
  • 网络First-order kinetics;first order kinetics
  1. 木质素包膜复合肥中N素的淋溶损失符合一级动力学方程,土壤中肥料的氨挥发符合零级动力学方程。

    In addition , the content of nitrogen leaching losses was found to fit well the first-order kinetics equation , but the content of ammonia volatilization followed the zero-order kinetics equation .

  2. 四个体系中γ-HCH的光转化过程均符合一级动力学反应模型。

    All of the four systems are in line with first-order kinetics model .

  3. MC-LR降解的准一级动力学速率常数k随着pH值的升高而降低。

    The pseudo-first-order kinetics constant k increased when the pH value lowered .

  4. 确认了n-三辛胺浮选属于一级动力学过程,探讨了浮选机理。

    The flotation mechanism , proving the fact that the flotation belongs to the kinetic process of the first order , is discussed .

  5. HA还原Hg2+的动力学过程可以采用伪一级动力学的双位点方程式进行拟合。

    The overall kinetics may be simulated by a pseudo-first order equation for two parallel reduction reactions .

  6. 采用间歇淋洗培养法和一级动力学模型研究了培养条件对土壤N素矿化的影响。

    The influence of incubation conditions on soil nitrogen mineralization was studied using the incubation of leaching at intervals and the first order dynamic model .

  7. 结果:缓释微丸的体外药物释放呈pH非依赖型释放特征,符合一级动力学方程。

    RESULTS The release of DIP from the pellets was pH independent and the dissolution profiles of it followed the first grade model kinetics .

  8. 甲胺磷的土壤降解过程符合一级动力学方程,降解半衰期为2d左右。

    The degradation process of methamidophos in soil environment followed the first-order equation , and its half-life was about 2 days .

  9. 试验结果表明:(1)人工湿地对污染物COD、氨氮的净化过程均属一级动力学反应。

    The study results showed that : ( 1 ) Process of COD and ammonium removal was a first order reaction .

  10. 结论:安乃近溶液鼻粘膜吸收机制为被动扩散,吸收符合一级动力学,吸收速度常数K为0.02219min-1。

    CONCLUSION : The mechanism of analgin nasal absorption is passive diffusion , following first order kinetics , the absorption rate constant is 0.022 19 min - 1 .

  11. Fu从聚丙交酯微球中4周时约释放总量的65%,符合一级动力学,没有明显的突释效应。

    Total release rate of Fu from Fu-PL-MS was about 65 % after four weeks , following first kinetics without obvious burst effect .

  12. 将CB粒子聚集一级动力学模型引入到经典的渗流理论中建立了动态渗流模型。

    The DR percolation model was established through introducing a first order kinetics aggregation model to the classical percolation theory .

  13. 结果表明:SDS存在与否,氯化血红素的光解行为均符合一级动力学反应方程。

    The results showed that the decomposition reaction of hemin in the presence and absence of SDS corresponded to a first-order reaction .

  14. 吸附过程遵循准一级动力学方程和Langmuir等温吸附模型。

    Math work finds that the adsorption process in accordance with the pseudo-first order kinetic model and Langmuir isotherm .

  15. 结果表明,控释肥料与控释肥包在土壤中的供氮规律可用一级动力学方程描述,拟合方程的r达极显著水平。

    The results showed that first order kinetics equation could be used to describe the nitrogen supplying of CRFP as evidenced by high correlation coefficient ( r ) and low standard error ( SE ) .

  16. TL强度的等温衰减曲线表明,Fe、Pb峰的叠加衰减是一级动力学的,而纯Fc峰的衰减是二级动力学的。

    The isothermal decay of Fe and Pb lapping peak is of the first order kinetics while the decay of pure Fe peak is of the second order .

  17. 在吸附催化剂存在下,微波辐射深度处理焦化废水COD的反应过程近似一级动力学反应。

    The reaction process which the COD in coking plant wastewater after biochemical treatment was removed by microwave irradiation in the presence of adsorption catalyst abides by the first order kinetics .

  18. 在此基础上得到了该催化氧化反应的一级动力学模型,求得X-GN氧化和TOC降解动力学模型的表观活化能分别为8.67kJ。

    First order kinetic models were established for oxidation of X-GN and degradation of TOC , respectively .

