
  1. 碧翠丝在书架间浏览时发现了一本奇异的书,是由伊妮德·布莱顿根据法国漫画家让·德·布吕诺夫(JeandeBrunhoff)原创绘本《巴巴的故事》(Babar)改编而成,就买了下来。非买不可。

    Exploring the shelves , Beatrice spotted an odd little novelization Enid Blyton did of the original Babar picture book by Jean de Brunhoff , which she had to have .

  2. 他还喜欢爵士乐,一度当过爵士乐手,与人合著过一本关于爵士、布鲁斯与福音音乐的绘本《哦,苏珊娜》(OSusanna),该书于1959年出版。

    He was a jazz lover , once worked as a jazz musician , and collaborated on O Susanna , an illustrated book on jazz , blues and gospel music published in 1959 .

  3. 论绘本对震灾区儿童心理重建之作用

    Picture Books and Psychological Reconstruction of Children Suffering from Earthquake Disasters

  4. 并对我国绘本的创作提出建议,促使我国绘本创作达到更高的艺术境界。

    And suggestions for the creation of picture books in our country .

  5. 本文首要是对绘本图书及其插图的创作特点进行探讨。

    This paper mainly discusses the production characteristics of picture books and illustration .

  6. 阅读是最好的游戏,绘本是最好的玩具。

    Reading is the Best Game , Picture Book is the Best Toy .

  7. 成人读者对《麦唛麦兜系列》绘本的解读

    Adult Readers ' Interpretation toward " Picture Books of Mcdull and Mcmug "

  8. 这是一本接受了时间的考验而且受到广泛喜爱的绘本。

    This is a well-loved picture book that has truly withstood the test of time .

  9. 2015年《纽约时报》最佳儿童绘本书单如下,按字母顺序排列:

    The 2015 New York Times Best Illustrated Children 's Books are , in alphabetical order :

  10. 绘本是由文字、插图和书籍设计这三大叙事要素紧密交织而成的复合文本。

    Picture book is an interweaving of three narrative elements including text , illustration and book design .

  11. 第一章,概述当代国内外绘本发展状况。

    The first chapter , an overview of developments in contemporary picture books at home and abroad .

  12. 漫画绘本与消费文学

    Cartoon Book and Consumptive Literature

  13. 选取世界经典儿童绘本,带领爸爸妈妈和宝宝一起读书、一起做游戏。

    To read word-classic stories and play games with babies , also to guide parents to do so .

  14. 周六的毛毛虫班已完成了比尔熊系列书,准备开始读其他的绘本了。

    The Saturday Caterpillars have now finished the Bear books and are beginning to read other picture books .

  15. 儿童绘本作为插画艺术中的一个分支,散发着它独特的艺术魅力。

    As a branch of illustration arts , picture books for children are exuding a unique artistic charm .

  16. 作为一种新的文学艺术形式的绘本具有特殊的性质和特征。

    As a new kind of literary and artistic form , picture books have special nature and characteristics .

  17. 我国绘本的发展是从儿童绘本开始,扩展到成人领域。

    The development of picture books in China began from the children field and then spread to the adult one .

  18. 早期阅读是以学前儿童为接受、理解主体,以低幼绘本为主要阅读对象的理解性学习活动。

    To help children understand , teachers would use pictures , videos and other approaches in the early childhood reading .

  19. 本研究结果显示:一、「词汇导向之绘本教学」对国小学习障碍学生,在词汇能力测验上,具有立即成效与保留成效。

    The study explores students'progress on the performance of vocabulary ability test , reading fluency test , and reading comprehension test .

  20. 我记得很清楚,是因为我刚写完每年一次纪念苏斯博士逝世周年的诗歌。(苏斯博士:美国著名儿童教育绘本作家,逝世于1991年9月24日)

    I remember it distinctly because I had just composed my annual poem commemorating the anniversary of Dr. Seuss 's death .

  21. 昨晚当雨落下,灵感突降的我想到了一副很酷的景象,可以用作绘本的第二页。

    Last night as the rain fell and my mind wandered I got a really cool image for the second picture .

  22. 优秀的绘本以单纯质朴的形态,反映了童心的纯真、生命的哲理、处世的方法和自然的意趣。

    In a pure and pristine way , excellent picture books reflect the childlike innocence , life philosophy and natural charm .

  23. 现在我们了解它作为一部作品,最清楚地展现了绘本作为一种文学形式其中的诗意。

    Now we recognise it as the work that most clearly demonstrates the poetics of the picture book as a literary form .

  24. 漫画绘本成为消费文学的新宠,离不开阅读、销售与娱乐因素的促成;

    Cartoon book becomes a new favorite of consumptive literature , it depends on the reading , the selling and the entertainment .

  25. 它既包容了一部分高雅的经典视觉艺术作品,也包容了当下以绘本、影视、广告、动漫为代表的大众文化样式。

    It concludes both classical visual artistic works and some mass culture modes represented by drawing books , movie Tv , advertisement and cartoon .

  26. 第一节简要综述绘本研究主要成果、阐述选题意义及创新点。

    Section I provides a brief overview of the major achievements in Picture-book studying , explain the meaning and innovation points of the topic .

  27. 该绘本作为成功范例,能够提供读者共鸣与想象的空间,创造双向的阅读体验。

    As the picture books is a successful example . It provides resonance with readers and the space to imagine and create double-sided reading experience .

  28. 在选题上,原创儿童绘本倾向于传统文化的传承以及教育、学习等功利性强的题材上,而关于更深层次的能力和情感的培养的题材不多。

    On the topic choice , the original picture books tend to choose themes like traditional culture heritage , education , learning and other utilitarian strong theme .

  29. 提出以下解决方案:吸收与融通国外绘本创作的先进经验、注重绘本创作的独创性和真情实感、重视绘本创作人才的培养。

    Propose the following solutions : mutual absorption and intermediation ; emphasis on originality and the true feeling in Picture-book creating ; attention to encourage creative talents .

  30. 好的作品应该是源于生活并且高于生活的,因此我希望可以将周围生活中的真人真事情融入到我的绘本插画作品中。

    Good works should come from life and go beyond life , so I hope to place real people and real events into my drawing illustration works .