
  • 网络illogically
  1. 任何‘为什么’的问题都没有答案,如果有的话,答案也不合乎逻辑。

    Any " Why " question , has no answer , and if it does , that answer is not logical .

  2. 这听起来似乎不合乎逻辑,但舒适的室内对于你过敏症状的影响往往比室外更糟糕。

    It may not seem logical , but the cozy indoors is often worse for your allergies than the raw outdoors .

  3. 你必须检查,甚至检视我所说的一切对你有没有好处,合不合乎逻辑?

    Examine even everything I say whether it is good for you or not , whether it is logical or not .

  4. 我能检查你想要的说的合不合乎逻辑,而且还会给你机会练习讲话。

    I could check that what you want to say is logical and it would also give you a chance to practice speaking .

  5. 从不可避免的价格崩盘向前倒推,投资者们应该意识到,催生泡沫的期望值链条是不合乎逻辑的,因此这些期望根本不会实现。

    Working backwards from the inevitable collapse , investors should realise that the chain of expectations driving the bubble is illogical and therefore it can never happen .

  6. 直到如今,对那个凶手行刺总统的动机,尚找不出合乎逻辑的证据。

    The evidence of a logical motive of the murderer 's attempt on the life of the President has not yet been gathered .

  7. 问题是,要获得高关注度就要走极端的做法在网络世界或许有道理,但在当下的时装界却不那么合乎逻辑。

    The problem is , to get such attention requires extremes that may make sense in the context of the digital world but are less logical in the current fashion world .

  8. 所以说,难怪普华永道(PwC)最近的一份调查发现,首席执行官们对宏观经济与政治前景感到不安;现在想想,这种不安似乎的确合乎逻辑。

    Little wonder , then , that a recent survey from PwC found chief executives were uneasy about the macro-economic and political outlook ; right now , that looks rational indeed .