
  • 网络Flotation cell
  1. 浮选槽中颗粒的速度及对浮选的影响

    Effect of flow velocity of particles in flotation cell on flotation

  2. 浮选槽中固-液-气三相流中颗粒的速度

    Particle Velocity in the Three-phase Flow of Solid-liquid-gas in a Flotation Cell

  3. 在小型浮选槽和3连圆底烧瓶浸出实验的基础上,在实验型空气搅拌浸出槽中进行了用SO2浸出东湘桥地区氧化锰矿石2kg的实验。

    Based on the results in small floating cell and in a series of three round bottom flasks , the experiments on the leaching of oxidized manganese ore using SO2 were carried out in an experimental pachuca tank .

  4. 介绍加拿大McGill大学采矿冶金系为加拿大Bowater纸厂脱墨车间Voith浮选槽进行在线测定空气流速、空气比率和气泡大小而开发的三种传感器及其测定结果。

    The sensors for measuring air velocity , air ratio and bubble size in Voith deinking flotation cells developed by Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering in McGill University and the measured results in Bowater deinking plant were introduced in this paper .

  5. 脱墨浮选槽中空气流速、空气比率和气泡大小的在线测定

    Air Velocity , Air Ratio and Bubble Size Measurements in Deinking Flotation Cells

  6. 德兴铜矿利用詹姆森浮选槽回收钼的可行性

    The feasibility of using Jameson cell to recover molybdenum in Dexing Copper Mine

  7. 矮柱浮选槽的研制与应用

    The Development and Application of the Short Flotation Column

  8. 浮选槽结构特征对浮选脱墨流体动力学的影响

    Effects of Structure Characteristics of Flotation Cell on the Hydrodynamics of Flotation Deinking

  9. 浮选槽形式对脱墨性能的影响

    Effect of Flotation Cell Shape on Deinking Performance

  10. 工程钻探和掘进机械【采矿】机械浮选槽

    Engineering boring and drilling devices mechanical floatation cell

  11. 串级浮选槽液位的分散控制

    Decentralized control of cascade flotation cells

  12. 浮选槽内矿浆紊流强度对浮选影响的理论及应用研究

    Theory and Application Study on the Effect of Pulp Turbulence Degree in Flotation Cell on Flotation

  13. 脱墨剂加入点,30%加入碎浆机中,70%加入浮选槽中;

    Deinking agent addition point , 30 % in pulper and 70 % in flotation cell ;

  14. 介绍了新型矮柱浮选槽的结构、工作原理及其在磷矿选别中的试验情况。

    The structure , working mechanism of the short flotation column and its test in phosphorus ore processing are described .

  15. 利用气水电导率差研究浮选槽内气泡分布状态

    Study of the Distribution Law of Air Bubbles in Flotation Cells by Measuring the Conductivity Difference between Gas and water

  16. 采用了先进的吹气式法检测浮选槽液位,提高了检测的精度;

    The advanced method of blowing air into the pulp ro detect its mineral level in the flotation trough is adopted .

  17. 目前,选矿厂主要是通过有经验的操作人员观察浮选槽泡沫表面状态来调节生产操作。

    At present , the flotation operations in the concentrator are usually adjusted by experienced workers through observing froth surface condition .

  18. 基于模糊控制器的单级平面倒立摆的实时控制单体多级浮选槽浮选时浆中各组分的流失研究

    The Real-time Control for a Single Planar Inverted Pendulum Based on Fuzzy Controllers ; Components Removal in Multi Stages ' Single-cell Flotation Deinking

  19. 浮选槽液位是浮选过程中一个很重要的工艺指标,液位控制有较高要求。

    The pulp level of flotation cell is a very important technological index in flotation process , on whose control there are high requirements .

  20. 分析了浮选槽液位控制在选矿厂浮选生产过程中的重要性,叙述了浮选槽的液位检测方法及其控制实现的途径。

    The importance of flotation cell level control in concentrator process is analysed , and the cell level detection and control method are related .

  21. 大多数浮选槽都是通过阀门来控制液位的,阀的非线性给系统的分析和控制带来了一定困难。

    Most of flotation cells control their pulp level through valves , and the nonlinearity of valves makes the system 's analysis and control difficult .

  22. 论述了浮选槽的结构特征以及浮选槽中浆流速度、湍流强度和流动方向等特征对浮选脱墨流体动力学的影响。

    The effects of flow velocity , turbulence level and flow direction in the cell on hydrodynamics of flotation deinking were also discussed in this paper .

  23. 采用该模型并配以相关的辅助模型作为确定搅拌槽和浮选槽(尤其是大型槽)系列主参数的基础模型,可从根本上提高产品质量,有效节约资源。

    The use of this model and some correlative auxiliary ones as the basic models for determining the series parameters of agitation / flotation cells can enhance the quality of product .

  24. 其次,以选矿专业理论为基础,运用流体动力学、相似模拟理论对浮选槽内流体运动进行分析,设计模型机内流体运动的参数。

    Secondly , based on the theory of professional dressing , using fluid dynamics and similarity simulation theory , I made analysis in fluid motion in the flotation tank and designed fluid motion parameters .

  25. 其技术核心是如何采用计算机视觉器来代替人眼和人脑自动实时地观测浮选槽表面的变化,研究结果已很好地实现了这一技术。

    Its technical core was how to use computer visualizer to replace human eyes and brains to make an automatic real-time visualization of the surface change of flotation cell . This research has turned out such technique .

  26. 浮选槽液位控制分系统将液位变送器检测得到的液位值与设定的液位值比较得到一个偏差值,用这个偏差值控制气动执行机构控制排矿阀使浮选槽液位稳定在设定值。

    Flotation tank level control system can get a offset value by compare the detection level value with level setting value . Control the pneumatic actuator with offset value to make the flotation tank level at setting value .

  27. 最后,利用先进的PTV测试技术对模型机内流体的运动进行测量,得出流体运动的各项参数,从而科学地总结出喷射式浮选机槽箱内流体力学机理及模型化相似准则。

    Finally , using advanced PIV testing techniques I tested the fluid measurement in the model machine and obtained the parameters of fluid motion , then I scientifically summed up the jet flotation machine groove box mechanism and modeling hydrodynamic similarity criterion .

  28. 大型机械搅拌式浮选机槽内固体悬浮的研究

    Research of solids suspension in large-scale mechanical flotation cell

  29. 浮选机槽内矿浆紊流强度对氧化矿浮选的影响

    Effect of Turbulence of Pulp in Flotation Cell on Flotation of Oxidized Ore

  30. 本文研究了实验室型浮选机槽深、转速、充气量和填料诸因素对不同成因磷矿浮选的影响。

    This paper discusses the influence of some factors such as cell depth , rotational speed , aeration quantity , filling material etc , on floatation of phosphate ore of various genesis .