
  1. 听起来有点不可思议吧!这可算是我的独家创意。

    It sounds a little crazy but that is a little of me .

  2. 这是脊椎,就在这里,很不可思议吧?

    And here 's the spine , right here . isn 't that incredible ?

  3. 不同意我的所作所为时,会挑起眉毛。举个例子,最近,我把一个运动健身追踪器放在口袋里,他一直对着我笑(几天前,我向你发誓,他说,“凯瑟琳,抱抱我”。不可思议吧?)

    Of late , for instance , he has been smirking at me and the activity tracker I have clipped to my pocket ( a few days ago , I swear to you , it said " HUG ME KATHRYN . " What ? )

  4. 让我们盘点一下十大最不可思议的月饼吧。

    Let 's have a look at the 10 weirdest mooncakes .

  5. 这挺起来很不可思议,是吧,但这是几年前的我。

    Sounds ridiculous , right . But that was me years ago .

  6. 越狱的主角,有臭名昭著的亡命之徒,有二战中的美国大兵,甚至还有十八世纪的作家,下面就让我们一起见识一下世界上十大最不可思议的越狱吧!

    Whether the work of notorious outlaws , WWII G.I.s , or 18th century writers , the following are the top 10 most incredible prison escapes .