
  • 网络xanthate;SCX-g-AN
  1. 用自透析湿法纺丝,制得含黄原酸盐的再生丝素初生纤维。

    The RSF filament with xanthate was produced by wet spinning process .

  2. 讨论黄原酸盐对再生丝素纺丝溶液可纺性的影响,用扫描电镜对制得的再生丝素初生纤维的表面形态进行观察。

    The effect of xanthate on the spinnability of the RSF solution was discussed , and the surface morphology of the RSF as-spun filament was observed by SEM .

  3. Ni(Ⅱ)和Zn(Ⅱ)的乙基黄原酸盐与吡啶碱配合物的合成及性质的研究

    A Study of Syntheses and Properties of Ethylxanthate and Pyridine Base Complexes of Nickel and Zinc

  4. 菌株降解黄原酸盐的最佳条件为:pH为8,温度30℃,振荡速率120r/min。

    The optimum pH , temperature and shaking speed of xanthate-degrading are 8.0,30 ℃ and 120 r / min , respectively .

  5. 采用纤维素黄原酸盐处理重金属废水,对纤维素黄原酸盐的用量、pH值、反应时间等条件进行了研究。

    Cellulose xanthogenate was used to treat heavy metal bearing wastewater . Conditions like dose of cellulose xanthogenate , pH value , reaction time and so on were studied .

  6. 主要研究用淀粉黄原酸盐(ISX)处理含镉废水,探讨了淀粉黄原酸盐用量、反应液pH值、反应时间、废水浓度等因素对镉离子去除率的影响。

    Researching using the starch xanthate to remove cadmium ions from electroplating waste water . The effect of the amount of starch xanthate , pH value of reaction liquid , reaction time and concentration of the waste water on the removal efficiency of cadmium ions are investigated .

  7. 分别以含Cu2+模拟废水和电镀废水为对象,研究了不溶性淀粉黄原酸盐聚丙烯酰胺接枝共聚物(ISXA)去除Cu2+和降低浊度的能力。

    Insoluble starch xanthate acrylamide ( ISXA ) is effective for removing metal ions and turbidity due to properties of its two components : insoluble starch xanthate ( for metal removal ) and starch-acrylamide graft copolymer for turbidity reduction ) .

  8. 黄原酸盐法操作条件的控制及ND&901混剂中代森锰锌的测定

    Determination Of Mancozeb And Mancozeb In ND-901 By A Xanthogenate Method

  9. 黄原酸盐、11号浮选油加工销售。

    Huang original nitrate , 11th flotation oil processing and sales .

  10. 用淀粉黄原酸盐处理含镉废水的研究

    Study on treatment of waste water containing cadmium ions with starch xanthate

  11. 不溶性淀粉黄原酸盐聚丙烯酰胺接枝共聚物除铜降浊研究

    Removal of copper and turbidity by insoluble starch xanthate acrylamide

  12. 木屑黄原酸盐对重金属离子的去除作用

    Removal of Heavy Metal Ions by Wood Dust Xanthate

  13. 全锌型淀粉黄原酸盐净化碱性镀锌液的初探

    Elementary study on Purification of alkaline Zn plating bath with whole zinc starch xanthate

  14. 淀粉基黄原酸盐合成新工艺及其在废水处理中的应用

    A New Technology for Synthesis of Starch Xanthate and lts Application in Wastewater Treatment

  15. 天然水中黄原酸盐的分解条件试验

    Test on Decomposition of Xanthate in Natural Water

  16. 研究了淀粉基黄原酸盐的合成新工艺,通过正交试验选定了最佳工艺条件。

    A new technology for synthesis of starch xanthate was studied , the optimum process conditions were selected via orthogonal tests .

  17. 本文采用黄原酸盐法测定了代森锰锌及ND&901混剂中代森锰锌的含量。

    In this paper , the quantitive analysis of mancozeb and mancozeb in ND-901 was carried out by a xanthogenate method .

  18. 结果表明:与不含黄原酸盐的丝素溶液相比,含黄原酸盐的丝素溶液的可纺性有较大改善;

    The results showed that compared with the RSF solution without xanthate the spinnability of RSF solution containing xanthate was improved obviously ;

  19. 通过相转移催化反应使样品中的醇就地衍生为黄原酸盐,然后用微分脉冲极谱测定。

    Alcohols , after in situ derivatization to the corresponding alkyl xanthates under phase-transfer catalysis , were determined in aqueous solution by differential-pulse polarogra-phy .

  20. 烷基黄原酸盐作为使用最广泛,消耗量最大,最经济的硫化矿浮选捕收剂,其传统工艺制备效率低、污染大。

    Xanthate collectors are the most widely used as flotation reagents , the maximum consumption of collectors and the most economical sulfide ores collectors .

  21. 在含有大量碳酸盐,pH8.5&9.5的镍钴冶炼废水中的镍钴全部以碳酸盐的形式存在,丁基以上的黄原酸盐、二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠等是镍钴离子浮选的有效捕收剂;

    When ion flotation of nickel was conducted in a concentrated carbonate solution of pH. 8.5-9.5 , butyl xanthate and diethyldithiocarbamate was useful as a collector .

  22. 该过程包括分两段加入6%NaOH到钴、镍黄原酸盐中,使钴镍获得有效的分离,约60%的乙基黄原酸盐得到回收。

    6 % NaOH was added in two stages , separation of cobalt and nickel were obtained effectively with recovery of ethyl xanthate approximately 60 % .

  23. 研究了用全锌型淀粉黄原酸盐净化碱性镀锌液中重金属杂质离子的可行性。

    The feasibility of removing heavy metal ions from alkaline zinc plating bath with whole zinc starch xanthate is studied , the preparation of which is introduced .

  24. 运用紫外分光光度法分别对二硫化碳与生成物黄原酸盐作了定性及定量分析,确定了整个化学处理过程的机理。

    The qualitative and quantitative analysis for carbon disulfide and xanthate were also carried out using Ultraviolet Spectrometer ( UV ) . Based on above work , the mechanism of the chemical treatment process has been determined .