
  1. 介绍了循环水系统不停车清洗技术的实际应用情况。清洗时间为48h。

    The practical application of washing circulating water system without stopping operation was introduced .

  2. 通过大量的试验研究,研制出适用于中央空调系统敞开循环水系统不停车清洗的专用复合清洗剂HS-906。

    Based on the experiments a appropriative compound cleaner HS-906 for the cleaning of opened recirculation cooling water system of central air-conditioner system was developed .

  3. 循环水处理药剂垢的不停车清洗及效果

    On-line cleaning effect of circulating cooling water treatment chemicals deposition

  4. 化肥厂循环水系统不停车清洗探索

    Discussions of on-line scrubbing of circulating water system of chemical fertilizer plant

  5. 中央空调循环水系统的不停车清洗及水处理技术

    On-line chemical cleaning and water treatment technology of air-conditioner system

  6. 氯气钛制冷却器的不停车清洗

    The no-stopping chemical cleaning in titanium cooler of chlorine gas

  7. 循环冷却水系统不停车清洗技术在我厂的应用

    Application of the no-stopping washing technique in the circulating cool water system

  8. 循环水系统的不停车清洗和预膜

    Cleaning and prefilming of circulation water system without stop working

  9. 电石厂循环冷却水系统的不停车清洗

    Off-line cleaning on cycle-cooling water system in calcium carbide plant

  10. 化工循环水系统的不停车清洗

    Washing chemical circulating water system without stopping operation

  11. 转炉净循环水系统不停车清洗介绍

    Introduction of the cleaning of clean circulating water system for converters without shutting down the system

  12. 多功能清洗预膜剂在工业循环水不停车清洗中的应用

    Application of multifunction cleaning and pretreatment filming agent in industrial circulating water system on-line cleaning process

  13. 棒材净循环冷却水系统不停车清洗水质稳定技术应用

    Application of Water Quality Stabilizing Technique for Washing of the Bar 's Clean Circulation Cooling Water System in Operation

  14. 介绍了中央空调系统敞开循环水系统不停车清洗的研究成果及应用结果。

    The research results and their application results of opened recirculation cooling water system on-line cleaning which for central air-conditioner system were introduced .

  15. 本文主要叙述了重油催化循环水系统在正常运行状态下,采用全有机复合化学清洗剂进行不停车清洗的方案及实施效果。

    This paper studied the scheme and effect of organic compound chemical cleaning agent to mazut catalysis circulating water system when it run normally without shut - down .

  16. 该配方经动态模拟清洗试验和热电厂现场应用证明具有操作简便,清洗效果良好,对设备腐蚀小,适合不停车清洗等特点;

    The prescription has been proved to have the following characteristics such as easy operation , high efficiency , low corrosion and effective cleaning under normal operations by dynamic simulated cleaning experiment and in situ application .

  17. 介绍了循环水处理药剂所形成的有机磷锌垢的在线清洗技术,通过在炼油循环水系统的实际应用,详细阐述了有关在线不停车清洗技术及实施过程。

    This paper introduces the on-line cleaning technique of deposition of organic phosphine and zinc formed by circulating water treatment chemicals and illustrates the related on-line cleaning technique and performance process in details via practical application on oil refining cooling water system .

  18. 重油催化循环水系统的不停车化学清洗

    Unshut - down chemical cleaning of mazut catalysis circulating water system

  19. 不停车化学清洗在炼油厂的应用研究

    Study on the application of on-line chemical cleaning to the refinery

  20. 循环冷却水系统不停车化学清洗技术应用

    Online chemical cleaning technique of LDPE circulating water

  21. 连铸净循环水系统不停车化学清洗和预膜的应用研究

    The on-stream chemical cleaning and prefilming in a clean recirculating cooling water system for continuous casting

  22. 本文还针对无处理的集中供水型老厂介绍了不停车化学清洗与预膜的应用方案与效果,并指出这是循环冷却水处理工艺中不可缺少的重要环节。

    This system is also worth while to the old refinery without water treatment but with a centralized water supply .

  23. 不停车化学清洗在民用煤气压送循环冷却水系统中的应用

    Application of Chemical Cleaning When in Operation in the Circulating Cooling Water System of the Civil Gas Pressure Transport Station

  24. 制氧机冷却循环水系统不停车在线清洗预防空分带水的技术应用

    Application of Waterproof Technology in Air Separation Plant During on-line Washing of Cooling Circulation Water System of Oxygen Plant in Operation