
  • 网络invariance principle
  1. 文章从分析违背不变性原则的框架效应入手,从正反框架、确定选择和风险选择、风险规避和风险寻求、高估小概率事件几个方面,全面分析风险决策可能的神经基础。

    The mechanisms and neural basis of framing effects that violate the invariance principle are presented and discussed from the following aspects : positive negative framing , sure choice risk option , risk aversion risk seeking , and over-weighting low probabilities .

  2. 岩石本体变形过程中的孔隙度不变性原则&同任勇和孙艾茵二位作者商榷

    The Principle of Rock Porosity Invariability in Primary Deformation

  3. 文章还对坐标变换过程中的电磁功率不变性原则进行了讨论。

    This paper also discusses the principle of the electromagnetic power unchangeableness to some extent .

  4. 油气藏岩石为致密介质,其变形过程遵循本体变形过程中的孔隙度不变性原则。

    Reservoir rocks are tight media , which deformation process obeys the principle of constant porosity in primary deformation .

  5. 致密岩石弹性变形过程中的孔隙度不变性原则将给储量计算带来很大的方便。

    It is believed that the principle of porosity invariance during process of tight rock elastic deformation will provide a good deal of convenience for OOIP or reserve estimation .

  6. 理论与实验计算结果都表明,在一般情况下,岩石在弹性变形过程中,孔隙度是变化的,孔隙度不变性原则并不成立,因而孔隙度校正是有依据的。

    The results from the theoretical and experimental analyses indicate that the porosity is normally variable during elastic deformation of rock , hence porosity correction has the basis , whereas the principle of porosity invariability is not valid .

  7. 该文将本体论引入构件设计,对构件对象的联系进行本体分析,目的在于为构件对象建立清晰、完整的本体模型,为设计遵守接口不变性原则和具有产品复用性的构件奠定基础;

    Since the understanding and analysis of the association of objects is unclear in traditional modeling , this paper introduces Ontology into component development to develop the component model with semantic clearness and completeness which satisfies the need of reusability of com-ponent products , that is interface consistency .