
  • 网络mastic asphalt;sma;asphalt mastic
  1. 沥青玛蹄脂性能试验研究

    Study of the test for the characterization of SMA mortars

  2. 沥青玛蹄脂碎石基本性状的测试与分析

    The test and analyzing the basic character of SMA mixtures

  3. 沥青玛蹄脂混合料的路用性能及生产技术

    Properties Used for Road and Production Technology of Stone Matrix Asphalt

  4. 改性沥青玛蹄脂碎石路面技术应用研究

    Research on the Application of Improved Stone Mastic Asphalt Paving Technology

  5. 沥青玛蹄脂碎石初始沥青用量的计算方法

    New Method to Calculate Initial Asphalt Binder Content for Stone Matrix Asphalt

  6. 碎石沥青玛蹄脂路面的声振特性实验初探

    Primary Study of Acoustics and Vibration Feature on Stone Mastic Asphalt Pavements

  7. 改性沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料配合比设计

    Mixture Design for Stone Matrix Asphalt with Modified Bitumen

  8. 沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料在西安的试验应用

    On Trial of Stone Matrix Asphalt in Xi'an

  9. 本文以沈大高速公路路面第一标段为例,介绍沥青玛蹄脂碎石抗滑层施工过程控制方法。

    The paper takes the first segment of the road surface in the ShenDaexpressway as an example , to introduce controlling the course of construction in anti-skid layer of the mastic asphalt macadam .

  10. 结果表明:沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料级配从连续级配理论变化到间断级配理论,骨架结构与玛蹄脂填充度是间断级配的关键;

    The results indicate that the gradation of SMA changes from continuous graded theory to gap - graded theory ; the skeleton structure and mastic asphalt compactness is the key of gap - graded theory ;

  11. 公路建设的发展推动了路面技术的发展,诸如沥青玛蹄脂碎石路面、排水路面、彩色路面等新的铺路技术正逐渐在我国推广应用。

    The development of highway construction promotes the development of road surface technology . New paving road technologies such as asphalt mastic stone pavements , porous pavements , color pavements are gradually applying in China .

  12. 对比评价结果表明,高密度开孔聚氨酯补口新技术在技术性能及经济性等方面均优于传统的沥青玛蹄脂补口技术。

    The results of comparison and evaluation indicate that the new technology of high density open cell polyurethane field joints coating excel the traditional asphalt mastic field joints coating in the aspects of technical performance , economical efficiency and so on .

  13. 结果表明:沥青玛蹄脂含量、试验温度与荷载压力是影响浇注式沥青混凝土永久变形能力的主要因素,而粗细集料的比例则影响混合料的低温极限弯曲应变与断裂应变能;

    It is pointed out that mastic Ep ü re content , temperature and loading pressure are the main factors influencing permanent deformation of guss-asphalt ; fine to coarse aggregate proportion influences its maximum bending strain and crack energy at low temperature .

  14. 采用贯入试验与弯曲试验,研究了沥青玛蹄脂含量、粗细集料的比例、试验温度与荷载压力等因素对浇注式沥青混凝土铺装的永久变形与变形追从性的影响。

    Indentation test and bending test were adopted to investigate permanent deformation and deformation compliance of guss-asphalt for orthotropic steel deck plate . Factors of mastic Ep ü re content , fine to coarse aggregate proportion , temperature and loading pressure were investigated .

  15. 改性沥青及玛蹄脂PG指标性能对混合料性能具有明显的影响;

    Modified asphalt and PG index of mastic have obvious influence on the performance of mixture .

  16. 水泥混凝土路面的嵌缝材料已由最初的沥青逐步发展为沥青玛蹄脂、聚氯乙烯胶泥等高分子胶结材料。

    The caulking materials for cement concrete pavement are gradully developing from initial bitumen to high polymer cementing materials such as asphalt mafura tallow , PVC daub , et al .