
  • 网络single number reach;One Number
  1. 设计和实现了基于Web方式的业务运营支撑系统在一号通业务中的应用;

    Design and implement the application of Web-based BOSS on Personal Unified Number Service .

  2. 智能网SCP关键技术研究与一号通业务实现

    Research of Key Technology of SCP in Intelligent Network and Implementation of Universal Personal Telecommunication

  3. 实现了一种重要的具有广阔发展空间的业务即一号通(UPT)业务;

    A new service named UPT is implemented and it very useful in the future .

  4. 随着智能业务的发展,单个呼叫触发的智能业务种类增多,包括主叫预付费、移机不改号、被叫一号通、同振、悦铃等多个业务。

    With the development in intelligence operations , a single type of call trigger an increase in intelligence operations , including pre-paid calling , transfer machines do not change the number , called One-pass , with the vibration , Ring , and other businesses .