
èr jí fǎn yìnɡ
  • second-order reaction
  1. 用Excel处理二级反应速率常数测定的数据

    Processing Involved Data in the Experiments of Determining Rate Constants for Second-order Reaction with Excel

  2. 在低真空(9300Pa)过程充Ar,仍会发生脱N行为,此时脱N为二级反应,传质速率常数为0022cm/s。

    The denitrogen still happened as Ar was filled in low vacuum ( 9 300 Pa ), in this case the denitrogen was second-order reaction with mass transfer rate coefficient 0.022 cm / s.

  3. 平行反应的热动力学研究法(II)&平行一级和二级反应


  4. 研究电导法测定溶液中二级反应速率常数k的计算方程。

    In this paper , the equations of the method of electric conductance determination of kinetics of second order reaction in solution were studied .

  5. 实验结果表明,LiF晶体中F2~+心的衰减过程为二级反应。

    Experiments show that the decay process of F2 + centers in LiF is a second order reaction .

  6. 实验结果表明,PU在半一IPN体系中的反应为二级反应。

    The results showed th reaction of PU in semi - IPN system was of two-stage .

  7. 实验表明,(1)聚醚二元醇与TDI、聚醚三元醇与端NCO预聚体的反应同为二级反应。

    The reaction between polyether diol and TDI , polyether triol and NCO terminated prepolymer were of second order ;

  8. 用类二级反应的数学模型描述噻吩脱硫的动力学行为,求得活化能为76.21kJ/mol,频率因子为3.67×108。

    A pseudo-second order reaction model was used to describe the kinetic behavior of thiophene hydrodesulfurization and the kinetic parameters of this model were given .

  9. 采用GC,GC/MS,GC/FT-IR等方法,对二甲苯异构体-NO2-空气体系的光化学反应产物进行了分析鉴定。结果表明,二甲苯的光化学反应为二级反应;

    The photochemical reactions of xylene isomers in NO2 - air system were investigated , and their products were analyzed by means of GC , GC / MS GC / FT-IR .

  10. 首先进行了动力学试验,试验表明,钢渣对Cr(Ⅵ)具有较好的去除效果,且可以用Mckay二级反应模型来描述。

    First is the kinetic experiment . It shows that steel slag has better removal efficiency on the Cr (ⅵ), which can be described by Mckay 2 response model .

  11. EMCS对Hg2+和UO22+的吸附动力学也符合拟二级反应动力学模型。

    The adsorption kinetics of Hg2 + and UO22 + ions by EMCS also follows the pseudo-second-order model .

  12. 发现了在上述两种W/O微乳液体系中CV碱性褪色反应的真实二级反应速率常数k随ω和温度的变化规律,同时得到了Ea与ω之间的关系。

    It has been found that the actual rate constants k of the alkaline fading of CV change as co and temperatures in two microemulsion systems above , and the relation of Ea and co is obtained .

  13. 分析CO2气化PVDC焦的TPD-MS发现,γ态CO脱附是Ed为230kJ/mol的二级反应。

    In the spectra of PVDC chars gasified with CO2 and quenched , the desorption peak of γ - state CO is from a second-order reaction with Ed of 230kJ / mol.

  14. 为了获得连续二级反应的速率常数k1和k2,利用C++语言设计了一个计算机模拟程序。

    In order to obtain the rate constants , k_1 and k_2 , for consecutive second-order reaction , a simulating program using C + + language is designed .

  15. 结果表明,该反应为二级反应,硅氮化合物结构中的N/Si比及环张力对反应速度有影响。

    The results showed that the reaction was of second order , and the ratio of the number of N to Si of the silicon-nitrogen compounds , as well as the ring tensile force , had effect on the reaction velocity of the bulk reaction .

  16. 利用失重数据求出了各试样二级反应动力学参数,表观活化能E介于55&160kJ/mol之间。

    The weight loss data were processed by Coats-Redfern technique and a second order kinetic equation has been deduced for all lignites studied . The kinetic parameters were determined as follows : apparent activation energy E are in the range from 55 to 160kJ / mol.

  17. 含氧聚合物主要来自于醛酮的Aldol缩合聚合反应,而裂解气中的醛酮来自于蒸汽裂解制乙烯过程中的二级反应。

    Oxygen containing polymers come from the aldol condensation of ketone and / or aldehyde , which are produced from the secondary reaction of steam cracking .

  18. ACP向HAP的转化反应为二级反应,活化能为95kJ/mol,由此推测此反应为表面控制反应。

    The reaction of transformation is second order the Arrhenius activation energy is 95 kJ · mol-1 ( 2.27kCal · mol-1 ) and therefore it is inferred that the reaction is surface controlled .