  19. 非线性回归分析的结果表明,色泽参数b和TCD的速率常数符合Arrhenius模型,模型符合一级动力学反应;

    The non-linear regression analysis showed that the rate constants of color parameters b and TCD were assumed to have an Arrhenius-type dependence on temperature . The model followed a first-order reaction .

  20. 结果表明,BPA在纯水体系中直接光解很慢,但在碱性体系和硝酸根溶液中光解迅速,符合一级动力学反应。

    BPA direct photodegradation was very slow in pure aquatic system ; but was rapid in alkaline system and nitrate solutions according with first grade dynamic equation .

  21. 假定微电解-Fenton试剂法符合一级动力学,对进水pH值、投加H2O2量和铁炭体积比的实验利用该方程分析,结果证实假定成立。

    Assuming micro-electrolysis-Fenton reagent abided by first order kinetics law , the equation was proved to be right by checking in influent pH , the amount of H2O2 dosage and volume of iron to carbon ratio experiments .

  22. 结果表明:硫辛酸在XAD4树脂上是单层吸附,符合Langmuir等温吸附方程,吸附过程符合准一级动力学吸附方程。

    The results showed that the adsorption of lipoic acid on XAD 4 resin is Langmuir monolayer , and the adsorption rate appears to be the first order kinetics .

  23. 本文试图以符合单室模型一级动力学过程药物为实例,运用EXCEL电子表格的函数功能,通过程序设计,解决应用叠加法估算血药浓度的实际操作问题。

    This article attempted to supply a useful way to calculate the blood concentration by utilizing EXCEL with an example obeying single-room and one-order dynamics process .

  24. 本试验所选用的一级动力学k-C模型,对SCIP表面流人工湿地控制高盐废水出水的COD浓度具有一定的指导意义。

    The kinetic k-C model has a certain significance on controlling the COD concentration of outlet for surface flow constructed wetland .

  25. 准二级动力学方程和Freundlich方程分别比准一级动力学方程和Langmuir方程更适合描述本实验中苯酚的吸附过程。

    The pseudo-second-order model and Freundlich equation were more suitable to describe the adsorption process of phenol than the pseudo-first-order model and Langmuir equation in this experiment , respectively .

  26. 对不同染料和TNT不同初始浓度下的光催化氧化反应动力学研究表明,此过程符合拟一级动力学。

    The results for kinetics of the photocatalytic oxidation of TNT with different initial concentrations and different organic dyes show that the photocatalytic degradation rate follows pseudo-first order kinetic model .

  27. 结论不同的药物浓度、pH值对药物在大鼠全肠道的吸收无显著影响,药物的吸收呈一级动力学过程,吸收机制为被动扩散。

    Conclusion The concentrations of famciclovir and the pH of drug solution had no distinct effect on the absorption kinetics . The absorption of famciclovir was a first order process with passive diffusion mechanism . Famciclovir was well absorbed at all segments of intestine in rats .

  28. 一级动力学方程(Onepool模型)能很好地描述棕壤(0~60cm土层)有机氮的矿化过程,且由Onepool模型拟合得出的矿化参数能够表达土壤有机氮的矿化特征。

    First-order kinetic equation ( One pool model ) could preferably described the mineralized process of brown soil ( 0 ~ 60 cm soil layer ) organic N , and the parameters which were fitted by one pool model expressed the mineralization characteristics of soil organic N.5 .

  29. 结果制备的微丸质量良好,苦参碱缓释微丸需要热处理,适宜的热处理温度为60℃,热处理时间为12h,体外释放曲线符合一级动力学方程。

    RESULTS The drug-containing pellets were prepared well and the coated pellets needed thermal treatment at 60 ℃ for 12 h. The curve of cumulative drug release was accorded with the first grade equation .

  30. TiO2/ACFs光催化降解低浓度甲醛气体符合Langmuir-Hinshelwood准一级动力学反应方程。

    The photocatalytic reaction kinetic process of the gaseous flowing low-concentration formaldehyde by TiO2 / ACFs fitted Langmuir-Hinshelwood pseudo-first-order kinetic equation . 4 .