及实践

    Study on the Proposal for the Application of Recycle Water from Tailing Dam in the Flotation Plant at HaiKou DISCUSSION ON RECOVERY SULPHUR MINERAL FROM THE TAILINGS OF COPPER

  2. 一个工业应用试验在个旧某重选浮选厂进行,结果表明,在相同的用量下,730A所得浮选指标优于松醇油。

    The flotation indexes obtained by the frother 730A are better than that by pine oil at the same dosage .

  3. 磷矿浮选厂废水的处理及循环利用

    Treatment and Cyclic Utilization of Wastewater for Phosphate Rock Flotation

  4. 浮选厂新型碎磨流程的设计

    Designing modern crushing and grinding circuits for flotation mills

  5. 跳汰选浓缩浮选厂粗煤泥回收系统的工艺选择

    Process Selection of Coarse Grain Slime Recovery Systemin Jig and Thickening Floatation Plant

  6. 从某钼尾矿资源中综合回收白钨的试验研究海口浮选厂尾矿库回水利用方案探讨

    Study on the Proposal for the Application of Recycle Water from Tailing Dam in the Flotation Plant at HaiKou

  7. 浮选&氰化提金厂经济精矿品位的探讨

    Discussion about the Economic Concentrate Grade In Flotation & Cyanide Mills

  8. 介绍了国内外浮选柱的发展概况及不同类型浮选柱的结构特点,详细介绍了新型旋流微泡浮选柱在选煤厂煤泥浮选中的工业应用情况。

    On introducing the development of floatation columns in foreign countries , their various types and their respective characteristics , this paper gives a detailed account of the application of cyclone micro-bubble floatation columns in slime floatation .