  19. 将得到的平衡数据进行热力学模型和动力学模型的拟合,得出了其拟合程度较高的热力学和动力学模型分别为Langmuir等温吸附热力学模型、二级反应动力学模型以及粒子内扩散动力学模型。

    Analysis of fitting the equilibrium data with thermal model and kinetic model showed that the Langmuir isotherm isotherm model 、 pseudo-second-order and intraparticle diffusion kinetic models presented a very good agreement with the data .

  20. Cr(Ⅵ)在TiAC上的电吸附符合二级反应动力学方程,其速率常数与电压间关系符合指数函数;

    The adsorption of Cr (ⅵ ) on TiAC conformed to the second order reaction kinetics equation and the correlation between reaction rate constant and voltage conformed to the exponential function ;

  21. 采用间歇式完全混合活性污泥反应器,测定出活性污泥去除石油化工废水COD的动力学常数,确定该去除过程是二级反应,并给出了动力学方程式。

    The biokinetic constants of the petrochemical wastewater COD removal process by activated sludge was determined using the completely mixed activated sludge batch reactor . The results show that the COD removal process is secondly-ordered reaction , and that the biokinetic equation was described .

  22. 结果表明,用过氧甲酸对NR进行环化改性制备ENR的反应为二级反应,对NR和过氧化氢的反应则为一级反应。

    The results showed that the reaction in ENR preparation by epoxidizing NR with formic acid peroxide was the first order reaction , and the reaction of NR with hydrogen peroxide was the second order reaction .

  23. 实验数据采用拟均相二级反应动力学模型进行回归,得出醋酸甲酯催化水解的正逆反应活化能为35.5和29.5kJ/mol。

    The experimental data were analysed using homogenous kinetics models . From the results of the experiments , the apparent activation energy of the forward and reversible reaction were calculated to be 35.5 kJ / mol and 29.5 kJ / mol respectively .

  24. 通过反应器内吸附、再生和生物降解过程中COD浓度的变化,得出结论:在厌氧颗粒污泥吸附过程中,主要限速阶段是膜传质阶段,可用伪二级反应方程描述厌氧颗粒污泥吸附动力学。

    According to the changes of COD concentration during adsorption , regeneration and biodegradation duration , it was concluded that during the granular sludge adsorption process , the membrane transfer mass was the limit speed step . The adsorption process could be described with pseudo-second-order model . 7 .

  25. 反应后期高转化率时,低温下反应受扩散控制影响,NCO和NH2反应的二级反应动力学速率常数逐渐变小,而高温下,逐渐升高;

    At high conversion rate , the 2nd-order constants at lower temperature decreased with increasing reaction time due to the influence of diffusion control . However , they increased with increasing reaction time at higher temperature .

  26. 动力学研究与实验结果均表明,O3氧化MTBE为准二级反应,加入H2O2,能降低反应活化能,提高反应速率,减少臭氧投加量;

    It is shown by kinetic analysis and experiment that the process of MTBE 's oxidizing by O__3 was a quasi-second order reaction , and that adding H__2O__2 could reduce activation energy , raise the reacting rate and cut down the adding quantity of ozone .

  27. 由实验原始数据分析出BOD一级反应和二级反应下的氧垂曲线基本相同,但它们的最小溶解氧浓度、最小溶解氧浓度出现的时间及趋向饱和的快慢不同。

    Based on the original test data , it is derived that although the curves of first order and second order are similar , there are differences in the minimum DO concentrations , the time at which the minimum DO concentration occurs and the speed of approaching saturation .

  28. 实验结果表明:以六亚甲基四胺为催化剂时,酚醛缩聚反应为二级反应,反应活化能为46.61kJ/mol。

    The experimental results show that when using hexamethylenetetramine as a catalyst , the phenol-formaldehyde condensation reaction is a second order , and the activation energy is 46.61kJ/mol .

  29. 室温下氘化锂与水汽的反应可用收缩未反应芯模型来描述,界面化学反应为二级反应,反应速率常数为0281kPa-1·min-1。

    The reaction process with water vapor could be described using the unreacted shrinking core model . The second-order kinetics is appropriate for the chemical reaction on the surface of lithium deuteride and reaction rate constant is 0.281 kPa ~ ( - 1 )· min ~ ( - 1 ) .

  30. 乙酸乙酯皂化反应偏离二级反应行为的研究

    A Study of Deviation Two-order Reaction on Soap Reaction of Acetoacetyl