
  • 网络Asphalt additive
  1. 新型沥青添加剂TPS的性能

    Performances of new type asphalt additive TPS

  2. 首先进行前期室内试验,确定HRA使用的原材料、沥青与添加剂类型、级配和油石比。

    Firstly , we make sure the raw material , kinds of bitumen and modifier , graduation and bitumen-aggregate ratio by indoor test .

  3. 新型沥青混凝土添加剂性能评价

    Performance Evaluation of a New Type Asphalt Concrete Additive

  4. 炼油厂重质芳烃油有多种化工用途,可作为蒸馏工艺强化剂、优化溶剂脱沥青工艺添加剂、橡胶工业的橡胶填充油和工艺软化油、工业导热油、黑色油墨溶剂油等。

    Aromatic extract oil can be utilized in many chemical fields , e.g. it can be used as active additives in vacuum distillation unit and solvent deasphalting unit , rubber extender oil and process softening agent in rubber industry , thermal conducting oil and printing ink solvent .

  5. 石油沥青水煤浆添加剂和制浆研究

    Study of Petroleum Pitch Coal Additive Agent and Slurrying Ability

  6. 为保证其疏松性和压实性,在配制方法上,如所用沥青的粘度、沥青的用量、添加剂以及集料级配等,与热拌沥青混合料都有很大区别。

    In order to ensure its ravel and compactness , the mix differs greatly from hot-mixed asphalt mix in its disposing methods for example the viscosity of asphalt , dosage of asphalt , additive as well as grading of aggregate .

  7. SEAM是一种新型的沥青改性剂,同时也是一种沥青混合料添加剂。

    SEAM is a new-type asphalt modifier and also an additive used in asphalt mixture .

  8. 沥青胶浆是沥青混合料的重要组成部分,主要成分为沥青、矿粉和添加剂,但关于添加剂能否有效提高沥青胶浆的性能的研究并不多。

    Asphalt cement is an important part of the asphalt mixture , which is mixed by mineral filler , cement and additive , but there are few researches on how can these additives improve the properties of asphalt cement effectively .

  9. 水泥乳化沥青砂浆(简称CA砂浆)是板式无砟轨道结构中的关键材料之一,由水泥、乳化沥青、砂、添加剂和水等组成,经搅拌、灌注形成砂浆充填层。

    Cement and emulsified asphalt mortar ( CA mortar ), which consists of cement , emulsified asphalt , sand , water and other admixtures , is one of the key materials of the slab ballastless track structure .