
  • 网络lime-flyash soil;lime-fly ash;lime-ash soil
  1. 二灰土因其具有强度较高、水稳性较好和有利于环保等优点,在目前的高等级公路底基层中广泛使用。

    Because of many merits , such as higher strength , better water stability , and good for environment protection , lime-ash soil is widely used now in high class highway sub-base .

  2. 二灰土路基施工中石灰含量控制方法的工程实践

    Engineering practice of method of controlling lime content in lime-flyash soil roadbed construction

  3. 提出了二灰土配合比设计的关键控制参数土中<0.005mm颗粒含量范围,以及反映二灰土颗粒级配优劣与活性的重要参数粗细颗粒比Cf。

    The key control parameter , the content of grains which is smaller than 0.005 mm , and the important parameter reflecting quality and activity of grain gradation & the coarse-to-fine grain ratio Cf , were taken out .

  4. 高速公路二灰土底基层配合比的确定与施工

    The highway mixture ratio determination and construction of lime-flyash stabilized soil

  5. 二灰土再利用技术研究

    Research on Reusing Technique of Soil and Fly Ash Stabilized with Lime

  6. 浅析二灰土施工容易出现的问题

    Analysis on some problems appeared easily in construction of lime-fly ash soil

  7. 二灰土路基施工质量问题的探讨

    Study on the Construction Quality Problem in Two Ashes-soil Roadbed

  8. 关于二灰土施工应特别注意的几个问题

    Specially Pay Attention to Few Problems During Construction with Two Ash Soil

  9. 电石灰、粉煤灰做二灰土的可能性试验研究

    Research on Possibility for Calcium Carbide and Fly Ash Used as LFS

  10. 用二灰土处理湿陷性黄土封层方法初探

    Sealing method of lime-flyash soil in collapsible loess treatment

  11. 道路底基层中磷石膏-石灰二灰土再生试验研究与应用

    Reusing test study and application of phosphogypsum-lime solidified soil in road base course

  12. 二灰土施工质量控制浅析

    Construction quality control of fly ash and lime soil

  13. 黄土二灰土工程特性研究

    Study on engineering characteristic of lime - flyash loess

  14. 二灰土在多层砌体房屋地基中的应用

    Application of Lime-Fly Ash-Loss in Multi-storied Masonry Building Ground

  15. 二灰土桩处理公路软基研究

    Treatment of Highway Soft Foundation by Piles of Mixing Lime , Ash & Soil

  16. 农村公路用硬化二灰土路面材料性能

    Material properties of hardened lime-flyash-soil for rural highway

  17. 浅谈二灰土施工方法

    Brief discussion obout two dust construction methods

  18. 二灰土施工牵涉因素多,质量控制难度大,很容易发生质量缺陷。

    Because of more factors and difficult quality control , some quality shortcomings will appear .

  19. 高塑性粘土二灰土施工质量控制关键

    The Key to Construction Quality Control of High Plastic Clay and Bi - ash Soil

  20. 养护龄期对二灰土工程特性的影响试验研究

    Test and Study of Influence of Curing Time on Features of a Lime-flyash Soil Project

  21. 浅谈二灰土掺拌法施工工艺

    Construction technology of lime-flyash soil mixing method

  22. 依据二灰土强度增长的阶段性,提出了合理的设计龄期。

    The reasonable design age was put forward based on the intensity phase of lime-flyash soil .

  23. 二灰土桩加固软弱地基有其独特的优点。

    Piles of mixing lime , ash and soil have unique advantages for treating soft foundation .

  24. 低的压实度和高的碾压含水率使二灰土的强度明显降低;

    The low degree of compaction and the high compaction water ratio could reduce the strength of lime-flyash soil obviously .

  25. 根据室内试验,分析了不同粉煤灰含量的二灰土的击实性和击实二灰土的抗剪强度。

    Based on laboratory tests , the compaction property of limeflyash soil and its shearing strength are analyzed under different flyash content .

  26. 江南水乡湖泽众多,缺乏优良的筑路材料,因地制宜地利用高塑性粘土进行二灰土施工解决了这一难题。

    To solve the problem of lack of better paving material , utilization of high plastic clay and bi-ash soil construction can be adopted .

  27. 介绍了粉煤灰在建筑工程地基处理中的应用工程实例,通过对不同配合比的二灰土试样的物理、力学性能分析,确定二灰土垫层的最佳配合比。

    The optimum mixture ratio of lime-flyash-soil cushion is determined through the analysis of physical and mechanical properties of lime-flyash-soil samples with different mixture ratios .

  28. 针对高塑性粘土进行二灰土施工中的常遇问题,对其产生原因进行分析并提出预防及处理措施。

    Aiming at the problems in bi-ash construction of high plastic clay construction , the reasons for these problems are analyzed and the measures are presented .

  29. 分析了二灰土的特性,结合宁杭高速公路的工程实践,研究了二灰土的施工方法、施工工艺,从而确定了机械化施工方案及施工质量的控制要点。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of lime and fly ash , studies the construction methods , technologies , determines the scheme of mechanized construction and the keys of quality control .

  30. 依据土的粘土矿物含量、胶体活性和吸附作用,提出了适宜提高石灰土、二灰土强度的可行方法。

    The feasible methods for increasing the strengths of soil-lime and lime-flyash soil in accordance with the clay mineral contents , colloidal activity and adsorptive action of soils are put forward as well .