
lǜ huà yǐ xiān dǎn jiǎn
  • acetylcholine chloride
  1. 氯化乙酰胆碱、氨甲酰胆碱均为美国Sigma公司产品。

    Acetylcholine chloride ( ACh ) and carbachol ( Carb ) were purchased from Sigma .

  2. 方法:用2%氯化乙酰胆碱和0.1%组胺等容积混合液喷雾诱发哮喘,观察马布特罗(0.06~1mg·kg-1)平喘作用的半数有效量(ED50)及对引喘潜伏期的影响。

    METHODS : Atomization induced experimental asthma by 2 % acetylcholine chloride and 0.1 % histamine solution of equal volume . The antiasthmatic effect ED 50 of mabuterol ( 0.06 ~ 1 mg · kg - 1 ) and the effect of latent period inducing asthma were observed .

  3. 用药7d后取血清,观察用血清处理后的豚鼠离体气管条受氯化乙酰胆碱(Ach)诱发的收缩情况。

    Got serum after 7 days . The effect of the serum to resist tracheal spiral strips constriction induced by Ach were observed .

  4. 目的:观察中药循经敷贴法对豚鼠哮喘潜伏期的影响,以及含药血清对抗氯化乙酰胆碱(Ach)的作用。

    Objective : To observe the effect of herbal penetration treatment along channel for the latent period of asthmatic attack in guinea pig and the affection of herbal containing serum against acetylcholine ( Ach ) .

  5. 氯化乙酰胆碱对培养的汗腺上皮细胞内游离钙的调节作用

    Effects of acetylcholine chloride on intracellular free calcium concentration of cultured sweat gland epithelial cells

  6. 使用氯化乙酰胆碱作为阳性药来确证模型的可靠性。

    Acetylcholine chloride was used as a positive drug to ensure the sensitivity of this model .

  7. 结果:胃宁合剂能抑制家兔离体肠管自发活动和拮抗氯化乙酰胆碱、氯化钡、组织胺所致动物离体肠管痉挛性收缩。

    Results : WNM can inhibit the spontaneous movement of isolated intestine of rabbits and antagonize the spasm of isolated intestine induced by acecoline , barium chloride , histamine .