
  • 网络Volume measurement;volumetric;volumetric measurement;cubing
  1. 16层螺旋CT体积测量评估肝硬化肝叶大小的价值

    The Value of 16 slices Helical CT Volume Measurement in Assessing the Cirrhotic Liver Lobes

  2. 特发性颞叶癫痫的MRI海马体积测量

    Hippocampal volume measurement on MRI in idiopathic temporal lobe epilepsy

  3. 多层螺旋CT肝脏体积测量及其临床应用价值

    Multi-slice spiral CT measurement of liver volume and its clinical value

  4. 年龄相关性记忆缺损者内颞叶结构MR体积测量研究

    MR volumetry of medial temporal lobe structures in subjects with age-associated memory impairment

  5. 多层螺旋CT甲状腺体积测量的可重复性评价

    The reproducibility of thyroid gland volumetry using multi-slice spiral CT

  6. MR对离体肝脏体积测量的实验研究

    MR measurement of the in vitro conserved liver volume for transplantation : experimental study

  7. 螺旋CT甲状腺体积测量的可靠性及临床应用

    Thyroid Gland Volumetry by Spiral Computed Tomography : Reliability Analysis and Clinical Application

  8. 多层螺旋CT三维体积测量法对肺内孤立性小结节的诊断进展

    Quantifying the volume of three-dimensional reconstruction of small solitary pulmonary nodules in multi-slice CT

  9. D-山梨醇肝清除率联合CT肝体积测量评价病肝储备功能

    Evaluation of Liver Functional Reserve by Clearance Rate of D-Sorbitol and Liver Volume Measurement with CT

  10. 基于高分辨率MRI的正常中国成人杏仁核体积测量

    Volumetric Measurement of Amygdala of Chinese Normal Adults Based on the High-resolution MRI

  11. 海马结构的MRI体积测量

    MRI Volumetric Measurement of Hippocampal Formation

  12. 中国汉族健康成人额叶的MRI体积测量研究

    Volumetric Measurement Study of Frontal Lobe on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans in Healthy Chinese Han Adults

  13. 内颞叶结构MR体积测量在Alzheimer病和皮层下血管性痴呆鉴别诊断中的价值

    MR volumetric measurement of medial temporal lobe in differentiating Alzheimer disease and subcortical ischemic vascular dementia

  14. Alzheimer病的海马体积测量及脑组织分割分析的初步研究

    Initial study using MRI volumetry and tissue segmentation in Alzheimer disease

  15. MRI体积测量内嗅皮层萎缩诊断Alzheimer病的价值

    The diagnostic value of entorhinal cortex atrophy by MR volumetry in Alzheimer ′ s disease

  16. 目的研究MR对离体肝脏体积测量的准确度及其在劈离式肝移植中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate a method of using MR to accurately measure the volume of vitro conserved liver , and its value for liver transplantation .

  17. MSCT三维体积测量法对肝移植供体肝体积术前测量的研究

    Research on preoperative MSCT three-dimensional volume measurement of Donor 's liver

  18. 壳核的体积测量可能为早期pd的诊断提供一种有效的方法。

    The volumetric measurement of putamen could possibly be a useful method for diagnosis of PD in early stage .

  19. 目的采用MR体积测量和组织分割分析对Alzheimer病(alzheimerdisease,AD)患者和正常对照组进行研究,探讨其对AD的诊断价值。

    Purpose To explore the role of MR imaging using volumetry and tissue segmentation techniques in diagnosis of Alzheimer disease ( AD ) .

  20. Alzheimer型痴呆临床量表检查与MRI边缘系统体积测量的相关研究

    A Correlative Study of Volume Measurement MRI of Limbic System with Clinical Scale Examinations in Dementia of Alzheimer 's Type

  21. GPSRTK技术在武钢堆料场矿料体积测量中的应用

    Application of GPS RTK technique to the volume surveying of mineral material in Wuhan Steel and iron company

  22. 本文对39例颞叶癫痫和14例额叶癫痫患者,进行了MRI海马结构体积测量观察。

    Volume of hippocampal formation was measured by MRI in 39 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and in 14 patients with frontal lobe epilepsy .

  23. 较短的测量计算用时使MRI海马结构体积测量在相关神经精神疾病诊断中的应用成为可能。

    The shorter time used in measurement made it possible for MRI volumetric measurement of hippocampal formation to be applied in assessment of relevant neuropsychiatric diseases .

  24. 目的颞叶癫痫中海马结构(HF)体积测量的定侧及诊断作用。

    Objective To assess the role of volume measurement of HF ( hippocampal formation ) in lateralization and diagnosis of TLE .

  25. 目的采用16层螺旋CT对肝叶进行体积测量,探讨肝硬化肝脏体积变化的规律及其与肝硬化严重程度之间的关系。

    Objective To measure the hepatic lobes with 16 slices helical CT , and discuss the relationship between the changes of the cirrhotic liver volume and the severity of the disease .

  26. CT三维体积测量(three-dimensionalvolumetricmeasurement)作为一种计算机辅助诊断(computer-AidedDiagnosis,CAD)技术,有助于结节的定性诊断,现已初步应用于临床。

    As a technique of computer-aided diagnosis ( CAD ), three-dimensional volumetric measurement is helpful in the differential diagnosis of lung nodules , and preliminarily applied in some institutions .

  27. 同时应用MRI测量颅腔结构,线性测量包括侧脑室颞角宽度、外侧裂脑沟根部宽度;体积测量包括海马体积、杏仁核体积,并进行统计学分析。

    Volumetric measurements of hippocampal formations ( HF ), amygdala ( AMY ), linear measurements of width of the temporal horn , and width of lateral were detected with MRI .

  28. 大鼠Li-Pilocarpine癫痫模型的MRI与海马体积测量动态研究

    The dynamic study of Li-Pilocarpine epilepsy model on rats by MRI and volumetry of hippocampus

  29. 目的比较内颞叶结构的MRI线性测量与体积测量鉴别阿尔茨海默病(alzheimerdisease,AD)患者与正常者的能力,同时为AD的临床诊断寻找简单实用的影像学测量指标。

    Objective To compare the discriminative ability of MRI linear measurements and volumetric measurements between patients with Alzheimer disease ( AD ) and control subjects , and to evaluate their clinical value .

  30. 结论内颞叶结构的MRI线性测量与体积测量对AD的鉴别均具有较高的敏感度和特异度;

    Conclusion All the MRI volumetric and linear measurements of medial temporal lobe structures have high sensitivity , specificity , and accuracy in the discriminative power between AD patients and control subjects .